Does this need to exist? No. Did I hate it? No.
3.5 ⭐️
Author imagines what book characters to celebs would be carrying in their purse/bag. I was stumped on a few. Interesting concept. Lots of fun.
1. I always have my iPhone with me, and it‘s chock full of books. If I‘m going to be somewhere I know I have to wait, then I also bring my iPad Mini or Kindle Paperwhite. Knowing I have books with me is my security blanket. 😊
2. I use the library for ebooks and audiobooks. If I want a physical book, I buy it.
3. See #2. 😊
This was such a funny book! Esthetically easy on the eyes too. Jacobson created a book about what people might carry in their bags. These people included both real (past and present) and fictional characters like Willy Wonka and PeeWee Herman. This was a favorite: Oprah. #dogsoflitsy #dottie #mayreads
Found on the new book shelf at my local library this week. So funny! We need more pictures books for grown ups.
My little book bag collection has grown in the last year. I #blameitonlitsy! I got the Random House one at their Open House event in December. It huge and has a zipper at the top. The other two are bags I bought so I can represent! #marchintoreading #bookbag
#MarchintoReading I love totes!!! Here is a new #bookbag I received from @WanderingBookaneer with the cutest bookish buttons 💜😊💜I love being a part of this community and NOT just for the awesome gifts....oooo, #summerbookexchange sign up is soon 💞right @BookishMarginalia ?!? Can't wait
"I have always been intrigued by what people carry around with them."
"I like how people organize their things, their wallets, their cars, their bags, etc. We are curating our worlds almost constantly with the items we choose to bring with us." -- Abbi Jacobson
If my own personal tote bag were proof of this, you'd think I suffer from separation anxiety from my books and bullet journals!
You'd be right.
Took myself out on a pre-Valentine's Day date and chose to surround myself with #pinkbooks for Day 13 of @bookriot's #riotgrams
Let's dive into some of these beauties, shall we?
If you're looking for a light, whimsical read, this is the book for you. Full of drawings about things the author imagines celebrities and fictional characters would carry with them on their person. Don don is featured and it's hilarious.
You don't really "read" this book, but I imagine that you look at it over and over again and discover something new every time! I highly recommend that everyone gives this a look as it will surely give you a laugh and a smile!
Totally knew whose this was before I saw the keychain...hot sauce in my bag #swag. This book is genius and delightful! As Questlove said in his review, like Where's Waldo for adults 😍
Just spent an hour or so enjoying a shiny new library copy of #CarryThisBook by Abbi Jacobson. Full of hilarious speculations about what famous people are/were carrying around. The Amelia Earhart spread made me laugh pretty hard.
I've been reading this a couple of pages a day. Just finished and because it is today, I'll just share one picture.
Not Halloween related, but this page is scary! If you haven't seen this book, the author imagines what might be in the purses and pockets of real or fictional people. It is very cool.
Today I got to see Abbi Jacobson & Samantha Irby talk about this book and their new upcoming show! They kept us laughing the whole time.
Abbi's book is a fun read. She's imagined what famous people (real & fictional) carry in their bags, purses, etc. You do need to know some pop culture though. If you've never watched Friends or Parks and Rec, you might not get the references.
Sooooo you should probably watch those shows. And Broad City. 😆
Jacobson brings to life actual and imagined items found in the pockets and purses, bags and glove compartments of real and fantastical people.
What kind of protein bars does Michelle Obama hide in her tiny clutch at the White House Correspondents‘ Dinner?
Carry This Book provides a humorous and insightful look into how the things we carry around every day can make up who we are.
#TBR 😂📚
Looks funny and light-hearted.
To the shelf we go!
#Giveaway alert! Win a #freecopy of CARRY THIS BOOK, "a wonderfully weird and weirdly wonderful illustrated look at the world around us" by Broad City co-creator Abbi Jacobson! Enter the contest here: http://bit.ly/2dOFW4g #JewLit