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Overwhelmed: How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity | Kathi Lipp, Cheri Gregory
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"I Don't Even Know Where to Start!" Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering if it's possible to move from "out of my mind" to "in control" when you've got too many projects on your plate and too much mess in your relationships? Kathi and Cheri want to show you five surprising reasons why you become stressed, why social media solutions don't often work, and how you can finally create a plan that works for you. As you identify your underlying hurts, uncover hope, and embrace practical healing, you'll become equipped to... trade the to-do list that controls you for a calendar that allows space in your lifedecide whose feedback to forget and whose input to invitereplace fear of the future with peace in the present You can simplify and savor your lifeguilt free! Clutter, tasks, and relationships may overwhelm you now, but God can help you overcome with grace.
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Book-related things that give me anxiety:

1) Finishing a book and not knowing what I should read next, because my TBR is overwhelming.
2) That I can never possibly read all of the books that I own in my lifetime, even if I never get another book ever again.
3) That I can't support everyone I know who writes books by buying their books.
4) What if something untimely happens and the book I'm currently reading is my last?

Just to name a few.

dariazeoli I so get you and this list. 7y
callielafleur @dariazeoli ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
JoRead #4 😅 That is some serious stuff. The struggle is real! 7y
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MicheleinPhilly I‘m right there with you. 7y
callielafleur @JoRead Yeah. Sadly it really does keep me up at night, to use a tired expression. As silly as that is! 7y
AmyG I thought the other day....If I knew I were going to die, I would be so sad that I didn‘t read all the books I have. Yeah, I understand this. 7y
erinreads Same. Same. Same. Same. Loving books is so hard sometimes. They just never stop coming. 😱 7y
cherinium Yes! Me in a nutshell. @Catiebugs Didnt I just talk to you about these fears? 7y
Catiebugs @cherinium yes!!! And this post is so accurate! Not that it would matter because I‘d be dead, but I‘m terrified of dying in the middle of a series! 7y
callielafleur @Catiebugs Yes! Especially series that aren't done yet, so I have no control over if I'll be able to finish them (I'm looking at you, Patrick Rothfuss)! 7y
AmberWB All of these! I remember the first time I walked into a Barnes & Noble, almost being depressed because I could never read all of the books! 7y
PacingTheCage You read my mind! 😲 7y
Carolhreads Why is this so true !! 7y
Cailey_Mac I just hope in whatever version of the afterlife there might be, my tbr can come with me and I can continue on reading 😅📖 7y
readordierachel Yes, to all of these! Especially no. 1. What if I choose the wrong book??? 7y
JoRead @callielafleur oh, I believe you. People really don't understand how the mind of a bookworm works 😓 7y
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Littens are amazing. I‘m still drunk off the #LitsyHandle and #LitsyAvatar threads. Thanks so much for playing along and indulging me. I really tried to read and respond to everyone‘s post. Apologies if I missed you. I‘m still working through the avatar posts. A few things I learned:

1. You are soooo creative, funny and talented!
2. I seriously screwed up some handles!
3. Litsy really is the best social media platform!

Wife It was fun reading all the posts. I feel like a got to know a few Littens a little better ❤️ 7y
TrishB It was good fun 😁 7y
Ddzmini Yes I read most of them and know that reading them made me feel Litsy is the best app ever😝 I don‘t use other apps anymore 🤣📚📚📚 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm Brilliant of you to initiate it. It was interesting and fun to read the posts! 😊 7y
Cathythoughts Thankyou it was a lovely idea. So interesting & also lovely to see Littens pics 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
tif ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Jerdencon It was so much fun! 7y
Mollyanna It was so fun reading how everyone came up with their handles and the stories behind their avatars. Thanks for the great idea. 7y
LeshaMac I missed it 7y
Chelleo @LeshaMac you can still post...there‘s no timeframe 7y
SilversReviews That was so fun...loved hearing the stories. @Chelleo 7y
Chelleo @LeshaMac you can also check out the posts by following the hashtags 7y
LeshaMac @Chelleo I'm going to check it out because I'm lost lol 7y
ApoptyGina69 Hi! How have I missed following you all this time? Great posts today. Looking forward to getting to know you and read what you‘re up to. 🤩👍📚 7y
Chelleo @ApoptyGina69 Hi 👋🏾 glad to meet cha! 7y
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My desk doesn‘t look too bad because most of what I need to do today is on the computer but I‘m so overwhelmed. And I have to take stuff home with me because I need to call a bunch of people but it occurred to me that they‘re also all at work so illl need to call them this evening. 😬 and all I want to do is READ! Whine over—thanks for listening Littens.

Balibee146 I feel your pain.... Hope it all goes smoothly.... Deep breath 😘😘 7y
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I am sooo behind on book reviews! And I have sooo many books I need/want to read, and I start a graduate certificate program next week so not sure how much reading for pleasure time I'll actually have for a while ☹️☹️☹️☹️

wellreadredhead Same here. I start my MA while also teaching this upcoming week 7y
Merethebookgal @collegecatlady Good luck! I'm pretty nervous since I've been out of school so long and having to juggle it with my job will be a new challenge, but I'm hoping it won't completely take over my life 😅 7y
jmtrivera You'll figure it out! Balancing is hard, but doable. 7y
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What do you do when you realize that your 'currently reading' pile has overgrown to be very scary?I take it as a personal challenge to complete. I now have a pretty decent sized list to finish before EOY. The list is on my blog if anyone wants to tag along with the reading. Has anyone else been in my shoes?🤓📚 #bengalibookworm #bookworm #bookstagram #currentlyreading #overwhelmed #reading#pile #challenge #book #bookaddict #list #milestone

Jess7 I always check out way too many books at a time, and it usually happens when I've placed numerous popular new books on hold and they all become available at the same time. It really makes it difficult when the new ones have a shortened lending period - it's hard to balance it all - but by far my #currentlyreading stack is dictated by what's due to the library first 😂📚🤗 7y
Bengali.bookworm @Jess7 - I totally have the same problem. But then I also have a few that I will pick up during a bookshop spree. It's the worst. 😅 Let's see how many I can check off sooner than later. Good luck with your stack! 📚❤️ 7y
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One down, 11 to go for the month of August. Plus my #readaroundtheworld book which I haven't selected yet.

Currently reading Days Without End. Which one should I read next? Red cover is Artamonov business and bottom right is The End of The Affair

tstan I'd say get Swing Time out of the way. Rip off the bandaid, then enjoy the rest! 7y
JenP @tstan that's actually a really good idea. And maybe I'll love it 😬 7y
tstan 😂 7y
Currey I am reading Swing Time now... not loving it but only 30 pages in so too soon to tell. 7y
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Anyone else going to Book Expo in NYC next week?? My author meet/book grab list is already overwhelming and past experiences have taught me not to set much store by my "schedule" but I trust Litsy to tell me who I absolutely can't miss!

Reviewsbylola I wish!! 7y
MrBook 😆👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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