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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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All the many things a young child can do independently are demonstrated, (tying shoes, riding bike, kicking ball), but there is one thing one cannot do alone.
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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While some of the books I read as a kid haven‘t aged well (in my opinion), these are just as enjoyable to read today and I will definitely stock them in my store! 💗

Bookwormjillk Love Grover 💙 2mo
marleed Oh funny, I gave my son‘s son a copy of Goodnight Gorilla last summer for his 1st birthday because my daughter‘s 2.5 yo twins crack up and demand that book (still do 1 yr later!). My son thought the book was weird. I told him, oh just you wait - your son will prove you mistaken! 2mo
Jeg I love them all. 2mo
Billypar My favorite Grover book from when I was a kid. Maybe why I like museums so much as an adult? 2mo
LiteraryinPA @Billypar Oooh, somehow I missed that one growing up! I‘ll have to read it now! 2mo
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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I love this book (and series) so much and was excited to see it is part of our potential new reading curriculum!! #teachersoflitsy

rather_be_reading i loved that series as a child 5y
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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"Mama, I read a real book!"

Real book= not a reader assigned by his teacher

DGRachel ❤️❤️ 5y
LibrarianRyan Yeahhhhhhhhh 5y
LoverofLit 😍😍😍😍 5y
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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My #ivoted #selfie from just over a week ago. Getting that #friyayintro in right under the wire. @howjessreads

Happy Weekend Littens! 💜

britt_brooke I love your curls! 6y
Chelleo 🤩 6y
sprainedbrain LOVE your hair! 😍 6y
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Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽 👩🏼‍🦰 and love those glasses too! 😍😍 6y
JaclynW Beautiful curls! Gorgeous red! 😍😍😍 6y
GypsyKat Love this! And your hair! 😍 6y
TrishB Great pic 👍🏻 love you hair 💕 6y
BookishTrish ❤️your curls! 6y
Cathythoughts Fab 👍🏻👍🏻❤️ 6y
BarbaraBB Great pic, great hair 💕 6y
Kaye Your hair is beautiful. 6y
Ashley85 I love your hair! 6y
DocBrown Love the curls! 6y
youneverarrived Your hair is gorgeous 😍 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Gorgeous hair! 6y
mrozzz Thank you!!! @MaleficentBookDragon 💜 6y
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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Hubby is in the backyard camping with the kiddies in this cool night. I get to read, drink tea and eat cake in peace. Thank you dear! #Ihavethebesthusband

Mimi28 Eat cat!! Lol, sorry as a crazy cat lady I couldn‘t pass up that typo. You do have the best husband ❤️❤️ 6y
MicrobeMom @mimi28 haha! Thanks for pointing it out. Edit to come! 6y
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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This book is titled “The New Baby” (Litsy does not have it listed yet). This book part of a series that include situations in which students can relate to! This book is a great RA to those who may be experiencing being a big brother or sister. While reading aloud, the teacher is modeling how proficient readers read by using ESOL strategy 8 Use direct instruction: Modeling, explaining, scaffolding, name the strategy and show how to use it. The

ATejada Can also use UDL 3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features,big ideas, and relationships as they are talking about the relationships siblings may have. This F book has many great actitivites but one I love allows students to use You Doodle - draw on photos by Digital Ruby, LLChttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/you-doodle-draw-on-photos/id517871755?mt=8 to draw pictures of their siblings or families. #UCFLAE3414SuB18 (edited) 6y
Thayes1787 This seems like such a great book because like you said kids can relate to it which helps comprehension! Awesome job! 6y
ERodriguez Great book , a book many children will relate too. 6y
ATejada @Thayes1787 Yes! Not only can students comprehend but they can also start to identify with the character and this may interest them to read more books from the author! 6y
ATejada @ERodriguez Yes! And since the students relate, they will be more engaged! 6y
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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This kid reads books any chance he gets! Please excuse the messy bookshelf. #raiseareader #raisingboys #momlife #librariMom #mayPicChallenge

Reecaspieces ❤️adorable. 6y
Cinfhen Cutest picture EVER!!!!! 6y
DebinHawaii So cute! 😆 6y
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CouronneDhiver #NakedReader 🤣🤣 Let‘s see what happens with that new hashtag. Lol 6y
heidisreads @Reecaspieces @Cinfhen @DebinHawaii He has his cute moments... but he can be a rascal, too! 😍 6y
heidisreads @CouronneDhiver 🤣😂🤣 could be dangerous 6y
Bookzombie So cute! 6y
ambam1987 You need to frame this! Such a cute candid photo 6y
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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Partying hard here in Arkansas! I can't tell ya what I'm reading for #litsypartyofone cuz it's my #gameoftomes book, but you can see I'm on the couch in my comfy Winnie the Pooh jammies. Had some pizza & now cookies. Mom's alternating between book & TV.

LauraBeth I ❤️ your pjs! 7y
BethM Tigger and chocolate chip cookies 😍 7y
Jinjer @LauraBeth thank you! Walmart! 7y
Jinjer @BethM how cute is he? 7y
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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Today I had to remind the husband that when you're a reader, you don't sweat eating lunch by yourself 😀

Mccall0113 Sotrue 8y
Lcsmcat I always read through lunch. The rest of the office kids me about it. 8y
readordierachel I actually prefer taking lunch breaks alone so I have time to read :) 8y
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CocoReads In fact, I prefer reading through all my meals so I don't have to talk to people. 8y
LauraBeth @Mccall0113, @Lcsmcat, @ReadOrDieRachel I've always preferred to read alone during my lunch breaks as well 😀and as an added bonus - I never had to listen to office gossip 8y
LauraBeth @CocoReads 😀😀 8y
lamaman2boys Going out to eat with a good book is just about my idea of heaven. 8y
AnnieReads I always eat my lunch at my desk while reading a book. 8y
Pelican71 I look forward to it 😊. I'll be having dinner alone tonight and I'm excited. 8y
Clare-Dragonfly I cherish my lunch breaks for reading and solitude! I can't wait until the weather is nice enough that I can go outside to eat, where there are rarely other people at all (I do sometimes get interrupted when eating at my desk). 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Strange as it sounds, I enjoy eating alone bc I can really focus on my food...lol 8y
MyNamesParadise I don't mind eating alone bc I can focus on my book before the food and then focus on the food. And talking while eating can be annoying and exhausting. 8y
Kaylamburson I was actually just thinking that I needed to get a new audiobook because I'm eating alone, but as it's a messy sandwich, I need both hands lol. AND I don't want to get my book dirty, haha. 8y
LauraBeth @lamaman2boys it's my idea of Heaven as well! 😀 8y
LauraBeth @AnnieReads I always did too. I loved that hour of solitude with my book 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Pelican71 I look forward to that too! It's nice 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Clare-Dragonfly outside eating in the sunshine and no one know where you are...that's the best! 😀 8y
LauraBeth @JanuarieTimewalker13 I don't think that's strange at all! 😀 8y
LauraBeth @MyNamesParadise I agree - I love being able to focus on what I'm reading and what I'm eating 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Kaylamburson listening to audiobooks while eating messy sandwich = awesome reader hack 😀 8y
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