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Taran Wanderer
Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
25 posts | 55 read | 12 to read
Taran Wanderer, the fourth book in Lloyd Alexander's The Chronicles of PrydainTaran is an Assistant Pig-Keeper no longer--he has become a hero. Now he dreams of winning the hand of Princess Eilonwy, but how can someone who has spent his whole life caring for a pig hope to marry royalty? Taran must find out who he really is. Eager to learn his origins and hoping to discover noble roots, Taran sets off with the faithful Gurgi.The journey takes the companions to the three witches in the Marshes of Morva and through the many realms of Prydain. At last they reach the mystical Mirror of Llunet, which reveals a person's true identity. Yet Taran may not be ready to face the truth. . . .Includes a new pronunciation guide.
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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1. Definitely the Challenger explosion. I was home sick that day and heard it first on the radio. Also, when the movie The Day After, about nuclear war, debuted on TV.

2. Trying to stick with the library! But I have a rule that pre-orders for my favorite authors don't count...

3. The Prydain Cycle and anything else by Lloyd Alexander. I always loved to read but those books were magic.


Eggs #2 - that‘s me too! Thanks for the great responses 📚👏🏻❣️ 3y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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A whole book about Taran wandering Prydain trying to find out his parentage, but learning so much more along the way. This has a lot of growth for Taran, the lesson he learned that I loved most was that “even he is capable of horrible thoughts but how he acts after those thoughts are who he truly desires to be” it‘s presented & taught that it‘s human nature to think in both “good & evil” but how we act in response to them is the important aspect.

Sweetkokoro While this one may have been full of a ton of “side-quests” for Taran, I felt they were important as each one helped Taran learn and grow and understand who he wants to be . I was sad that it was the 2nd book in a row with no Eilonwy but I understand why she wasn‘t present as this is all about Taran and his growth. 3y
Moonprismpower I haven‘t read his series or author. Is it a book I could read without having read the others? 3y
Sweetkokoro @Moonprismpower Alexander himself in his author notes (in each book) says that he wrote Prydain as both self contained chronicles and a story in a larger pattern. So I would say it‘s safe to read it by itself. This is specifically focused on Taran and even with what you learn if you start there and go back I feel it would be fine, each book really does stand well on its own. 3y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander

Great series but this was the weakest one so far. Taran goes in search of his parents and gets into a lot of situations which gets a bit repetitive at times.

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Day 1 of #7Days7Covers. Thanks for the tag, @sudi !

I know I don‘t have to explain, but I want y‘all to know this cover gave me a lifelong obsession with artist Jody Lee. 10-year-old me saved up so I could replace my copies of the rest of the Chronicles of Prydain with her covers, and my heart still sings when I see her stuff. I think she works exclusively for DAW these days.

sudi That's a good pick 💜 5y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk What a great cover and a great Gurgi! 5y
xicanti @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Jodi Lee does my favourite Gurgi. 5y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Hevydd the Smith & Dwyvach the Weaver use different metaphors to explain their views on life, but both value #effort. #QuotsyApr19

RealBooks4ever Heh heh. Spiders. 🕷💜 5y
rretzler Love that series. My sons and I were just talking about it this evening 5y
TK-421 @rretzler I‘m enjoying it. I really wish I had read it as a child, though. I feel like I missed out! 5y
rretzler Me, too. I first read it when I read it to my sons, 4 or 5 years ago. 5y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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@gradcat you requested more #catwithbook pics so here‘s what Minerva‘s up to today. Not quite #KAL-worthy since I was able to slide the books out from under her this time. #CatsofLitsy #ReadingBuddy

hermyknee 😻 5y
gradcat Minerva is quite the beauty! Love the picture (and her, naturally!). Hope you guys are having a good day! 😻 I believe that counts as #kal , right? (edited) 5y
TK-421 @gradcat Thank you! 5y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander

Finished this with the kiddo this morning. A departure from the adventure stories of the first three, but definitely a good one. This is the story of Taran‘s maturity, of learning what it means to be a man, not just older. At times thrilling and at others heartbreaking, Taran‘s quest is a new level of depth in the series.

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander

Good but repetitive at times

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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And these are the books I grabbed from Book Outlet for myself. The Strays is a book I loved and wanted to own a copy of, and I‘ve been slowly collecting these special editions of the Black Cauldron series! #bookoutlethaul

Chrissyreadit I love that cover of Taran Wanderer! Where did you get those additions? 6y
alysonimagines I love the Taran Wanderer cover too! Also Just My Type is an interesting book for type nerds. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm These are great covers! 💚 6y
batsy So pretty 😍 6y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander

I‘ve been reading the series to my daughter (now five, but we started the first book when she was four). We read other series and stand-alone books interspersed, too.

We‘ve been reading Taran Wanderer for a little over a week, and it‘s been a couple months since we read the previous title.

Yesterday she insisted on staging a play of The Castle of Llyr with her dolls, so for two days we‘ve been assigning roles and adapting the story. Love my kid.

DivineDiana What fun! 6y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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I was FURIOUS at this book when l first read it as a child. As an adult, it's one of my favorites. Alexander has such love for his characters, and writes their arcs of maturation without preaching or heavy-handedness. This is an all-around lovely tale.

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Book 4 of the chronicles of Prydain reads like a cross between a prequel and a collection of short stories though it is neither. It centers on the main protagonist of the series (Taran) and is a 'finding oneself' book. The weakest of the series so far, though I am happy I read it. It adds to the overall series, though not much.

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Nice to be finished with the fourth installment in listening to the Chronicles of Prydain! Though this isn‘t my favorite of the five books, I think I appreciated this one more this time around! And great for #audiocoloring!!

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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1. I've reread the Chronicles of Prydain 11x and both Sandman & the Vampire Chronicles 10x.
2. Pad Thai!
3. You should watch Jane the Virgin if you like diverse things and bright colours and great characters and evil twins and Crime Lord Mothers and WILD PLOT TWISTS and women with different attitudes towards sex and seriously good family dynamics and turquoise hotels.
4. Y'all know tagging people stresses me out.

#TuesdayTidbits @JenlovesJT47

xicanti Sidebar: I'm DEEPLY OFFENDED Taran Wanderer only has 91% on Litsy because it's CLEARLY THE BEST BOOK. I firmly believe in acknowledging peoples' divergent opinions on literature in almost all cases, but this is one of my exceptions. (Another: Nighteyes is the best wolf in fantasy. If you think otherwise, you are wrong wrong wrong.) 6y
JenlovesJT47 Hoping to read the Sandman soon!! ❤️ 6y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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A blustery day perfect for reading!

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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The ol' title drop.

Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Happy Sunday!

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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Reading with my lil buddy.

EchoLogical 😻 7y
DGRachel Ack! Super cute!! 7y
Jabberwocky Precious! 7y
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jfalkens 😻😻 7y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
DebinHawaii Love that face! 🐱❤️ 7y
Texreader Oh so cute!! 7y
Ms_T How sweet! 7y
AmyG Awwwww 😺 7y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Of the many stories I wish I had also read when I was younger, this series is one.

ErikasMindfulShelf I liked this series when I was a kid! 7y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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What better or more powerful #journey than the one Taran takes through the land of Prydain, seeking to learn who he truly is? His journey is both physical and mental, literal and metaphorical. In the end he learns both far less and far more than he hoped, and I believe I learned important lessons from this book when I was a child, as well. #jubilantjuly

aeeklund YES! I love these books - and the journey Taran takes to adulthood - so, so much!! 7y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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Moving forward in the Chronicles of Prydain (#4). I'm glad I took a break between books 3 and 4. This story is different than those that came before, though it's no less good.
#KBReads #audio #fantasy

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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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#samebookdifferentcover #aprilbookshowers

Pulled from my boyfriends collection. I'm sure he has another version, or two, somewhere.

Bradleygirl Aw, the best! 7y
Clare-Dragonfly Hmm... I'm pretty sure the bottom left one is the version I read as a kid! I have a totally different cover in my collection today. 7y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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I loved this one. Just raced through it. So much wisdom and truth in one small volume. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

readinginthedark I love this series! 8y
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Taran Wanderer | Lloyd Alexander
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I'm only a chapter into this one and I'm already enthralled. I can see why Sarah J Maas says "I think I learned nearly every meaningful life lesson from Taran Wanderer." Lovers of high fantasy, get into this series!

youngish-adult Oooh I want to check this out!! 8y
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