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I was really in the mood for some #NF today / I admit I only understand 1/3 of what‘s going on but I‘m still captivated 🤩 Tonight the Jewish holiday of Sukkot begins - im busy decorating our sukkah and of course MORE COOKING!!! Chag Sameach to anyone who‘s celebrating tonight 🍋🌾

IndoorDame Chag sameach! 10mo
keithmalek Oh, that sounds fascinating! 10mo
AmyG Chag Sameach…have a wonderful holoday. 10mo
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Singout Chag Sameach! 10mo
Cinfhen Thanks, I‘m so excited 😊 I love sukkot 💚💛💚 @AmyG @IndoorDame @Singout 10mo
Cinfhen It‘s REALLY good @keithmalek 🤯🤯 10mo
Read-y_Picker Gorgeous sukkah OMG!! 10mo
LeahBergen It‘s looking gorgeous! 10mo
Megabooks Yay! I didn‘t know much about this holiday before we became friends. 💜💜 have a blessed time! 10mo
Centique I love finding out about Jewish holidays & traditions from you! Like @Megabooks says i hadnt heard of this before i met you. Have a wonderful celebration - it looks amazing! 10mo
Cinfhen Thanks friends!!! I hosted 16 for lunch today in the sukkah and we had plenty of room!!! Also no bees 🐝!!! So a total win @Read-y_Picker @LeahBergen @Megabooks @Centique 10mo
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Well after a whole 20 days, I broke this years #bookbuyingban, but these were all thrifted so I‘m okay with it. I got 8 books for $20, so I‘m calling it a win. Lights Out Tonight was picked up for a future #BackListReadathon where I focus on reading all my Mary Higgins Clark books. Curse of the Dream Witch was picked for #MiddleGradeMarch, and the tagged #NF looks right up my alley!

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#12Booksof2022 - October @Andrew65 This #NF account of the 2013-14 Ebola outbreak was RIVETING!!!! Preston traces the history of Ebola & examines its origins through the telling of personal narratives. It‘s such a powerful first hand account. Once again I‘m awed by the medical workers, specifically nurses & doctors who risk their lives in order to save, treat & care for others. Outstanding audio.

Andrew65 Sounds brilliant, I will keep an eye out for this one. 2y
Megabooks I‘m so glad you got me to read this!! 🫶🏻 2y
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Librarybelle Hooray! 2y
Cinfhen It‘s VERY detailed and it‘s over 15 hours on audio @Librarybelle so I think some skimming might take place 😁😉 2y
Librarybelle Nothing wrong with skimming! 2y
Cinfhen Hahaha 🫶🏼thanks @Librarybelle 2y
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I‘m really enjoying my #NonFictionNovember reads …I‘ve lost count, but I think I‘ve read close to 25 #NF titles already🤓 I bailed on Young Mungo today but only because the Irish accent was too difficult to follow. I‘ll definitely pick it up in print for #ToB23 longlist 😁 I loved the Strayed and the Horn gave me a lot to think about. Red Sea Spies was a crazy true story, Barbizon was fantastic and Dinosaurs was surprisingly good.

TrishB A great week 👍🏻 2y
Megabooks Excellent week! 2y
Cinfhen November has been an excellent month of reading @TrishB @Megabooks 🧡🎉 2y
BarbaraBB Fab week! 2y
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You don‘t need to love US football to love this book! Originally published in the late 1980‘s this #NF narrative tale follows a team of HS students in Odessa, Texas where 🏈 reigns supreme and a town‘s pride & hope is pinned to the players & coaches. It‘s also a look at race, economics, education, dreams, potential and disappointment. The new edition has a “what happened to 25 years later” which was heartbreaking in some ways. Outstanding audio

Alfoster Oh yes, so enjoyed this book (and the tv series as my husband a high school football coach too)! 2y
Cinfhen I never watched the TV series or movie @Alfoster but I‘ve heard both are fantastic 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2y
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All Rise | Nick Offerman
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This was more like "watching" a live performance or listening to a podcast. But I did feel uncomfortable with some of the jokes because I wasn't sure how serious some of what he said was. His jokes seem to be grounded in sarcasm and many made me chuckle but when he was taking a more #political stance like abt race and sexuality, I felt like I couldn't figure out if he was laughing at or with, ya know? Eh, but the concept is very interesting #nf

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Ever wonder if that person on tinder is neurotic? Too outgoing? Empathic?

Winsberg is an in-house psychiatrist at Facebook, so she has seen A LOT of texts! She breaks down, with real examples, what texts tell you when meeting someone in a dating app (majority of book) but also when you‘re in a new relationship or when it‘s failing. The audiobook is full cast and very well done. Probably a #BorrowNotBuy but I give it a 👍🏻.

Cinfhen Not really grabbing my attention 🤷🏼‍♀️ im sort of in a #NF slump / maybe it‘s just everything going on right now but fluff is just easier for me 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen all I want is NF when times are tough…like now. So comforting for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ different readers, different needs 😘😘 2y
Cinfhen So interesting and so true ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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#AAM just started #NF #Hoopla

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#pop21 #aGemMineralOrRockInTitle #NF #Audio #Hoopla Robin Miles is such a great narrator and Doris Payne is one spunky lady, although she‘s legitimately a thief “Just because you give something a different name doesn‘t mean it‘s something different.” So far I‘m enjoying this audacious story. Have you listened to this one @Megabooks @Reviewsbylola

Megabooks No not yet. 3y
Hooked_on_books LOVE Robin Miles! She‘s one of my favorite audio readers. 3y
Reviewsbylola No, this one is unfamiliar to me! 3y
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Cinfhen I think you‘d LOVE this @Reviewsbylola and Doris lives in Cleveland, so she‘s a hometown girl 😉 3y
Cinfhen Robin Miles is EXCELLENT @Hooked_on_books it‘s funny/ I‘m now becoming a narrator fan girl 🥰 3y
Hooked_on_books It‘s easy to do! I initially didn‘t pay much attention to narrator‘s when I was starting into audiobooks, circa 2016, but now, yes! I haven‘t developed any strong narrator dislikes, but there are certain narrators that can get me to try a book if I‘m wavering. 3y
Cinfhen EXACTLY @Hooked_on_books who are some of your favorites??? 3y
Hooked_on_books Other than Robin, I‘m a fan of Bahni Turpin (do I even need to say that?), Nancy Wu, Dion Graham 😍, plus Dominic Hoffman and Nicole Lewis are becoming favorites. How about you? 3y
Cinfhen Marin Ireland, Julia Whelan, January Lavoy, Imogen Church of course Bahni & Dion and I like Michael Beck for a white southern male accent. I‘m sure there are more I‘m forgetting/ @Hooked_on_books
Cinfhen Im not familiar with Nicole Lewis or Nancy Wu @Hooked_on_books 3y
Hooked_on_books Nicole Lewis has done A Space Between Worlds, Such a Fun Age, A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor, Office of Historical Corrections. And Nancy Wu did Severance and The Iron Will of Genie Lo plus many more I haven‘t listened to as they aren‘t quite my preferred genre (a fair amount of fantasy like Warcross). 3y
Cinfhen I haven‘t listened to ANY of those books @Hooked_on_books but I looked on Audible and I have listened to both narrators @Hooked_on_books 3y
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