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I Am Death
I Am Death | Chris Carter
AN EVIL MIND was Chris Carters's most acclaimed novel to date, described by the Daily mail as: 'A chilling, compulsive portrait of a psychopath, and proves that Carter is now in the Jeffrey Deaver class.' It spent three weeks in the Sunday Timestop ten and received brillant reviews and sales. Seven days after being abducted, the body of a twenty-year-old woman is found on a green patch of grass by the Los Angeles International Airport. She has been left with her limbs stretched out and spread apart, placing her in a five-point human star. The autopsy reveals that she had been tortured and murdered in a most bizarre way. But the surprises don't end there. This killer likes to play, and he left a note lodged inside his victim's throat. Detective Robert Hunter, who leads LAPD's Special Section, Ultra Violent Unit, is assigned the case. But almost immediately a second body turns up. Hunter knows he has to be quick. Surrounded by new challenges as every day passes, Detective Hunter finds himself chasing a monster. A predator whose past hides a terrible secret, whose desire to hurt people and thirst for murder can never be quenched - for he is DEATH. This terrifying new standalone thriller reunites Hunter and Garcia in their most explosive case to date.
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Holy Crap on a Cracker! What a read! First, let me tell you this is a very graphic, psychological thriller. If you have a queak stomach, you do NOT need to read this book or series. Second if you like a thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat, then read this book.

Carter had me turn page after page. I didn't want to put this book down, but alas life called and I had things that had to be done. Robert Hunter Series is so good. ⬇️

Monica5 Carter, every since the first book, has always put a red herring in the book. You would think I would quit falling for them, but he does it in such a way that I think this is definitely the killer. Of course, when I get close to the end, I
find out I was wrong , as I pick my jaw up off the ground.

If you like thrillers, suspense or serial killer books, you need to read the Robert Hunter series. Unless, you have a queak stomach, because Carter's books can be a bit gory.

😊 Happy Reading 😊

Andrew65 A fantastic series. 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 10mo
Monica5 @Andrew65 It is. I saw you review his books, and thought I need to try him.🙂 10mo
Monica5 @TheAromaofBooks Thank you 😊 10mo
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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I‘ve read this series before and so I remembered who the killer was. I didn‘t remember everything about him though, so some of it was a surprise again. I know I keep saying this, but this series is “what..the..actual..f**k!” gory. I love this series and I can‘t wait for a new book to come out. #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

Bklover Ooooh, I‘m going to have to find this one! Sounds great!! 13mo
deeannloso @Bklover It‘s a series so it‘s best to read them in order. 😊 13mo
CatLass007 It sounds like a great series, but only two of what seems to be a twelve book series are in audio format. That sorta stinks. 13mo
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deeannloso @CatLass007 I know. I like reading physical books, but audiobooks are just easier. 13mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 13mo
Andrew65 @CatLass007 In the U.K. Audible has them all available as audiobooks. 13mo
Andrew65 You are making great progress through the series.👏👏👏 (edited) 13mo
deeannloso @Andrew65 I‘ve been trying to use my VPN set to the UK (I live in the US) to get all the audiobooks but haven‘t figured it out yet. 13mo
Andrew65 @deeannloso I keep meaning to find out more about this. Strange they are available in the U.K. but not where you are. (edited) 13mo
CatLass007 @Andrew65 Thank you for the information about audiobooks being available in the UK. 13mo
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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“The body of a 20 yr old woman is found by the Los Angeles International Airport. She has been left with her limbs stretched out and spread apart, placing her in a five-point human star. Almost immediately a second body turns up. Detective Hunter finds himself chasing a monster whose desire to hurt people and thirst for murder can never be quenched - for he is DEATH.”

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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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#BigJuneReadathon #Death

The Seventh book in the excellent Robert Hunter Series.


BookishMadHatter Love this series! I can't wait for the newest one to release 2y
Andrew65 @BooksAndYarn Definitely a great series. 2y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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I devoured this book in one day. I just can‘t get enough! Which is a little unsettling considering the topic of this series is murder, gruesome, grizzly, and detailed. Hunter and Garcia are once again tracking a sadistic serial killer, a killer who is cold and unfeeling. A killer who is one step ahead wherever they turn. I had a teeny inkling of what was going on but it still got me in the end. Chris Carter is a brilliant writer!

I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Carter‘s books are gritty but this one was over the top. Sanding a victim‘s face was too gruesome for me. Child abuse is hard to take too. I enjoy reading but just can‘t get enjoyment out of this treatment. Sad to say, his books come from his memory of crimes he worked. Read his books if you have a strong stomach but be forewarned that they are gritty. Love the short chapters as the pages do fly. He doesn‘t waste words which is good too!

EadieB I love Carter‘s gritty books but this one went way beyond. (edited) 4y
Eggs Way too creeped out for me 😱😳😰 4y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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I didn't realise this was a short stand alone until I'd finished it.. 🤣 Brilliant, as always, I absolutely love Chris Carter & Hunter..

I Am Death | Chris Carter
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And onto the next one in this series.. 😊

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I Am Death | Chris Carter

Finished in 3 days. These books are binge worthy 😂


I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Decided to read two print books. 😬

I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Feel like I need all the caffeine today. I'm not a good sleeper at the best of times, but lately it's been even worse. Guess I'll just keep reading and working on orders and try and figure out how to inject caffeine right into my veins 😴 💤💤
#tiredaf #atleasttheresbooks #goodbooktho

I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Great start to my morning. This series just gets better and better with each book. I start one as soon as I finish the last because I love them but will be so disappointed there isn't more when I get to the last one

wtimblin I keep hearing about this author but haven't picked up anything yet. Any recommendations to dip my toe into their extensive back catalogue? 5y
BookishMadHatter @wtimblin My brain was all "read the series in order!" just like every other series I try. Each book in the series so far really is better than the last in my opinion, both in storyline & in the authors writing. I'm all about how he doesn't shy away from grit & gore. An Evil Mind (#6) was my favorite so far, though honestly I'd say grab a good drink, get at it with book 1 & just keep going. 5y
wtimblin @BooksAndYarn sound advice. Will give it a go, many thanks 5y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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I‘ve just finished reading I am Death by Chris Carter. What a deliciously dark tale. But not for the faint-hearted.

I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Carter‘s books are gritty but this one was over the top. Sanding a victim‘s face was too gruesome for me. Child abuse is hard to take too. I enjoy reading but just can‘t get enjoyment out of this treatment. Sad to say, his books come from his memory of crimes he worked. Read his books if you have a strong stomach but be forewarned that they are gritty. Love the short chapters as the pages do fly. He doesn‘t waste words which is good too!

suzie.reads I can't read his books he is too gruesome it makes me worry about him really. I read The Caller and that just put me off! 5y
Andrew65 Totally agree. 5y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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So hard to review! The writing is excellent as always, great characterisation and interaction between them, great plotting and the suspense is excellent. However would most probably have to put it between so so and pick because of the too gritty aspect and the themes involved. I struggle with books that depict child abuse, find it so difficult to read (this includes 1 Karin Slaughter book), also sanded off a face of 1 victim. Love the series but👇

Andrew65 This one not so much as I feel he crossed the line. Please Chris tone it back a touch as you are a great writer and do not need it to be so sensational! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 That was a difficult book! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Totally agree, and such a shame as the writing was as good as usual but it was the theme of the abuse and killing that just went too far in my humble opinion. 5y
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EadieB @Andrew65 way too far! I was sick over the face sanding! The child abuse was awful too! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB That face sanding doesn‘t even bear thinking about! 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Carter has a very sick mind! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB As has been said, he is one sick puppy. Even worse that these are written based on his experiences. The world is one sick place. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 that‘s a frightful thought! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Very! 5y
kspenmoll No way could I stomach this book from your descriptions! @EadieB 5y
EadieB @kspenmoll definitely disgusting narrative that almost made me faint! 5y
Andrew65 @kspenmoll Definitely sections you had to take your brain out! Possibly only continued as I was leading the Group Read 😂 5y
kspenmoll @Andrew65 @EadieB You both are dedicated! I definitely would have had to bail!!😱 5y
EadieB @kspenmoll We were doing a group read with about 4 others so it‘s hard to bail with others involved too. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB @kspenmoll You just close your eyes! And think nice things. 😂 5y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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This is the schedule for the Group Read of I Am Death by Chris Carter which starts tomorrow on Librarything, this is Book 7 in the excellent Robert Hunter Series. Just started the book in preparation and already totally hooked.
If you like serial killer books with tension, chase, challenge and a great lead detective I totally recommend this series, one of my favourites, just be aware it is a gritty series.

TrishB Another series where I‘ve read number one! 5y
Andrew65 @TrishB I love this series, and a great lead character. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks! By the way, it‘s the 7th book. 5y
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Andrew65 @EadieB Yep, well spotted! Amazing to think we are so far through this series! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Went by fast! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Incredibly. He needs to write quicker, the 10th one is only published in May. 5y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Book haul from charity auction. Won these gems and it was for a good cause.

britt_brooke Nice!! 6y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Seems as I have cool family members who buy me kindle vouchers for my birthday it was only right that I spent it on Chris carter books that I wanted to buy... bought 4 of his books in total and 7 books altogether. Thanks for the voucher mom-in-law. 👌🏼

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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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My sister work in bookstore (student work). She bought to me these crime novels last month. I haven't read it yet.

#fallintobooks Awkward
I found #awkward in every book. 😁

#iamdeath #chriscarter #amokspiel #sebastianfitzek #olycksfagen #thestranger #camillalackberg #crime #thriller #mystery #slovenianedition #hardcover #bookspine #bookandhand #outside #tbr #bookworm #booklover #litsybook #litsylove

bobregina I'm a big fan of Camilla's work! 7y
maich @bobregina I haven't read anything by her. Can I read it standalone? 7y
bobregina @maich I read them in a row, but that's kind of an obsession of mine 🙈 there will be some mentions of her previous books, but you can totally read them standalone! (edited) 7y
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maich @bobregina Thanks😊 I will try 7y
RaimeyGallant Lucky! 7y
maich @RaimeyGallant Yes. Thanks😊 7y
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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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I loved this book just like I did the other books in the series! Robert Hunter is an amazing character. I am ready for book 8 now!

I Am Death | Chris Carter
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Another Goodreads win!

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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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‪FUN FRIDAY - If you could recommend just one author who would it be?‬ Mine would be Chris Carter

I Am Death | Chris Carter
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This. Book. Holy stoke, Batman!!!

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I Am Death | Chris Carter
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I read all night .... excellent 👏👏👏👏👏👏😈😈

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