I started this horror novel based on the blurb by Stephen King on this book‘s cover. Once I got hooked into the story (right away!), it no longer bothered me that this novel is 767 pages long. I hope to finish it one day—sooner rather than later!
I started this horror novel based on the blurb by Stephen King on this book‘s cover. Once I got hooked into the story (right away!), it no longer bothered me that this novel is 767 pages long. I hope to finish it one day—sooner rather than later!
Epic in every sense of the word. This vast and sprawling horror/fantasy hybrid is as disturbing and disorienting as it is intimate and human.
A holocaust survivor, a sheriff, and a journalist face hopeless odds as they battle a group of secretive, powerful “mind vampires” who vicariously indulge in violence by controlling the minds of ordinary people. The antagonists are taken very seriously and grounded in historical realities (with dire implications for black and Jewish victims). This epic thriller dives into history, religion, race and genocide…scary, inspiring, and hugely powerful.
The book is well-written with some very convincing passages that describe the telepathic abilities of a special breed of vampires but it drags for the most part, it's just too damn long!
I can handle long. IT by Stephen King is of similar length and that flew by, but this has crazy amounts of filler that are an effort to get through. As the story progresses it becomes more and more corny with lots of cheesey dialogue.
1️⃣ My re-read of The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.
2️⃣ No
3️⃣ Tagged. It's a very big book but I'm loving it so far! 😁
Thanks for the tag @DarkMina
I tag @Ast_Arslan @reading_rainbow @RaeLovesToRead @Cathythoughts @julesG @BookwormM @maich @FantasyChick @CarolynM @dragondrool
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
Can I just say? CRUSHED IT! 🤣 This book is EPIC! In size, scale and idea. Honestly, once I realized what he meant by mind vampires, I felt like it was such a simple idea! But Simmons, stating that they are real (and yes, in simplest form, I agree) has developed and grown this idea into something TERRIFYING. It‘s the ultimate discussion on abuse of absolute power, and it‘ll make you scream.
I‘m almost done Song of Kali, so let‘s jump into this tome of Simmons‘. 😳#currentlyreading
If I were forced to pick my favorite horror epic of all time, it would be a razor-thin win for Dan Simmons's CARRION COMFORT over Stephen King's THE STAND. Brutally, viscerally horrifying, brilliantly plotted and executed, CARRION COMFORT will keep you awake late into the night and leave you marveling at its incredibly satisfying conclusion. This is the book that defines the Payoff Ending, a must-read for horror fans!
What to read next? 😍
#CarrionComfort #DanSimmons
#IAmLegend #RichardMatheson
#UnburyCarol #JoshMalerman
Quite imaginative and very interesting, but I wish Simmons would cut down on the elaborate action scenes and their endless descriptions (both in this book and The Terror). They‘re just so hard to follow. The romantic relationships between the characters did not impress either, and felt like something an editor asked Simmons to include as an afterthought. At least I hope that‘s how they came to be. The Island Club though? Awesome!
Vampires are real, but they prey on our minds. This is generally classed as horror, and there are some pretty horrific bits but it's so much more. Maybe a touch over-long, but for the most part a cracking read with some really memorable characters.
Yay I hit another milestone last night! Thanks to all my Litsy friends. I love this place!
“Here‘s the deal. Willi‘s bought the rights to a paperback best-seller called The White Slaver. It‘s a piece of formulized shit written for illiterate fourteen-year-olds and the kind of lobotomized house wife that lines up to buy the new Harlequin romances each month. Jack-off material for intellectual quadriplegics. Naturally it sold about three million copies. We got the rights before it was published."
Ah the glamour of Hollywood!
This book is so weird. 100 pages in and I have no idea what is going on.
Today's Kindle daily deal is not to be missed, horror fans! I picked up two old favourites for $2.99 each
Still not done trying to scare myself this weekend (although I'm starting to wish I'd picked a shorter book.) 😝☠️📚
I missed you Litsy! It's good to be back! Now I need to play catch-up with all the challenges. I always thought this was a great #creepycover 😱😳 I haven't read it yet. #booktober
It was the third Thursday of the month. Saul was almost sure it was the third Thursday. They came on the third Thursday. But not always. Perhaps not this Thursday. Saul pulled his forearms in front of his face and curled into an even tighter fetal position.