This book is very detailed with its simplistic illustrations. This book highlights the beauty and happiness you can find in the world.
This book is very detailed with its simplistic illustrations. This book highlights the beauty and happiness you can find in the world.
Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag is about an old couple's journey to find the world's prettiest cat. The couple decides that they want to have a companion as they realize they are very lonely. As their journey continues they discover their love for cats and decide to take them all home.
“I ought to know, for I've seen hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats - and not one was as pretty as this one.“
This was a very child friendly story that contained very rhythmic textual patterns. This book could be used to help teach and or demonstrate the issue of cause and effect. Beyond that I believe it would make for an enjoyable read aloud for elementary aged students.
The illustrations in this story were composed using the element of value. The images were depicted through the use of dark black, middle grey, and light white tones. There were no other colors used to construct the images. I also noticed the use of texture, when the images depicted the water and grass before and after the cats ate and drank it. Finally, I noticed the use of perspective, as the images helped depict the ample number of cats present.
“Millions and billions and trillions of cats- and not one was as pretty as this one.“
I can not think of many specific educational reasons to use this book, but I believe it would be a really fun book to read to students during free time throughout the day. A read aloud could work on fluency, prosody, and other aspects of reading.
This book utilizes the texture of the art, the perspective of each drawing, and value, separating between white and black. For a story about not being able to pick between one cat and eventually choosing to bring home all of them, the art makes the story much more enjoyable. The texture of the water shows it was an obstacle, but the cats all help to get rid of it. The perspective shows the reader truly how many cats there are as well.
This book is a winner of the Newberry Medal! This book is interesting because the man in the book gets apparently the most beautiful cat in the world but when he sees more and more cats he feels the need to take them ALLLLLL home!
Newbery Award Books
October 5th, 2006
Millions of Cats is a children picture book about an older couple that were very lonely and wanted to get a cat. When the old many was search, ended up finding a lot of cats. There were so many that the man didn‘t know which cat to choose. So, he decided to bring them all home. Which became a problem because there were so many cats! At the end of the book the old couple finally decided on the perfect cat!
Date Read: 9-14-22
Name of Award (if applicable): John Newberry Medal
Purpose of Award (if applicable): This award to given to the author with the biggest contribution to literature for children
Title of Book : Millions of Cats
Author of Book: Wanda Gag
Illustrator (if applicable): Wanda Gag
Date of Publication: 1928
Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag is a very cute book to read. It is more for entertainment than have a moral lesson, but can be a good read aloud for spare time in a classroom. This book was written in 1928, but still is still a wonderful book for children today. This book has also won the Newbery award!
This story is about an old couple who come across the world's prettiest cat that they decide they want to take home with them. Then they come across a field filled with millions of cats. They decided they needed to have them and home them all as well. They think they are all so pretty they can decide and cannot just pick only one cat but picks the whole field.
Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag is a fiction book about how an old man and an old woman are lonely and want a cat. The man goes to get one, but he cannot pick one. He takes all the cats and they end up fighting each other until there is one left. The man and woman love the cat that is left and end up very happy. This book was published in 1928 and won the Newbery Award in 1929. Very few picture books have won this award.
This story was about an old woman and old man who want a cat and come across hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions of cats. This story would be exciting for children to read and they could split up into characters which would be more engaging. I would read this in my classroom, it can even be used in a math setting since its talking about cats in numbers.
Millions of Cats is a tale about an elderly couple and their search for the perfect cat. The old woman desperately wants a cat so her husband sets out on a journey to find her the prettiest cat in the world. When he comes to a hill that is covered with “millions and billions“ of cats, he has difficulty choosing just one, so he decides to take them all home.
Author and Illustrator: Wanda Gág
Published: 1928
Awards: Indies Choice Book Award- Picture Book Hall of Fame Selection (2017), John Newbery Medal Honor (1929)
Genre: Children's Literature
Long, long ago there was an old man and an old woman who were lonely so they decided to get a cat. While out searching, instead of finding one cat they ended up finding millions, billions, and trillions of cats! Instead of chasing one, the old man chose all.
This book depicts a very old couple who wanted to find a cat to keep for some more companionship. They end up getting a million cats as their pets and have the tough choice of which one they want to keep. I would rate this book a 7/10. You could use this book in a childrens math class as well.
Award: Newbery Honor Award 1929
This book is about a man and a woman who live on a farm. The woman wants a cat so the man sets out to find her one. He couldn‘t resist and takes all the cats, but the woman says they can‘t keep them all so let the cats choose. The cats fight over which one looks the best, and they end up eating each other. The last cat left was the one who kept to himself and didn‘t say anything. This is a good book to teach about staying humble!
This book is a Newbery Award winner published in 1928. It is about an old man and old woman who want a cat and the old man cant decide so he brings back millions of cats. Eventually there is one left and it becomes one that they bring home. I would read this to my students still because it is a cute book and it is cool that it is so old. I think they could learn indecisiveness in this book or even use it in math when learning place values.
Published in 1929, this book was about a man that went to get a cat for himself and his wife and couldn't decide what cat he wanted. He decided to take all the cats home with him and there were hundreds, thousands, millions, billions. The very old lady said we can't keep all these cats and the cats fought over who would stay. Once the man and lady came back out there was only one cat left to keep.
Newberry Award
This book was published in 1928 and was a Newberry award winner. This is regarded as the oldest American picture book still in print. This story is about an old man and woman who wanted to pick a cat, but were unable to decide, so they ended up with millions of cats. The cats fought and fought until there was one cat left, and they finally ended up with their perfect cat. I would definitely recommend it!
Published in 1928. Millions of cats won a Newberry honor in 1929. Millions of Cats is a fictional story about an old man and old women who could not be happy because they were lonely. The old man goes and chooses all the cats off a hill and brings them home. They argue about who the prettiest cat is and get in an argument. One little cat does not chime in and fight and that cat becomes the cat for the old man and women.
This book is about an old man and an old woman who are trying to find the prettiest cat. When the old man goes looking for the cats he finds millions and trillions of cats on the land and feels he must take them all home. The old man and old woman could not decide which one was the prettiest so they asked the cats to decide. The cats end up fighting each other because they all feel they are the prettiest. There is one cat left who did not claim
My son and I got matching “cattoos” of the scruffy kitty from Millions of Cats before he gets nice and plump. 🐈⬛❤️ (his looks funky in this pic because of the wrap which I am allergic to - so mine is just naked and shiny with aquaphor)
This Newbery honor RF book is about an old couple that need to find the prettiest cat in order to be happy. This would be a good GR in a classroom. www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/299373/millions-of-cats-gift-edition-by-wanda-gag-illustrated-by-wanda-gag/ the publishers website is a good resource to find out more about his classic old tale. EL strategy of giving enough wait time for second language learners to respond is always helpful.
"And so it happened that every time the very old man looked up, he saw another cat which was so pretty he could not bear to leave it, and before he knew it, he had chosen them all."
This book is a very old picture books that‘s about an old couple finding the perfect cat for their lonely home. The illustrations are older and blotchy, but add to the authenticity of the book.
This book is interesting and would be used in my future classroom if we were talking about family and pets.
Millions of cats is a award winning book by Wanda gag telling the story of a old man and his wife.They wife dearly wants a cat so the husband goes out to find one for his wife. There ends up being millions of cats and he can‘t decide which one to take. teaching strategy: read aloud. Here‘s a link to her museum http://www.wandagaghouse.org EL: provide context support through audio and visual. UDL: Minimize threats and distractions. #UCFlae3414su19
This f Newbery award winner would be awesome for RA! It‘s about a man who sets off on a journey to find a cat for his wife to love. On this journey he runs into millions of cats to find the perfect one. UDL strategy 3.1 supply background knowledge & ESOL 17 providing contextual support would be wonderful options to pair with the book linked for comprehension. #LAE3414sp19
I love cats so this was really funny to me that he tried to take home all the cats.
The book uses the color black to distinguish between the lake being full of water and empty. This happened because an old man and women wanted a kitten but the old man couldn‘t just pick one from the million cats.
Maggie, Franklin, and Teensy. 3 of my brood of 11 furry babies!!! @TaylorMay
Millions of Cats
This TL picture book is a Newberry award winning in 1928. It is about an old married couple who lived in a small house surrounded by flowers, but they felt very lonely. The wife requested that the husband to go out and bring back the prettiest cat so they wouldn't be so lonely. The husband could not decide on which cat was the cutest so he ends up bringing hundreds home!
Since I can't have a real pet in my building, this cat is gonna be my reading buddy for the next while. #CatsOfLitsy
A perfect birthday gift for a book (and cat) lover like me. My mom did good!!
#favoritechildrensbook #riotgrams
I just love these. The illustrations in The Mitten (any Jan Brett book, really) and Guess How Much I Love You are wonderful and amazing💗💗💗
This TL book is about and old woman who wanted a fluffy cat. Her husband found millions of cats on the side of a hill and brought them all home, but then realized they couldn't feed every cat. The old man asked the cats which was the prettiest, and only one didn't think they were pretty. The old man and woman took in the "ugly" cat and made it pretty like the others! http://www.scholastic.com/browse/collateral.jsp?id=36051 #UCFLAE3414sp17
Check out the new Wanda Gag statue at New Ulm Public Library!!!
#24in48 - Books 5 and 6. Probably the most violent book we'll read (or ever written), but Jane and I love it. Giraffes Can't Dance is a nice feel-good chaser. Paired with Cheetos (or as Jane calls them "Cheesy Noodles").
#24in48 - Books 5 and 6. Probably the most violent we'll read (or ever written), but Jane and I love it. Giraffes Can't Dance is a nice feel-good chaser. Paired with Cheetos (or as Jane calls them "Cheesy Noodles").