Getting a little reading done at work today 😊
#BookNerd 🤓📚💙
Getting a little reading done at work today 😊
#BookNerd 🤓📚💙
I am enjoying listening to this series on audio. I am loving the characters and the continuing of the story. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.
It‘s midyear wrap up time and that absolutely blows my mind tbh. It‘s been a pretty good year so far. I‘m excited to be a little over halfway on my reading goals. Plus, this year has just rekindled my love of reading. I‘ve read a lot of books that I‘ve really enjoyed.
What about you? How has your year been so far?
Fave: Shadows of Self
Least Fave: Goth
Here‘s my ranking for Mistborn Era 2. I honestly can say this is my favorite Cosmere series. It was so hard to rank these honestly. But Shadows of Self really knocked it out of the park.
How would you rank them?
My full thoughts: https://wildwoodreads.com/2023/06/19/ranking-the-wax-and-wayne-series/
January was a pretty successful reading month. I found a few new favorites. And really enjoyed almost everything else that I picked up.
What about you? How was your month?
Full wrap up: https://wildwoodreads.com/2023/01/31/january-2023-wrap-up/
A very fun second book in the 2nd era Mistborn series. In this one we get a lot more callbacks to the original, so if you are thinking about reading this, you definitely want start at the beginning with era 1 the original Mistborn. I don‘t want to say too much, but all of our characters are back and this is a lot of them figuring out their place in this world. I look forward to the next book in the series! 4.5⭐️
#20in4 #Readathon
I have really enjoyed my time with this series so far. The Alloy of Law was a ton of fun but I absolutely loved Shadows of Self. It‘s witty, complex, and packed full of action. What more could it ask for?
Full review: https://wildwoodreads.com/2023/01/13/shadows-of-self-review/
Continuing my reread before getting to the Lost Metal. This had more substance than Alloy of Law. I think everyone *but* Wax got reasonable character development, while Wax was a force of nature. I didn't notice as much the first time I read it, but I really like Marisi and Wayne's perspectives and how their characters were filled in more.
Steris got shortchanged again but if I remember right she gets more love next book. Looking forward to it.
I don't know how he did it, but Brandon Sanderson turned the characters he set up in Alloy of Law--easily my least favorite Sanderson book to date--into people I empathize with to the point that the last part of the book emotionally wrecked me, almost out of nowhere.
So screw you, Brandon Sanderson, for making me feel something. But also thank you for making your characters so gloriously, horribly human.
Tor.com is offering the next Wax and Wayne book before the last book in the series is published in November! Grab a mobi or ePub download before 11:59 PM ET, August 26th, 2022.
https://ebookclub.tor.com/ #TorBookClub
Available in the US and Canada.
Oh my goodness, the joy of a book where I can't accurately predict everything that happens! What an interesting book with revelations about the wider cosmere stuff...I couldn't put it down. I want to start the third book as soon as possible, because the ending was quite sad.
“Shadows of Shelf” haha! Another book on the shelf pic. Happy thanksgiving to all those celebrating! 🦃 🥦
I set a goal of 20 books (most I have read before in a was 11) and with this read of #Shadowofself I have hit that goal! Now the book I love! A western detective style book with that sweet Sanderson #Mistborn magic! I know people are the biggest fans of this era but I love it. 2021 I will reread the original trilogy.
There‘s a lot to say about this novel but not a lot I can really talk about without spoilers for both it and the book before it, so suffice it to say that it was a fast paced gun slinger mystery with a truly horrifying baddie and tons of fantastic characters. I especially love how each character always has their own distinct perspective on both themselves and the others in Sanderson novels and this one does not disappoint!
This was another free choice tiles on my #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
I'm not enjoying this series as much as the original mistborn novels, but love Brandon Sanderson and still enjoying overall.
This was pretty similar to the previous book in the series. I still don't like how all the characters have the same speech patterns and modern way of talking. I do think the plot got more interesting in this book and more was learned about the main characters.
This second era of Mistborn is radically different from the first Trilogy. Get that through your head. These aren‘t direct sequels. The world has grown and changed and reading it is like being in on an inside joke. It‘s WONDERFUL. Just don‘t go in expecting Mistborn vibes. Go in expecting a detective story with powers and banter galore. You‘ll be pleasantly surprised with what you find. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘m not sure why, but I slowed way down reading this. I enjoy Sanderson, I find these characters compelling enough, but it didn‘t hold me for long periods of time. The story seemed to get stuck here and there. The ending was great and I‘ll finish the series. Hoping it gets better.
I can't get enough of this series!!
Been a bit slow reading-wise over the last few weeks. I'm slowly working my way through Mistborn Era 2. It's never quite grabbed me the same way as the original trilogy but besides the last two of White Sand graphic novels they're the only cosmere novels I have left to read!
Middle Book Syndrome is real, and so far as my literary tastes go, Brandon Sanderson suffers from it. Here, as with THE WELL OF ASCENSION, he looks at how characters adapt to changing circumstances; and as in TWoA, I didn‘t find enough reason to engage with the wider story until nearly the end. Even then, he roots the emotional payoff in a thread he all but abandoned early in the first book, so what could‘ve been an interesting ⬇️
I forgot to take a picture on tonight‘s #audiowalk, so here‘s the wall sticker I put up today. I DID have my book playing while I worked.
I‘m veeeeery close to the end of SHADOWS OF SELF now, and I‘ve got Thoughts. They‘re pretty similar to the ones I had about THE WELL OF ASCENSION, lending credence to my theory that I just ain‘t wild about how Sanderson handles middle books. Hmmm.
I had to turn down a roast chicken supper tonight due to health problems, but the kimchi-flavoured ramen I made in place of it was also delicious. It was a new-to-me brand I‘ll definitely buy again.
I‘m 50% into SHADOWS OF SELF now, and while I don‘t dislike it I‘m not really FEELING it, either. I wonder if I‘m destined to be disappointed with all Sanderson‘s middle books. #audiocooking
Wayne is my favorite when he is with Marasi, but he is still hilarious even without her.
I love Brandon Sanderson and the Mistborn series is every reason why. He does a wonderful job of world building and sinking the reader right in. I listened to this and the narrator is excellent!
I‘m on a roll finishing up my back log this week thanks to #24in48 last weekend.
Alright, I‘m fading fast. So this‘ll probably be my last post for #24in48. Was short by about 10 hours but I‘ll take it! I adored my first #readathon and it was everything I needed to recharge for work tomorrow. Thank you @24in48 for putting this on it was great!
#24in48 TBR pile including the audiobook of the book tagged!!! @24in48
I‘m so excited, I noticed a week ago I didn‘t have anything scheduled this weekend. All week I‘ve told people “no” because I need this #selfcare! Plus, I‘ve been stuck on #DoughnutEconomics and very much need to finish it! #HarleyMerlin #InTheHurricanesEye
Have I mentioned recently how much I love Brandon Sanderson‘s books? 😂😍
How does Brandon Sanderson constantly write good books????? The end of this one was crazy! Starting the next one right now!
It‘s a warm day down here in Florida! My BF took me to the park and we both read for a couple of hours. It was so nice 🥰
Giving myself a pat on the back for bringing my Kindle to work today! A crane ran through the main power line and electricity and water for the entire site are completely out. Without water, we truly can‘t do anything in the lab, so it looks like I‘ll have to read 🤷🏼♀️
The end of this one kills me every time. Poor Wax.
Sanderson has a gift for plot twists. They surprise you even on a reread! My love for Wax, Wayne, and Marasi grows with every chapter, but Steris hasn‘t grown on me yet- hopefully she‘ll get more time later.
I do wish that the plot wasn‘t so centered on Wax, though. At times it feels like the other characters‘ stories all depend on Wax‘s. I hope this will change next book.
What did you guys think?
Soooo...I think I have a bit of a book buying problem. 😅 I ended up going to the book store with my mom because she needed books for her class this semester. She found what she needed and I managed to find more Sanderson books. I‘m slowly completing my collection. 😈
I'm about to finish up this series (so far), and I have mixed feelings! They definitely don't compare to the original trilogy. 😦
The fifth book in the Mistborn series. The first one of Wax and Wayne was so-so, but this second one ads to the mythology and answers a few lingering questions. There's also a few plot twists I didn't see coming, which is always a plus.
This series is just so much FUN. Strangely, the second book was even better than the first. Highly recommend!
Bookmail!! Love Brandon Sanderson and the cosmere novels :)
Super excited for another installment in the Mistborn world 😍😍
"I ain‘t drunk,” Wayne said, sniffling. “I‘m investigatin‘ alternative states of sobriety."
“Well, you know,” Wayne said. “It‘s like I often say…”
“Greet every morning with a smile. That way it won‘t know what you‘re planning to do to it?”
“No, not that one.”
“Until you know it ain‘t true, treat every woman like she has an older brother what is stronger than you are?”
“No, not … Wait, I said that?”
He‘d always found it odd that so many died when they were old, as logic said that was the point in their lives when they‘d had the most practice not dying.
Another great read in the Mistborn universe. I enjoyed the tie ins to the original trilogy in this book. This new part of the series isn't as epic as the originals, but I enjoy the mystery/western episodic style of these books. Now on to six.
While not as engrossing as the original trilogy I still really liked this book. Full of Sanderson's signature unexpected twistiness and original trilogy name drops, this was a really fun read. The characters are interesting and the magic system is beautiful.
Another book that I don't have a physical copy of, which always saddens me a little. Hoping this new mist born trilogy can live up to the original. Alloy of law wasn't nearly as compelling, although still a good book.
Sunday brunch, Brandon Sanderson, tea. Perfection. #brandonsanderson #shadowsodself #brunch #sunday