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Il professore
Il professore | Charlotte Bront
Il professore il primo romanzo scritto da Charlotte Bront. Inizialmente rifiutato dagli editori perch giudicato troppo realistico, fu pubblicato solo nel 1857, due anni dopo la morte dellautrice. Il protagonista William Crimsworth, primo e unico narratore maschile da lei utilizzato, il quale racconta in prima persona la sua storia: uomo sensibile e colto, fugge da un lavoro pesante e competitivo nella zona industriale dello Yorkshire e si trasferisce in Belgio per insegnare presso un istituto femminile. Qui conosce Frances Henri, studentessa indigente e particolarmente dotata della quale poco alla volta si innamora, corrisposto. Ma la coppia non avr vita facile: saranno infatti molte le avversit che i due dovranno affrontare a cominciare dallaperta ostilit dellastuta direttrice della scuola prima di riuscire a coronare il loro amore. Come Villette, Il professore prende spunto dallesperienza personale della Bront, che nel 1842, quando studiava il francese a Bruxelles, si innamor del suo insegnante, Monsieur Hger (una relazione che non ebbe per un lieto fine). Lettura trascinante, il romanzo formula unestetica nuova, mettendo in discussione molti dei presupposti su cui era basata la societ vittoriana e rivelandosi come precursore dei lavori pi maturi dellautrice: lapprofondimento psicologico dei personaggi e la vivacit descrittiva degli ambienti in cui si muovono sono chiaramente riconducibili al genio di Charlotte Bront.
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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3.5 Stars • "The Professor" by Charlotte Brontë follows William Crimsworth, a young English teacher in Belgium. After a falling out with his wealthy brother, William seeks independence. He starts teaching at a boys' school and becomes romantically involved with Frances Evans Henri, a teacher at a nearby girls' school. Initially, he is misled by the school's headmistress, ⬇️

suvata Madame Reuter, but eventually recognizes her deceit. William and Frances develop a relationship based on mutual respect and intellectual compatibility, leading to their marriage and the establishment of their own school. 3w
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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#Professor 👨‍🏫 #SchoolSpirit 🏫🍎👩‍🏫🔔🎒✏️📓📚

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 🖤 1mo
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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I really admire Charlotte Brontë‘s characters. The levity of observation alone makes me love them. This novel is an excellent example. I‘m also inclined to think this and not Jane Eyre is the more autobiographical work

Also my baby is now a kindergartener and is mad he doesn‘t know how to read yet. Guess we know what his summer project is! I‘m so excited for him to begin

LeahBergen Aww, look at him! ❤️ 4mo
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Published posthumously as it was Charlotte‘s first and not well received work. After reading The Professor, I am baffled that it was not published straight away. I find this one of the better books out of the three sisters, having now read them all. I would rate this right up with Jane Eyre, but only more condensed. I enjoyed the narrators character and the many principles that were instilled in the novel. Highly underrated and undervalued. ❤️

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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Today on Bookstagram (IG), I posted a list of books about the Brontë family. One of the lesser known Brontë books is The Professor, a novel that Charlotte attempted to publish. However, it was rejected, and it was eventually published posthumously. There are several good research pieces about the siblings and family www.instagram.com/p/CZfL4WRvJyq

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Hello friends - I‘m in a bit of a reading slump again unfortunately so I‘ve been a bit absent. Lockdown just drags on and on and oooooon and my mental health isn‘t very good at heading into the eleventh month of this. I‘m lucky to be working, and to be in a flat with my boyfriend and flatmate, and all I seem to be up for is getting lost in long Victorian novels very slowly.

Kristin_Reads I also look to Bronte or Austen to help get me out of a slump 💗 4y
TrishB It does feel never ending ❤️ 4y
BarbaraBB Sending love and positive vibes 🤍 4y
ephemeralwaltz Sending hugs! ❤️ 4y
CoffeeK8 Sending you positive thoughts 💕 4y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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It's Monday noon and I am setting my stopwatch.
Goal - 30 hours of reading by Friday midnight
#24B4Extend brought to you by @SumisBooks and @Andrew65
Continuing with #theProfessor on audio while I cook lunch

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 5y
BookishMe @Andrew65 thank you ;D 5y
DieAReader I‘m sticking to my original goals 🤞🏻😬 Hopefully tomorrow is a better reading day. Good luck!! 📚🥰 5y
BookishMe @SquidgetsRoom thank yous 💗💗 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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I have mixed feelings for the book, essentially an unusual love story from a male‘s perspective. I haven‘t read Villette, so can‘t see any connections. The sometimes moralising narrative of William was tiresome, & the partial dialogues in French with no translations was inconvenient. In spite of these, & also the prejudices against Catholics & non-English nationals, 👇


erzascarletbookgasm (cont.) it‘s interesting how William strives to be independent, I liked that Frances is portrayed as progressive, & of course the prose is gorgeous. 5y
Leftcoastzen 😻 5y
batsy Nice review! I highly recommend Villette 🙂 And I love the art. 5y
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erzascarletbookgasm @batsy I hope to get to it soonish. 🤞😅 How are you keeping, friend? 5y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm We're doing OK here, thank you. How are you? ❤️ This is a website that some people have started to help out anyone during the lockdown or to offer help, might prove useful kitajaga.us 😘 5y
merelybookish I love those Dulac illustrations! It was definitely not Bronte at her best but even a bad Bronte is interesting! And I echo @batsy You should definitely read Villette! Glad you joined the readalong! 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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It‘s clear this is Charlotte‘s first effort at writing a novel, but you can see the seeds of her talent in the way she crafts sentences. I do think the story of a teacher in Brussels is stronger when she reworks it from the female point of view in Villette.

The main character is a bit insufferable and annoying. The romance fell flat for me as I never understood what Frances saw in him. Regardless, it‘s Brontë, so it‘s worth reading. #theprofessor

AvidReader25 My favorite quote from it: “In sunshine, in prosperity, the flowers are very well; but how many wet days are there in life—November seasons of disaster, when a man‘s hearth and home would be cold indeed, without the clear, cheering gleam of intellect.” (edited) 5y
emz711 All those Jane Eyres! So great. I have one copy but I've always wanted a nicer looking one 5y
AvidReader25 @emz711 It‘s the only book I collect multiple copies of. 💙 5y
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erzascarletbookgasm Great review 👍 5y
batsy Her writing is brilliant. That's a lovely quote that I liked, too. And I agree, Frances deserves better! 5y
AvidReader25 @batsy She does! I‘m grateful I read Jane Eyre before this. It made me appreciate how she grew as a writer. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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A fuzzy image of Edward Dulac's illustration for #TheProfessor. Frances at her aunt's grave.
This book is not my (or anyone's) favourite Charlotte Bronte novel. The story is stunted by our narrator, the not-very-likable William (who never feels quite real.) Even he knows Frances is the star but we are stuck with his perspective. We only get to see her through him. The story is much better as Villette! That said, the ending surprised me. ⬇️

merelybookish And no matter what, Charlotte Bronte's writing makes me swoon. Although the book as a whole did not quite hang together, I loved her passages describing a battle with hypochondria or when Frances reveals the elfin nature beneath her careful calm demeanor. CB has a way of describing the emotional life in ways I find irresistible. 5y
merelybookish Thanks to everyone who joined me in reading it this month! Maybe next year we can tackle some of her juvenilia. 5y
merelybookish Also @batsy @Lcsmcat @jewright thoughts on the ending? 5y
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jewright I know they are adults, but, as a teacher, I still have a bit of an ick factor with the teacher marrying his student. The ending takes us so far in the future. That‘s interesting and different than many books. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m slightly more than 50% in, I find William unlikeable too! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh, they married?? Argh I shouldn‘t have read the comments 🙈 5y
batsy I found the ending unexpected and interesting because Bronte wasn't content to leave Frances' story aside. There's something utopic in her imagining of the union of two minds in love, working and building something together (regardless of how little William deserves Frances; I found him problematic in a lot of ways, too). 5y
merelybookish @erzascarletbookgasm Oops. Sorry should have done some spoilers. But I don't think it's a spoiler to say William doesn't improve with time. 5y
merelybookish @jewright Yes. And that she continues to call him Monsieur. 🙄 The ending surprised me I guess because it was happy. And the focus on their son Victor. 5y
merelybookish @batsy Yes I was surprised that it seemed happy. I guess Villette had me expecting something more bittersweet. I was also surprised by the introduction of a son. And how he gets the last word. 5y
AvidReader25 @merelybookish I agree about CB‘s writing! William was a weak protagonist, but there were still passages of her‘s that I just loved. 5y
merelybookish @AvidReader25 Her writing is so gorgeous. Just took her a while to figure out characters and plot. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @merelybookish I was surprised how quickly time passed after their marriage (10 years) and they had Victor. I liked that Hunsden became their family friend. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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A lovers' meetup in a graveyard. Just one of the reasons I love Charlotte Bronte! 🖤👻
I tried to find pictures of the Protestant cemetery in Brussels. Apparently it's gone. But I did find this interesting post about Charlotte's connection to it. #theprofessor

Blaire I need to get started on this read!! It‘s sitting on my dresser. 😬 5y
AvidReader25 What a great article! Thanks for sharing it! 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Charlotte Bronte's first novel, published posthumously, is both imperfect & intriguing. The themes that begin to crystallise her later work, Villette (& to some degree Jane Eyre) are evident here. She uses a male protagonist & the representation is heartfelt but also a bit of a caricature; her writing is beautiful & the obsession with freedom, meaningful work, & love as a meeting of minds, bodies, & souls is one that I've always loved in her work.

batsy I had issues with some of the views: anti-Catholicism, nationalist xenophobia, & William & Frances are guilty of taking a grim view of "old maids". But the latter is perhaps an unconscious strand in Charlotte's work: it seemed like love & passion burned deeply in her, but the flipside is to risk becoming an attic wife or to be the old maid that pines forever. A problematic book, then, but all the more interesting for its problems. #theprofessor 5y
zezeki I really like your review, great analysis. 5y
Suet624 What is an attic wife? 5y
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batsy @zezeki Thank you! ❤️ 5y
sudi Great review 👍 5y
batsy @Suet624 LOL sorry Sue, that's the problem of not having enough characters to explain in detail. If you haven't read Jane Eyre that's a bit of a spoiler 😅 5y
batsy @sudi Thank you 😘 5y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 5y
Suet624 Oh! Right! Of course! (Just waking up over here.) 5y
Lcsmcat Excellent review! You caught at some of the things that bothered me that I hadn‘t mentioned. And yet, thematically, it so very Charlotte Brontë. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm In-depth analysis, and as always fabulous review 👍 5y
merelybookish Excellent! Still haven't finished but glad you liked it, in spite of its issues. Hard not to compare it to Villette but written from the opposite perspectives. 5y
batsy @TrishB Thanks! ❤️ @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you J and I hope you're enjoying it! 5y
batsy @Lcsmcat @merelybookish Thank you! And thanks for getting us going, Margot :) I loved the insights it gave into her mind when you see where her influences lead her. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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I feel like it‘s obvious that this was her first effort. There‘s hints of her coming style, but also some overwriting - using “ten dollar” words when a simpler one would do. As for the characters, it drove me crazy the way William treated Frances, and yet unrealistic that she stood up to him and insisted on working. He wasn‘t very believable as a character, and some of the changes happened too fast to seem natural.

Lcsmcat Not her best, but I‘m glad I read it. #theprofessor 5y
batsy I agree with your assessment and I'm glad I read it, too. It was a pick for me but I think I'm a little bit of a Charlotte fangirl 🙂 5y
Lcsmcat @batsy I love Jane Eyre, this one just had a few too many problems to be a pick. (AndI‘m pretty harsh with my ratings sometimes.) 5y
merelybookish I'm glad you read it too! I'm not finished yet so will come back once I have with more thoughts. 🙂 Agree that it is not her best effort. 5y
AvidReader25 I‘m halfway through, but so far I feel exactly the same. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Finally taking this off my shelf to start the casual read along with #theprofessor buddy readers. Mine‘s a rather boring cover.

zezeki I started it today as well. My version is from Project Gutenberg, so no pretty cover either. 😅 5y
Lcsmcat I like that cover. I think it sets a tone without any spoilers. 5y
AvidReader25 I haven‘t read this one! I didn‘t know there was a read along. I might have to join in the fun! 5y
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merelybookish Agree with @Lcsmcat that this cover captures some of the book's mood. Glad you're starting. I'm about halfway. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I am grateful for a Project Gutenberg, I‘ve read some from the site when I can‘t find physical books. 👍 @zezeki How are you liking it? 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @AvidReader25 The read along, initiated by @merelybookish , is for this month, no schedule. We‘re reading at our own pace and posting as we read along. Just use the hashtag. Do join if your schedule permits! 🙂 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Lcsmcat @merelybookish I‘m glad this Penguin Popular Classic has a ‘safe‘/spoiler-free cover. 😁 I do like most of the covers in the Penguin Popular Classics but not the green ones. 5y
zezeki @erzascarletbookgasm So far it's okay. I actually bailed on it few years back, and I'm not sure why. 5y
batsy I quite like the cover, too! Those editions can be a bit safe in their covers but strangely soothing at the same time 😁 5y
Cathythoughts I‘m loving this cover too 👍🏻❤️ 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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"... nor could he, keen-sighted as he was, penetrate into my heart, search my brain, and read my peculiar sympathies and antipathies; he had not known me long enough, or well enough, to perceive how low my feelings would ebb under some influences, powerful over most minds... "

Charlotte Brontë is writing a male character in this one but I'm getting strong Lucy Snowe/Jane Eyre vibes. Can see the template being sketched out here! #theprofessor

Lcsmcat I agree. Maybe because it was written first but published posthumously, it kind of feels like a study. She‘s trying out writing from a male perspective, playing with her style (like breaking the 4th wall with her “Reader,” comments) and generally learning how to write like Charlotte Brontë. 5y
batsy @Lcsmcat Yes, exactly. Super interesting to read from that perspective. 5y
merelybookish @batsy @Lcsmcat It really is Villette from the opposite perspective! Interesting that she started out writing from a male perspective and then ditched it. 5y
Lcsmcat @merelybookish @batsy I wonder if it was part of her “Currer Bell” persona - fooling the public into thinking she was a man. 5y
batsy @Lcsmcat @merelybookish Good point! Having to write as a man and from a man's perspective. I find William both interesting and strange as a character because of this; deep feeling and thought in the manner of Charlotte's female characters, and every once in awhile it's like she remembers she's writing a male character and throws in a sexist observation from his POV. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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“I have observed you . . . looking frigidly shy at the commencement of a party, confusingly vigilant about the middle, and insultingly weary towards the end.” So, William is an introvert? #theprofessor

batsy 😆 5y
merelybookish His best quality so far. 😛 5y
Lcsmcat @merelybookish Truth! I finished it last night and am still thinking about my review, but I didn‘t particularly like him. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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My daughter is volunteering at the zine library which means I'm at a coffee shop in the hip part of town. Look at the cute teapot!
William continues to judge me but Im judging him right back. 😛

Tamra That is really a beautiful pot. 5y
alisiakae I love that teapot!! 5y
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BookishMe Plenty of mutual judging... Hehehe 5y
AvidReader25 I think I‘m going to join in the reading fun on this one! 5y
merelybookish @AvidReader25 Great! We are reading at our pace and using the hashtag #theprofessor so others can find our posts. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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It‘s better to live with a clever woman than a pretty one...I‘m sure my partner is well aware of this when I‘m banging on about Shakespeare while he‘s trying to watch TV #the professor

BookishMe I loved that phrase - November season of disasters 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Finally starting #theprofessor

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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Hmmm...observing female character while hidden from view. Not a good look William! Annoying AND a creeper. 🕵️ 😒 (Also, starting to see connections to Villette.) #theprofessor

batsy I'm seeing the themes that obsessed her in Villette, as well. William to me is such a strange character because I feel like Brontë is wavering between wish-fulfillment and self-projection; I feel like every so often she remembers she's writing a male character. 5y
merelybookish @batsy It is leading to a very strange character. Like sometimes he's a paragon of virtue, other times a petulant brat. So seeing it as her struggle is helpful. I find it hard because I am pretty sure we are supposed to like William. At the same time, I'm not sure I do. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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“THE other day, in looking over my papers, I found in my desk the following copy of a letter, sent by me a year since to an old school acquaintance:” firstlinefriday

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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William, the protagonist of #theprofessor may be a pill, but there's no denying the power of Charlotte Bronte's prose! 🙌

batsy Ooh 😍 I'm hoping to start tonight! 5y
BookishMe Oh yes! Not sure if it's the setting or just her style - a sense of calmness, muted elegance even in duress. I recall similar tranquility in Jane Eyre despite all the dark days. I am curious if theres been any analysis essaying of the sisters' styles of writing 5y
andrew61 Im sorry i don't think I'll be able to get to it this month but ill definitely look forward to reading your thoughts. 5y
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merelybookish @BookishMe muted elegance even in duress...nicely put! She is so good at describing soldiering on but not downplaying how hard it is. 5y
merelybookish @andrew61 We will miss you! 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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I haven‘t been posting, but I have been reading #theprofessor. Does anyone else find William is not very believable as a man? I have to keep reminding myself he isn‘t a she. Especially in passages like this one. @merelybookish

merelybookish I'm glad you posted. I am not far (just to chapter 5). I haven't thought of William as feminine yet...but I do find him annoying. 😅 5y
Lcsmcat @merelybookish Yes, I too find him annoying! 5y
BookishMe @Lcsmcat @merelybookish at end of Chapter 4, I thought he likened himself 'with other slaves'. Made me wonder what / whom does he feel enslaved to - circumstances or his 'brutal brother'? 5y
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Lcsmcat @BookishMe @merelybookish Or both? His doing things just because he was told not to (or not doing because he was told to do) make him seem very adolescent to me. Which often goes along with a “poor me” attitude. 5y
BookishMe @Lcsmcat @merelybookish yup! I got that vibe too... I like how you put it aptly - doing because told not to! 5y
merelybookish @BookishMe @Lcsmcat Yes! Like his insistence of not expressing gratitude to Hunsden. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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merelybookish I read this passage today. I was just saying to @Lcsmcat that I find William annoying (and a bit sanctimonious.) This quote kind of illustrates that. 😆 5y
BookishMe @merelybookish Hhhmm... I must admit I haven't thought much about him. Been preoccupied with the other characters ;)) 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Completed 2 chapters on the #ebook #theProfessor

I couldn't stop myself from proceeding after the introductory letter.
I found it strange William referred to his brother as Mr C until I realised how detached they were. The age difference and being separated almost all their lives definitely did not allow for any family affection.

Curious to find out the role of the couple, Mr and Mrs C as the story unfolds.

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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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1) quite a few, so tagging the last book I closed. Planning to complete the first chapter today for #theProfessor

2) The Storied Life of A J Fikry - try to read it every birthday month. Not sure why but it's heartwarming to revisit the bookseller.

Have begun #rereadingRamotswe20 and it's so wonderful going down the memory lane with Mma Ramotswe 💗😍💕😍💗

3) twas mostly resting and reading!

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Thanks for the tag, @kspenmoll !

1. Sometimes. I‘ve picked up a book because I think the cover is so pretty.
2. The Professor, for #TheProfessor #buddyread in March
3. News alerts through Apple News...usually headlines from CNN and the New York Times
4. Snooze 1 time
5. If you haven‘t played yet, consider yourself tagged!

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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@merelybookish Well I said it wasn‘t judgmental, but the couple behind the bride look like they could be judging pretty hard, especially the man. 😀 #theprofessor

Leftcoastzen 😂 5y
merelybookish He sure is concerned she's signing that registry! 😆 Still the focus on the bride sets a very different tone from my cover. 5y
Lcsmcat @merelybookish Wordsworth Classics are infamous for covers that have nothing to do with the book, so I‘m curious to see if this one has any relationship to the plot. 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Anyone else feel judged by their copy? 😄
Just a reminder that our buddy read of Charlotte Bronte's The Professor kicks off on March 1st. Please use #theprofessor (not super original, sorry) for your posts. No schedule. Just read and post at your own pace. And no need to tag me or others! Just use the hashtag so we can find your posts and comment.
I'm tagging everyone who expressed interest. If you'd like to join us, please do!

batsy He's definitely judging all of us 😆 Looking forward to reading this! 5y
rubyslippersreads I‘ve never read this one (but have many thoughts about M. Héger) and would love to join in. 5y
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merelybookish @rubyslippersreads Great! Yes, many people consider this an early draft of Villette but my copy claims CB did not agree. Needless to say,.he may have some Heger in him. 🙂 5y
merelybookish @batsy He looks like he'll be loads of fun! 🙃 5y
BookishMe I have the ebook ready. Hehehe, until I pick up a copy from the library ☺️☺️ 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Look forward to it! Will dig up my copy to show 😊 5y
Librarybelle I just got my copy, so I‘m ready to go! 5y
Lcsmcat I may be over committing like crazy, between Proust and Cather and Shakespeare, but I‘m in. My copy is less judgey- I‘ll post it later. 5y
jewright I want to read this! Can I handle Bronte, Cather, Proust, and Shakespeare?! 5y
Blaire My copy arrived yesterday! 5y
merelybookish @Lcsmcat @jewright Sounds like you are in good company. Sounds ambitious but I believe in you! Plus we will get a few weeks off from Shakespeare soon! 5y
Lcsmcat @merelybookish I have read ahead (i.e. finished) the Shakespeare, so I think I‘ll be ok. And the Brontë isn‘t one of her chunky books, which helps too. ? 5y
rubyslippersreads @jewright I‘m trying to do 3 out of those 4 plus #conqueringcromwell! 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Anyone up to read another Charlotte Bronte? Maybe in March? I have a copy of The Professor sitting on my shelf and it's calling my name. 🙂 @LeahBergen @batsy @saresmoore @Blaire @andrew61 @mklong

merelybookish Anyone welcome to join! Tagged some fellow CB lovers but not an exclusive group. 🙂 5y
Sunraven Hmm, I haven‘t read that one, so maybe I should! Readalongs are good... 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh yes. I‘ve recently read Agnes Grey and I want to read more of the Bronte sisters. And Litsy readalongs are fun and insightful! 5y
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merelybookish @Sunraven A group of us read Shirley last year. Pretty low-key but fun to share our thoughts along the way! 5y
merelybookish @erzascarletbookgasm Oh good! I meant to tag you Jessie! 5y
Sunraven Low-key and fun sounds perfect! 5y
sheshedbooks Want to! I also have a copy of this. 5y
LeahBergen I‘ve read this one but I‘ll be eagerly reading everyone‘s posts! 👍🏻 5y
BookishMe Count me in ;D 5y
EllisBell I‘m in please! My copy is ready and waiting. 5y
zezeki I think I could join, I started reading this one a few years back, and I bailed on it, but maybe I should give it another try. 5y
batsy Yes please! March sounds good 👍🏽 5y
Librarybelle I would be interested in this! I‘ve not read this one yet. 5y
Lcsmcat I‘d be interested. It might help me #readmyowndamnbooks! 5y
saresmoore I already read this one, hope you all enjoy! I found it to be unique and memorable. 5y
Cuilin Definitely interested. 5y
mklong Ooh, thanks for the tag and I‘d love to, but I‘ve got a Tale of Gengi buddy read starting up on GR at the end of this month. 5y
merelybookish @sunraven @erzascarletbookgasm @greenreads @EllisBell @zezeki @batsy @Librarybelle @Lcsmcat @Cuilin Excellent! My version of a low-stakes buddy read is we choose a hashtag and then just share our impressions and reviews along the way. So no schedule or planned discussion posts. We could designate March 1st as the kickoff. I'll do a few reminders but otherwise won't 'run' the read. Does that work? And hashtag suggestions are welcome! 5y
merelybookish Oops forgot to take you @bookishme. Sorry! Check out the previous post for details. 🙂👆 5y
merelybookish @LeahBergen @saresmoore I read this back in my early 20s, my first big deep dive into all things Charlotte Bronte. But I don't remember a thing about it. 5y
merelybookish @mklong Understandable! Take of Genji is an ambitious read! 5y
zezeki @merelybookish That sounds great! 5y
Lcsmcat @merelybookish Sounds perfect! 5y
Sunraven @merelybookish Works for me! 5y
batsy @merelybookish That sounds good! 5y
Blaire I‘m in!! Thanks for thinking of me. 5y
merelybookish @Blaire 👍 Excellent! 5y
BookishMe @merelybookish this version of buddy read sounds great! Looking forward to the book and reading views from others. Thanks for the tag ;D 5y
readinginthedark Ooh, I've been meaning to read this! I'll try to join in, if you don't mind adding me to the group! 5y
merelybookish @readinginthedark Of course! 🙂 5y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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I enjoyed the book, although it could be hard to get through at times. The story follows the life of The Professor, and his search for happiness in a professional capacity as well as in love. He finds both and settles into a life. That pretty much sums up the book.

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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This book was an early attempt by Charlotte Brontë, and it shows. I think it represented a learning curve or practice novel for her. After a strong start the book fizzles.

I can see much of the thinking that prepared her to write the far superior Villette.

The left handed bride on the cover is cool.


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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront

I‘m not sure how I feel about this book. Being her first written novel (although last published), a bit of leeway can be given. You can see the talent that Bronte eventually perfects for Jane Eyre, but The Professor feels like a novel without a point. Her main character is unlikeable, but that may be because it was her only male main character. His opinions are just so hard to stomach, but again, that might because of the age and the POV. ⭐️⭐️

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Agreed. Not the most likeable of main characters... #currentlyreading #classics

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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Since @erzascarletbookgasm chose Villette, I will go to this slighter volume of Brontë‘s, also set in #Belgium. #AugustisaTrip @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

erzascarletbookgasm Another one on my TBR 😁 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful cover ❤️ 6y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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It‘s vacay time for me!! Enjoying the sun, wine and books! #currentlyreading #outdoors

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Cathythoughts Well that‘s for sure 😵😴 6y
AmyG Ain‘t THAT the truth. 6y
Austen_Nerd That is so true!!! 6y
GripLitGrl Posted same quote 😆👍with the litsy issues today I'm playing catch up 6y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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#QuotsyFeb18 Day 24: I honestly don‘t know what he means by Oriental here (Oriental rug, carpet, hmm). Well, at least, there‘s #Spark.

batsy 😐 7y
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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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#TBRtemptation post 3! I love this cover! This was Charlotte's first novel. William Crimsworth forgoes certainties in England for a life in Brussels. His first-person narration provides us with his attraction for the dominating directress of the girls' school where he teaches. Mastery and submission also play out in his relationship with pupil Fraces Henri. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Ich weiß nicht, ob es der beste letzte Satz ist, aber er verrät am wenigsten. 😂

Don't know if it's really one of the #bestlastsentences, but it doesn't give a clue. 😂

@RealLifeReading #marchintoreading

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The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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Happy #internationalwomensday! I'm participating in the strike (in that I'm home and not spending money) though mostly because I have a public facing job and don't want people assuming that I and my company support his Orangeness ?. But also the point that "Hey, if you don't draw attention to stuff it goes away." #Adaywithoutwomen

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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I assume that this will be my least favorite Bronte novel, but there's still a lot to recommend it. Charlotte probes issues of wealth and class and education. Her anti-papal attitude's also on full display; and there's a little bit of an ethnic bias against native Belgians, but her character contests that more. The novel is a bit short for all it tries to accomplish, but it's an intriguing look into the Victorian middle class. Decent characters.

The Professor: A Tale | Charlotte Bront
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After watching the BBC's 'To Walk Invisible', described as a "bleak and brilliant portrayal of the Bronte family" (it really was brilliant) I was inspired to add to my poor collection of Bronte works. All of these were £, brand new! ?

QueenAnne 😍😍😍😍😍😍lovely ❤️ 8y
LeahBergen I'm feeling like a Bronte read soon ... 8y
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