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Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End
Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
Following Star Wars: Aftermath and Star Wars: Life Debt, Chuck Wendig delivers the exhilarating conclusion to the New York Times bestselling trilogy set in the years between Return of the Jedi andThe Force Awakens.
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4/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑


Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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This trilogy definitely improved over time. While not an essential story, it is a compelling story and excels in exploring a galaxy in transition after the success of the rebellion. Perhaps due to a lack of planning, the conclusion is extremely vague, but I enjoyed my time with these books. (Maul was not involved, but I had to share this Lego portrait that I finished last night!)

RedxoHearts Oh that's cool looking! It's kind of like diamond painting that I do. 5mo
Mimi28 That‘s awesome dude! 5mo
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Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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#maythefourthbewithyou #maythefourth
I spent today in my Maul socks. I went to see Episode I on the big screen. I am working on the Maul picture of the Lego Art Sith set and listening to the tagged audiobook. And I get to express my love of Star Wars everyday with my Jedi wedding band from @WildAlaskaBibliophile

TheBookgeekFrau Happy Star Wars Day!! 5mo
KadaGul May the 4th Be With You. 🛸#StarWars 5mo
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I'm still not a huge fan of the series but it was a good ending. Makes the perfect read before a rewatch of the new movies 😁

#StarWarsBuddyRead #BookSpinBingo


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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A great ending to a great trilogy. I loved these books that were set shortly after The Return of the Jedi and tell how the Rebels become the new Republic and fight to finish off the Empire 🧡
#StarWarsBuddyRead I know I'm a bit ahead.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#LittensDressedInBlood @MidnightBookGirl

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Right! I loved seeing how all those ships ended up wrecked on Jakku! 4y
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Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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Lumpy got his own chapter!

Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc

Not as good as Life debt but still much improved over Aftermath

Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc

Mostly satisfying. I feel like most things (not all, but most) were wrapped up and explained the lead-in to The Force Awakens. There was a slightly disappointing lack of tension that I don‘t fault the author for. I should read more Star Wars books.

Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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#BookMail Pt3 The 3rd & last book in the Aftermath trilogy. Norra Wesley‘s team have tracked Grand Admiral Rae Sloane to the planet of Jakku, not realizing that a fleet of Star Destroyers are in orbit around the planet. Norra & the bounty hunter Jas head down to the surface chasing the Admiral, while the rest of her team escape to Chandrila to warn General Organa about the fleet. #JulysHugeBookSplurge

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Found a #kindle touch at the Goodwill today for $5! I'm way too excited about it. I don't have a lot of Amazon books, but I have some. Mostly it's handy for easy book lending from the library. Unfortunately, the power button doesn't work.

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I'm glad I finally got to see (or hear) how these characters' story ended, but this final volume felt loooooong. The standard Star Wars corniness bugged me a little more than it usually does, too.

That said, I did have fun with it and the audio production was great.

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This puzzle took me a bit longer than usual due to the aggressive inactivity thing I adopted to kick my cold, but I finally finished it last night. Only a couple left in the pile. #audiopuzzling

CouronneDhiver I miss puzzling! Maybe I‘ll start one again this week. So relaxing 7y
AmyG It‘s pretty. 7y
Eggs Love puzzles 😍 7y
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I needed something that'd be both filling and easy on my sore throat, so I put my audiobook on and cooked up a beef & rice skillet with extra rice and bonus zucchini. It was excellent sick people food, and now I won't have to cook again for a couple days. #audiocooking

AlaMich Good Lord, you COOK when you‘re sick?? That is just wrong!! 🤒🤧 7y
xicanti @AlaMich it was either cook or eat scratchy taquitos, so I decided to spend the twenty minutes or so this took. And now I'm set for supper tomorrow and Sunday, too! 7y
TricksyTails Yum!! You always make me so hungry! Hope you feel better soon! 7y
RebelReader Sometimes you just need real food when you're not feeling well. Feel better! 7y
AlaMich @xicanti it does look awfully tasty...😊 7y
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I made tasty, tasty kale with spinach fettuccine while I listened to some more of my Star Wars audio. If you think you dislike kale, you've gotta try it braised with fat (I use bacon, but a good vegetable oil also works), stock (chicken, beef, or veggie), minced garlic, and maybe some red pepper flakes. It's delish. I usually top it with crumbled bacon or sliced sausage, too, for even more awesome flavour. #audiocooking

tracyrowanreads I will remember that. I've got a recipe for crispy white beans with kale and have been looking for a way to punch it up a bit. Thanks 7y
SandyW Sounds delish. @tracyrowanreads I second lots of garlic and some fat. Sometimes I throw in a can of diced tomatoes too. 7y
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Chrissyreadit @tracyrowanreads yum! Beans and kale. 7y
xicanti @tracyrowanreads mmmm, that sounds good. 7y
TricksyTails Bacon grease + garlic = magic! 7y
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New puzzle; new audiobook. I've been trying to squeeze the print edition of this one into my reading schedule for about a year, so I'm mighty glad the FVRL has it on audio. All the Star Wars books have music and sound effects, too, which makes them extra fun to listen to. #audiopuzzling

Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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100% what my cruddy Monday needed: Reading in bed with chocolate... 💯📚🍫

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BB-8 has competition for the position of best New Republic droid.

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The dialogue in this series is great in audiobook format because it is written by Chuck Wendig and performed by Marc Thompson. Couldn't wait for my audiobook hold to come in, so I went ahead and borrowed the ebook. But I can still hear Thompson switching between the plummy ex-Imperial and the bratty teenager and it's delightful, even though it's slowing my pace.

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My night: Space book, space blanket, Space Invader... 📚💫🐱#littenkitten #catsoflitsy

Libby1 😻 7y
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Book 5 of #24in48 finished! I'm at just under 22hr and eager to finish another book or two


Sorry no pic. I've been away from Litsy for a few weeks and just realized I never posted any thoughts/review on this one when I finished it...

Great conclusion to the trilogy. I didn't learn as much about this “in-between” period as I'd hoped, but I really enjoyed the journey just the same, and fell in love with many of the characters that Wendig created for his books. If you're on the fence, don't listen to the haters - read it for yourself :)

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Onward! The end of the trilogy.

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I was at a book store today and was literally shocked for a second seeing Star Wars books. I've gotten so used to the Marc Thompson narration I kinda forgot they exist as physical books.

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The McNally Robinson SFF section's central table has a fair few colouring books on it right now, plus lots of oh-so pretty books.

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LOVED these audiobooks, which are more like radio plays than a traditional recording. This last book was a delight, and I loved all the connections it made with TFA at the end. I laughed, I cried, I PREFORMED VIOLENCE, I enjoyed the crap out of it!

awishman I LOVED this trilogy so much. The audio is amazeballs. And I flat out burst into tears when Mr. Bones met his end. 😭 And OMG, I love Sinjir's arc. 8y
Somasis @awishman Right? I kept thinking Bones isn't gone, they'll find enough to rebuild him, of course they will, they always have before, he'll be okay, he just will. 😭 Total denial. Plus, I was really sad that Jas didn't get her happy ending. 8y
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Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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It's been a while since I posted something! But I've returned!
Empire's End was an amazing ending to the trilogy and gave some incite into how the First Order came to be. #starwars

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just finished this one yesterday myself! 8y
Asongofcatsandbooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about Lumpawarro being brought back into the canon. 8y
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Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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A satisfying conclusion to this trilogy and the ensemble of characters we have been following...although I have to admit the pregnant Leia and Han parts, plus the incomparable Mr Bones were some of my favorites.

Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig, Author Name Tbc
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One audiobook finished, time for the next one from the library....and shifting gears to some for-fun fiction this time.

I must give the Star Wars audiobooks' props, no matter how good or bad the plot goes, the audiobooks always have great sound effects plus John William's score to back it all up, I wish more fiction/fantasy audios had the same budget for such fabulous "extras". This one finishes up this trilogy too, let's hope it wraps up well!

awishman I loved this entire trilogy, but know it's divisive. I thought Empire's End was a phenomenal conclusion. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @awishman Good to know! I have high expectations, I love how they've used this trilogy and Bloodlines to fill in some of the time period between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. 8y
josie281 Did you read The Perfect Weapon? I'm not a Star Wars diehard but I am a Delilah Dawson fan. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @josie281 No I have not, but I'll look for that one now. Thank you. 8y
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Chuck Wendig is my favorite author writing Star Wars these days. Such a satisfying end to the series.

TieDyeDude I didn't hear much love for Aftermath, so I put this series at the bottom of my TBR list, but now I'm heading good things about the other two... 8y
ssravp @GoodForCirculation the series just kept getting better. 8y
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That feeling when Barnes and Noble emails you about your friend's upcoming book release #goChuckgo #StarWarsAftermath #EmpiresEnd

[DELETED] 546088815 Counting the days until the release! My inner nerd was filled with delight and wonder by the first 2 books. Hadn't been so happy about Star Wars since 1983. Seriously! 8y
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