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Bridget Jones' Baby
Bridget Jones' Baby: Roman | Helen Fielding
Bridget Jones hrt sie schon seit einiger Zeit ticken: ihre biologische Uhr. Und auch ihr Bekanntenkreis wird nicht mde, sie darauf hinzuweisen, dass das Thema Nachwuchs langsam drngt. Und dann fhrt eine Abfolge chaotischer Ereignisse schlielich zu der groen Nachricht: Bridget ist schwanger! Allerdings nicht ganz wie geplant und turbulent geht es prompt weiter. Bridget stolpert durch aufregende Monate voller gut gemeinter Ratschlge selbstgeflliger Mtter, voller Konfusion bei Ultraschalluntersuchungen und Geburtsvorbereitungskursen, voller Vorfreude, Verzweiflung und voller Ksekartoffeln. Und ber allem schwebt die Frage: Wer ist der Vater?
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Fourth and final book in the Bridget Jones series although this is far better placed as book three as it throws the timeline out to read this one last.

I really enjoyed this, it's very visual and I could see the film in my mind. I laughed a lot, the humor really came through on the page.

Am glad to have finished this series off.

Four stars.

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@TheSpineView Thank you for the tag!🌺
1. I didn't set any goals this year, not sure if that was a good idea yet or not.
2. I really need to read my physical books.😊

TheSpineView You're welcome! 2y
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This may just be my fav Bridget book 🥰


I am a massive Rom-Com fan. About a third of my DVD collection is Rom-Coms. After seeing Bridget Jones' baby a while ago I really wanted to read the book. It was so weird to read about Daniel Clever being a contender for the dad. I definitely enjoyed the difference in the movie. Give me Jack over Clever any day.

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Absolutely hilarious!! Read it in a couple of hours

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What's not to like - it's Bridget Jones, you laugh, you cry, you get exasperated, but overall you enjoy yourself 😊

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Some fluff to get through the holiday rush 😄

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My next read for December. Bridget Jones is my absolute favorite holiday watch and I though I should read the only book in the series I haven't yet... Hence, Bridget Jones' Baby...

RadicalReader @aniriya wishing you much enjoyment in this read. I‘ve heard this series is quite popular 6y
aniriya @RadicalReader It is, it's a comforting series. To me, it's a literary equivalent of a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows on a winter evening if that makes any sense. Like, its not particularly good for you, but it just feels good. 6y
RadicalReader @aniriya best comparison I have ever come across. You are quite the witty wordsmith! I do love hot chocolate so delicious and everything in moderation like a good series a book every time you finish one to always have another to enjoy 6y
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CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family! 6y
jillannjohn I love Bridget Jones. I didn‘t read this one though but I saw the movie. 😍 6y
Texreader So glad to have you on Litsy! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌟🌟 6y
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Kalalalatja I didn‘t even think of this! Great pick 👏👏👏 6y
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Such a fun read, I just wished it were longer! Hilarious and yet went pretty deep towards the end. And of course the perfect ending to the books/movies. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

TheKidUpstairs Is this one chronologically between Edge of Reason and Mad About the Boy? 6y
Mandigolightly @TheKidUpstairs yep! It was originally part of her newspaper run. 6y
Mandigolightly Loved this one! 6y
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MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Mandigolightly thanks for answering the question, I had to look it up - Mad about the boy completely passed me by! 6y
Mandigolightly @MommyWantsToReadHerBook I really thought I‘d hate Mad About the Boy, but it ended up being my favorite. 6y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Mandigolightly good to hear, I'll keep an eye out for it! 6y
KateFulfordAuthor Along a similar line: If you need another recommendation, may I point you to my People‘s Book Prize nominated debut? Sassy female narrative, laugh out dialogue and a pacy plot. Check the link in the bio for 2 free chapters, reviews and more. 6y
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If I could read Slovak, I could download a free copy of this book at the bus station in Bratislava. 🤓

TrishB Bet you were still tempted..... 6y
Lindy @TrishB Yes, just to practice. 6y
TommieMarie74 Bridget Jones‘ Diary? Maybe? Haha! 6y
DivineDiana How wonderful! 📚 6y
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Om det sämsta man kan säga om en bok är att den är för tunn är det ju en bra bok, men jag skulle vilja att den var tre gånger så tjock. Bridget är ju ändå Bridget.

Jejalena Bra! Jag tyckte att Mad about a boy var en katastrof. 7y
Anneli På vilket sätt? Jag vill minnas att jag gillade den också? 7y
Jejalena @Anneli jag tyckte det var väldigt orealistiskt att en är över 50, har små barn och en del erfarenhet bakom sig och ändå så allmän förvirrad. Av tyckte hon skulle kunna varit liiiite förnuftigare och ändå samma charmiga Bridget. 7y
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Fictional birthdays can still be celebrated right?? I hear a cupcake calling my name. Cheers Bridget!

TheKidUpstairs I feel like I should drink a bottle of wine in celebration. Except if I remember correctly, Bridget drank Chardonnay, which I don't like... 7y
Books88 @TheKidUpstairs lol you should, why not. Bridget would approve. 🍷 7y
KateFulfordAuthor If you need another recommendation in a similar style, may I point you to my People‘s Book Prize nominated debut? Sassy female narrative, laugh out dialogue and a pacy plot. Check the link in the bio for 2 free chapters, reviews and more. 6y
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Very good. Enjoyed it from start to finish. If you have read the other books then this is for you as it is in tone and style just like the others and I got so lost in the story that it only took me an afternoon to finish it. Highly recommend.

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'In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.' --- So many books, but a limited budget. 😩

Moray_Reads From the ones I've read if go for Autumn or Moonglow. Or Here I Am. 8y
Kalalalatja The eternal problem of a book nerd. 📚 8y
vivastory Perfect quote 8y
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Taking a short break after getting in quite a bit of reading

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Friday, Jan. 6, 2017
Read: Bridget Jones's Baby (First book of the year)
Brain cells burned: approx. 20,678
Verdict: V. v. bad.
Seems like Fielding phoned this one in. Jokes are stale, writing is uninspired. Crucially, Bridget is missing. Her trademark witty, self-deprecating, relatable voice is AWOL.
Think I could tip my head over and the sugar-water remains of my brain would spill out.
As a did-hard Bridget Jones fan, I am greatly disappointed.

8little_paws I love this review 8y
SarahSDavis Sorry! Returning to Litsy after a few days away. @rubyslippersreads I did read it! I actually liked it all right. Not perfect, but way better than this. What did you think? @8little_paws Thanks! 😊 8y
rubyslippersreads @SarahSDavis I haven't read this one yet, but liked Mad About the Boy about the same amount that you did. 8y
RadicalReader @SarahSDavis absolutely wonderful review love how you organized your review to make it easy to obtain the point of the review 8y
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I finished my book so in flight movie it is.

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Rather different to the movie (There is no McDreamy rather Daniel Cleaver up to his old tricks) but still quite similar - this was a fun, short read which made me laugh, loudly several times. Not sure where this fits chronologically (I chose not to read Mad About The Boy) but if you enjoyed the first two diaries, just as they are, this one should suit you just fine.

LauraBrook I'm saving this one for when I'm off next week. And I really liked Mad About the Boy! I hope you give it a shot. It's just like Bridget, with a slightly sadder beginning. (Actually, thinking about it now makes me want to reread it!) Happy Christmas to you! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @LauraBrook, it's the sad start that got me! Darcy forever! Happy Christmas! 8y
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I wanted to like this. I normally adore Bridget and her mischief, but going in I was a little hesitant because of the movie-before-the-book-thing. For me, this just doesn't live up to the normally high standards of Bridget. It felt rushed, lacked the diary feel, and the whole love story felt so unoriginal and didn't give me any feels (except negative ones).

stylizedreading This is why I get so stressed about sequels to books I like! 8y
Kalalalatja @stylizedreading I actually liked both book 2 and 3, but this felt almost like fan fiction that's gone wrong. I think the movie might be better in this case for once... 8y
rubyslippersreads I still stacked this, but with reservations. 🙁 8y
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Finally my exam is done! Now my Christmas vacation begins and that means a lot of uninterupted reading time. ❤ but first - a nap!


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This wasn't nearly as good as the original, and it took me a bit to get into. But I did enjoy visiting these characters again. I give it 3 stars...maybe 3.5!

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Great nutcracker! Very majestic ✨ 8y
TomesandTequila Thank you! It was a Hobby Lobby find 😊 8y
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I went in with incredibly low expectations and this marginally exceeded them but barely. There's some humour but the plot is thin with little to round it out.


I could not stop laughing out loud all the way through, great classic Bridget humor from all the characters all the way through!


A book too far. Ho hum...

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I love it already, 18 pages in and I love it!

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aww 😢

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I give up. You win, Fielding, you win.

I did not want to read this. I was certain I was going to gate it, falling as it did between The Edge of Reason and Mad about the Boy. Particularly as it was going to show a distinct break in Bridget and Mark's relationship. BUT. I read it in a couple if hours. If these books do nothing else, they show you how to not take yourself so seriously and to find humour in even the most messed up of situations.

KateFulfordAuthor Along a similar line: If you need another recommendation, may I point you to my People‘s Book Prize nominated debut? Sassy female narrative, laugh out dialogue and a pacy plot. Check the link in the bio for 2 free chapters, reviews and more. 6y
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Obviously I am always excited about Bridget Jones--but I think our UK audiobook narrator sounds a bit too old for the title.

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