This is my current #litsylove set up. I've got a good size stack of mail to respond to, but I also have a lot of time this week. Going to try to make a dent in it 🤞😜
This is my current #litsylove set up. I've got a good size stack of mail to respond to, but I also have a lot of time this week. Going to try to make a dent in it 🤞😜
"They don't question anything. They see body parts and skin color, and they think what's on the outside is what matters. But when people don't look at the inside of others and they don't look at the inside of themselves, they're missing practically everything.”
This is such a good book! WARNING: discusses suicide and other topics related. I love this book because it is so realistic and romantic in an unconventional way. I rate this book a 10/10 because of the storyline and also how wonderful the characters add to the story. I recommend this book to people who like books that put you in your feels, are suspenseful, romantic, and are highly enjoyable.
I liked the lesson about not allowing someone to emotionally blackmail you because they are mentally ill. I liked the themes about racism and how it debunked some stereotypical ideas of how homosexual people believe. I didn't enjoy how predictable the ending was.
This book was intense in both mystery and emotions. Excellent YA book that I would recommend.
1. Teleport! Mostly, because I think being able to read minds would be a curse. Could you imagine knowing every thought that other people have about you? Think about some of the things that go through your mind about other people... scary.
2. ✔
3. I did not make New Year's resolutions. They are like wishing upon a star. I set some goals and created action steps for meeting them. Now I'm crushing my goals.
4. Outlander
#friYAYintro @howjessreads
1. Bottom right: I started the keto way of eating and got control of my type two diabetes and am getting healthy.
2. Bottom left: My 2019 goals, including reading 52 books.
3. Top left = Worst thing. Food poisoning related injury. Top right = Best thing. Getting to my high school weight.
4. No resolutions, only action (rather than outcome) based goals.
5. Tagged.
@MinDea #HumpDayPost
This was such a fantastic read. Oh my heart. Usually, I am not a fan of YA but this was one of the best books I read all year. This book is a reminder of the quiet struggles we often experience on our own and that sometimes we really don't know everything about those closest to us. This book broke my heart, but it was well worth it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Why do YA books make me cry so hard? Personally, I think that needing a box of tissues is the definitive characteristic of a book that should put it in the YA category. 🤧
#ImNotCryingYoureCrying #ChoppingOnions
Night time snuggles with my favourite 8 year old
Jessie ask for a one week break from her bf and their relationship to get some perspective before they graduate from HS. Then Chris vanishes and the police think he ran away. Jessie doesn‘t believe that.
Every Friday since they started dating Chris writes Jessie a love letter. So she starts writing to him to tell him what‘s going on. It‘s been a long while since a book has broken my heart and put it together again like this story. ⬇️
Another one of my favorite Mexican candy.
I refer to the shelf in the pic as my “classic shelf” I can‘t fit most of them on there. I need more shelves!
New read and my favorite Mexican candy, well one of them. 😊
#sundayfunday #currentlyreading
Jessie, a high school senior, a couple of weeks from graduation, writes down all her thoughts to her boyfriend, Chris, who has gone missing. The writing is simple but the emotional impact is huge. Can‘t really say more without spoilers but I liked this.
Sweet but very sad YA. Jessie keeps a journal when her boyfriend, Chris, is missing. The journal is written as a long letter to Chris as Jessie tries to unravel what may have happened to Chris and how to handle her feelings. Very well done and nuanced. Can‘t say more without risking spoilers, but it‘s a don‘t miss YA for 2018! #netgalley
⚠️ details under spoiler in comments section
First hey everyone I‘m back!!!! Second, i absolutely am loving this book! I have an e-arc from netgalley. I love it so much! Definitely something you should read once it‘s released
I loved this book. I liked the unique format of Jessie writing a letter to her missing boyfriend. I liked the way flashbacks were used to fill in missing spots. But I mostly liked getting so deep into Jessie‘s thoughts and emotions. There were a few things that drove it down to a four star for me but they are definite spoilers.
Cassie is a drinker, the blackouts are inevitable. She lives with them, and the self-loathing. When she awakes in a Dubai hotel room, she looks at the man she spent the night with. She sees his dark hair. His stillness. And blood, a pool on the sheets. Cassie begins to lie. She lies on the way to Paris and to the FBI in NY who meet her at the gate. Its time to face the truth about what happened in Dubai. Could she have killed him? If not, who did?
Sundays are for coffee, cozying up, and trying out new review books. And doing laundry at mom's house 😂
Sundays #bookstagram #amreading #arc #thisisnotaloveletter #netgalley #netgalleyreads #booksandchill