I couldn't go through the story
That moment when somebody‘s Twitter thread makes you add his book to your TBR: a collection of pets immortalized by screwing up somebody‘s work. Screenshots of a few, clockwise, from top left:
1. Manuscript and cat prints from 15th c Dubrovnik
2. 17th c Japanese map of Nagasaki with paw prints
3. Royal stamp and dog print on a clay brick from the Ziggurat of Ur, 21st c BCE
4. Medieval Japanese manuscript and cat wanting attention.
Super excited to share the paperback of River of Ink with fellow Litsians! This is coming in January, and is available for preorder now.
Beautiful writing and an intriguing story line! That being sad I couldn't get into it or follow it easily. Had a lot of references to Sri Lankan epics and characters and I found it difficult to keep up with it all😔 still a very enjoyable read though!!
It's interesting how language works this way... that some languages just can't embody others words to an extent😌
The weather is finally starting to cool down so I'm breaking out the hot tea!! 📖☕️ What is everyone's favorite beverage while reading??☺️ #booksandtea
I finally finished it. 😳 really lovely writing, but I could not connect with the main character at all. I just didn't like him and his story never really grabbed me. I'm sure this is someone's cup of tea, as it is very well written, but it's not mine.
I'm having a hard time with this book... I really like it - the writing is good and the story is interesting. Yet I never want to pick it up and read. It usually doesn't take me this long to finish a book this size. 😐
One of many lovely sentences in one of my favourite books this year!
So I was minding my own business, reading a book while I wait for my daughter to get done with volleyball practice, and this little creeper jumps on my mirror and scares the bejeezus out of me. It's been looking at me for a while... 😬
Book haul from @Powells today! Maintained good self control and only bought these three gems☺️ so excited to dive in!
Finally starting this one tonight on my kindle... This week has been crazy with work and kids. I need more reading time! 😃
Okay, so I know this isn't exactly the idea behind litsy, since I wrote this book. But this from Instagram user @chantallahr is honestly one of the loveliest book photos I've ever seen, and I was so thrilled with it I wanted to share it everywhere. I promise not to make a habit of it!
So in love with this book! Wasn't sure if it would be for me at first but it just captivated me from the first page. Amazing setting, beautiful love story and so tense all the way thru. Can't wait for his next one!
(for bonus points I love Madeline Miller too)
I got a new follower just now, @PaulMMCooper who not only has great taste in books but published a much-acclaimed debut novel earlier this year. I think we all need to read it!