A beautiful book. Layered and nuanced, it ponders the meaning of life, the importance of family, and the role of our histories and our memories play in the lives we live.
A beautiful book. Layered and nuanced, it ponders the meaning of life, the importance of family, and the role of our histories and our memories play in the lives we live.
Just meh for me. Interesting premise, but fairly repetitive (well, I guess it has to be 🤔 😂).
E ~ Eternal Life
M~ Martian
I~ Invisible Library
L~ Longbourn
Y~ You Are a Badass
I picked books I‘ve read, except for my Y which is on my to-read list and sitting on my bookshelf. 😁
New post on my blog: Living Forever: Two Tales. Teachocolateandbooks.wordpress.com.
Excellent book. Mix of very readable literary fiction, historical fiction, and fantasy with a dash of romance. This slow reader read this book very quickly. 5⭐️
Rachel a woman who can not die marriages end children pass away life goes on& on & on,
I feel like I am going through this audiobook a little slowly, even though I am enjoying it. But got some listening in while prepping chicken and noodles for the crock pot.
Well, I read this today. It was very good and interesting. The thoughts and ideas that the author talks about through her characters are very thought provoking.
I had a job interview today. I drove down to Mora, MN. Cute little town in the middle of the state. They‘re proud of their Swedish heritage and even have a Dala horse.
And my library hold came in today! Can‘t wait to read it.
Oh! And I listened to an audiobook, Amina‘s Voice, on my drive but I haven‘t finished it yet but I‘m really liking it!
My read books for February. Could not finish Zeroville or The Unspoken Code. Love Originals. Both The Queen of Hearts and Eternal Life were great reads as well.
I wasn‘t really as into this one. The concept was interesting but the storyline wasn‘t very engaging.
ETERNAL LIFE follows Rachel, a Jewish woman who has lived for hundreds of years. When she young woman living in Jerusalem before the destruction of the temple, she traded her death to save her son's life. Now she's faced with an endless eternity. I enjoyed this deep character study into a woman who possesses eternal life, and if you're even a fraction obsessed with time and how that influences how we view the world, definitely pick up this book.
Happy #WorldBookDay!!! Tomorrow we send out our next newsletter! Be sure that you're subscribed so you won't miss our latest book reviews, book news, and most anticipated new book releases for March. This week, Kendra shares some of the books she read during a couple sick days she had this month. She always reaches for fantasy and mystery novels when she's down for the count. Do you have any particular genre you like to read during sick days?⠀
Up next 😍😍😍
I loved this book. The book is more quiet and contemplative then the blurb would lead you to believe. This makes me what to read more about Jewish history.
Kinda funny to read this one right after The Immortalists - Horn‘s gambit is a woman who can‘t die, no matter how badly she wants to. Told mostly in her first and most recent lives, we follow Rachel as she tries to die or at least find a better way to live if she must. Super-Jewish and wonderful. Plus it ended up being my “in one sitting” read for #readharder2018.
My boss‘ boss got fired today and there‘s a lot of unease in my office - so I headed to the library the first chance I got! I feel much better after 15 minutes in the stacks, even though I didn‘t *really* need anything new to read... 😏
I love the premise of this book. An immortal Woman who is thousands of years old wants to find a way to die. Tied in with modern life elements with her family. However, the book just never really took off for me, and I moved on.
I should be getting ready for work.... #mondayblah
Why did I not think to check if any Littens were at #siba17? Any southern booksellers among us?
Tagged book is a winter release I'm super excited to read.
#siba17 #siba2017 #bookstore #bookselling
I'm trying hard to use books on my #tbr shelves for these photos challenges, which is probably why I haven't been participating much 🙄. Here are a couple for #goldandsilver. I haven't gotten to either, yet, but the covers are beautiful!
#fallintobooks @RealLifeReading
I really enjoyed this story of eternal life and what it's all for 💜. Excellent!!