Love this series. I own the next one, but we just moved, and I can‘t find the box it‘s in 😭
Love this series. I own the next one, but we just moved, and I can‘t find the box it‘s in 😭
This series is my absolute favorite historical fiction mystery series. I absolutely love the characters, the stories, the mystery, the history. I love it all! Phenomenal.
Another winner in this series! These books are so familiar and comforting to me (the murders are decidedly NOT comforting, but the characters and writing style are) that with each new one, it's like getting a visit from an old friend. As usual there are some open-ended issues to continue on with in future books (involving Hero's mother and also an evil new in-law). Can't wait for my next visit with an old friend! ❤️ #romantsy #osrbc
Here is my #bestofapril. Since I didn't read a lot (though better than my 1 book last month), I'm choosing all of them. The one that wins out above the rest though is Where the Dead Lie. Amazing book and series. Uneasy Spirits is only in there becasue i finished it April 1.#aprilroundup #aprilbookshowers
I love revisiting this world and solving mysteries along Sebastian St. Cyr, although this one took me a bit longer than normal to get through. The crimes committed this time around were on the darker side of what's been done for this series and there was a definite undertone of social commentary on how the world should take better care of its "unwanted" elements. Still great writing, wonderful characters, and I will be waiting for the next.
Excellent, as always. There's a reason why this is one of my all-time favorite series. This entry was a bit more sad than most, because Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, must track down a serial killer targeting London's street children.
Finally! I've been trying to get to bed for like 40 min, but I had to fold laundry and fix the 3yo's blankets and whatnot. Now time to crush on Sebastian! 😍
I won't lie, the crime in this one was hard to stomach at times and could be a trigger for some people as it involves children. That being said, this is one of the best entries I think for this series. I don't want to say too much and give anything away. I'm also using it for my #sequelplease. With that ending, I want the next book already to see what happens! #historicalmystery #historicalfiction #aprilbookshowers
I think this one is the best Sebastian St Cyr novel yet. I have enjoyed them all but this bad boy gave me chills. Creepy bad guys, quick pace, surprises galore and a bad a** hero. Love these books!
I was all annoyed I left BOTH of my current books at home before we headed for the splash pad, but luckily a fortuitously timed #library stop en route scored me this one!!
Another solid entry in the series. I feel like everything I want to say could potentially be a spoiler, so I'll just say that the novel was really good. The crime was brutal and definitely worthy of trigger warnings for violence against children, but the writing was excellent and I'm sad to say goodbye to Sebastian for another year, or however long it takes for us to get book 13. Oh, and this is #letterw for #litsyatoz (title)
This book as completely taken my attention off my other #currentreads so I'm enjoying this with some Giants #baseball in the background on this lovely Sunday afternoon. #historicalmystery #historicalfiction
Oof. Maybe it's just me, but I'm struggling with the crime in this installment of the series. So brutal and depraved. I'm about 1/2 way done and as much as I like Sebastian and some of the other recurring characters, I just want the book to be over so I can scrub these images from my brain. Samia has been kind enough to lay within petting distance for mental health breaks.
Another great entry in the series! I was a little disappointed in Hero as she was far less suspicious than I expected but it seems Harris is setting up something for the next book so Hero had to be a little off.
Settling in with my first book and cup of coffee (which seems to have been cut out of the photo) for a weekend long #Litsypartyofone - hope everyone is having a great weekend of reading!
My #litsypartyofone weekend will be filled with streaming WGI Championships, maybe my Kindle, an ice pack for this d*mn migraine that will-not-break, and lots of tears. I just got an email that today was my project executive's last day. I had no idea he was leaving and have been out sick all week because of this migraine, so I didn't get to say goodbye. I'm devastated.
I'm #eagerlyawaiting the newest C.S. Harris and Jacqueline Winspear from the library! Creeping up the queues! #aprilamazingreads
The release day of a book you have been looking forward to, feels like Christmas morning😀! #historicalfiction #historicalmystery #currentlyreading
I don't usually make tbr piles because I never stick with them but these 3 are definite (hopefully😉) books for #apriltbr along with my usual book whims. #aprilbookshowers
You know those series where you just know the new book is going to be solid? That's this series. A fantastic sense of place, a strong cast of characters. I always look forward to a new one. There's some really great character growth from Sebastian here, and while the murders are tough to stomach Harris really manages to include some really tender moments. She balances the horror and genuine moments of joy so well.
I was trying to snap a picture of the ARC and the Enya vinyl I'm listening to as I read, but someone had other ideas. I haven't quite cured her of the desire to chew on ARCS. Despite that, I always look forward to a new installment in this series.
My #2017mostanticipatedreads preorders - and it's still 2016. Counting the days. 🤓📚#seasonsreadings2016