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Summer Bird Blue
Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
37 posts | 22 read | 24 to read
A mixed race teen struggles to find her way back to her love of music in the wake of her sister's tragic death in this incisive, lyrical novel that's perfect for fans of Nicola Yoon and Jennifer Niven, by the author of William C. Morris Award finalist Starfish. Rumi Seto spends a lot of time worrying she doesn't have the answers to everything. What to eat, where to go, whom to love. But there is one thing she is absolutely sure of--she wants to spend the rest of her life writing music with her younger sister, Lea. Then Lea dies in a car accident, and her mother sends her away to live with her aunt in Hawaii while she deals with her own grief. Now thousands of miles from home, Rumi struggles to navigate the loss of her sister, being abandoned by her mother, and the absence of music in her life. With the help of the "boys next door"--a teenage surfer named Kai, who smiles too much and doesn't take anything seriously, and an eighty-year-old named George Watanabe, who succumbed to his own grief years ago--Rumi attempts to find her way back to her music, to write the song she and Lea never had the chance to finish. Aching, powerful, and unflinchingly honest, Summer Bird Blue explores big truths about insurmountable grief, unconditional love, and how to forgive even when it feels impossible.
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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On the surface, this book is such a simple story, but it is so beautifully written, and that‘s what makes it truly stand out. While the fact that Rumi is ace takes a back seat to her grief, it is still a vital part of the story. Overall, this book will certainly tug at your heartstrings. It is a quick read, but certainly not a light read. I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially if you‘re looking for a book with ace representation!

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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After Lea died in a car crash, Rumi lost not only her sister but her songwriting partner and best friend. Spending the summer in Hawaii with her aunt, apart from her mother, is the last thing Rumi wants to do. But very gradually she makes new friends who accept her grief, her anger, her mixed race identity, and her undefined sexuality (questioning the asexual/aromantic spectrum). I love Rumi so much. Her story is raw, painful, and utterly human.

TrishB I loved this one too. A lovely read. 4y
alysonimagines @TrishB Yes, it‘s such a lovely story and beautifully written too! 4y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Today‘s meeting of Litsy ATX reader‘s Society 😊.
Our June topic was LGBTQIA+. Many really great books were discussed, we laughed a lot, and we got to meet Megan‘s bearded dragon Darby (I hope I‘m remembering that right!)
@alysonwrites read and discussed the tagged book, which of course I added to my TBR.
Thanks Casey for grabbing the screenshots!

Cinfhen Fabulous ❤️👍🏻 4y
Crazeedi Very awesome! 4y
Morr_Books @Soubhiville Nice! What is July's topic and maybe I can join? 4y
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Soubhiville @Morr_Books that would be great! July‘s topic is Ocean. The meeting will be at 2 on July 18th. 4y
Morr_Books @Soubhiville Ocean...hmm...I have to think about that topic for a bit. Are there restrictions or can it be nonfiction or fiction? 4y
Soubhiville @Morr_Books you can interpret it any way you like. Fiction, nonfiction, ocean in the title, takes place in the ocean, on the beach, author lives near the ocean, author‘s name is Ocean, whatever! 😊 4y
Morr_Books @Soubhiville 💕 Nice! 4y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Bawled like a baby all through this one. It was beautiful 😭

TrishB I loved this too ❤️ 4y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Akemi Dawn Bowman has penned a gorgeous novel that tackles the messiness of grief. I instantly connected with the main character, her arc and processing of her loss were poignant.

Breeze doesn't understand why I'm crying so hard right now.

LeahBergen Breeze is lovely! ❤️ 4y
Leftcoastzen Kitty!😻 4y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Christmas book haul! I‘m most excited to read Summer Bird Blue and There‘s Something About Sweetie! #bookhaul

rachelsbrittain Summer Bird Blue is so good! 5y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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#7Days7Covers #Covercrush Day 3.
Post a cover you love every day for 7 days. No explanation needed.

TrishB I loved this book and the cover is stunning ❤️ 5y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Heart breaking and lovely 💕💔
Had a lump in my throat a couple of times and tears running down my face. Explores a lot of different themes really well. It‘s YA just in case....

Cathythoughts Sounds good ! ( & thanks for the YA heads up 👍🏻... I‘ll pass on this one 😘 (edited) 5y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Thoroughly adored.

Firstly, I‘d never read a book set in Hawaii before! Loved the cultural exploration in this.

Key themes of grief (teenage and elderly, recent and distant, both painful), family, friendship, sexuality, music.

Definitely taught me that regret isn‘t something you want to hold on to. As soon as you feel it, find a way to fix what‘s gone wrong.

The sisterly bond in this reminded me of me and my sister. Hit close to home!


Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘We shake hands and laugh like the children we are, making promises we don‘t realise we can‘t keep, but making them anyway because we mean every word.‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘But this has been a summer of goodbyes - it was never about anything but goodbyes. Maybe there‘s something special in that. Something bittersweet and beautiful, all of these moments coming to an end.‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘She tells me that sometimes being angry is easier than letting the sadness in. She says anger attacks like a dagger; sadness is more like a wave.‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘You can‘t rush creativity. It‘s like the rain. You wait and wait and wait, and when it finally comes, it soaks the earth and revives all the plants.‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘Grief is only a visitor, but it‘s going to stay longer when it sees you hiding from it.‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘Don‘t let your anger drive you into solitude. Because one day you‘re going to wake up and find your anger has been replaced with loneliness, and it‘s easier to stop being mad than it is to stop being lonely.‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘Grief is a monster - not everyone gets out alive, and those who do might only survive in pieces. But it‘s a monster that can be conquered, with time. And your mum just needed some time.‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman

‘There‘s no shame in saying, ‘I can‘t do this alone.‘ There‘s no shame in saying, ‘I‘m not okay.‘‘

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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GondorGirl I adored this book! 5y
edennugget @GondorGirl I‘m loving it! I adored Starfish - opinions on that? x 5y
GondorGirl @edennugget I loved that one too! She's pretty much become an insta-buy author for me. 5y
edennugget @GondorGirl Yesss! Agreed. And it definitely helps that her covers are so gorgeous 😍😉 5y
GondorGirl @edennugget Yes! The covers are so saturated and lovely! Plus, she's done awesome preorder incentives for both books. 5y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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I love stretching but I also love reading.. so why not do both simultaneously?

What a struggle this photo was... nearly snapped my back holding a super heavy book above my head (Beneath A Scarlet Sky) so had to swap out for a lighter one!

Lauram Wow! 5y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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This book could have used some editing, but overall I really enjoyed it! I‘m a sucker for a Hawaiian setting 🌊💙

ShyBookOwl I just realized that I don't think I've ever read a book set in Hawaii 🤯 5y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Rumi and her sister are best friends and dream of a career writing music together. When Lea dies in an accident, Rumi is shattered. Her mother, floored by her own grief, sends Rumi to stay with her aunt in Hawaii.

She gradually forms bonds with people around her, but her grief is raw and messy and she lashes out a lot before coming to terms with it. She‘s also wrestling with her sexual identity.

Heartbreaking and lovely.


Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Maybe I just want to stay on the couch all day and drink coffee and listen to audiobooks.

Ashley_Nicoletto This sounds like a perfect day. 6y
pocketmermaid @Ashley_Nicoletto My only other plan was to clean up some of this Christmas detritus- but I think I can manage to do that while listening to my audiobook. And waiting for my next cup of coffee to brew! 6y
Texreader Perfect! 6y
RealLifeReading Cool mug! 6y
pocketmermaid @RealLifeReading Thanks! A friend created the design for me! I even have bookplates with this image. 😀 6y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Morning read with smoked butterscotch latte.

rachelsbrittain I loved this book so much! 6y
Kelly @rachelsbrittain I feel like no one has talked about it??????!!! I'm eager to read it on my flight today. 6y
rachelsbrittain @Kelly I know! Its heartbreaking but so, so beautiful! I'm not sure why it hasn't gotten more attention than it has 6y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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I haven't been around much lately, because this time of year is crazy for me. It's pretty much eight weeks working long (or weird) hours without a real day off. So, I haven't really read a physical book in over a month. I miss having the energy to check litsy- I miss you guys! But today I had a few back-and-forth comments with @rachelsbrittain and I felt the NEED to read! And I don't even care that I'm exhausted, because this moment is perfect!

Eyelit Take care and glad to see you again! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa You definitely need some time for you, and a book and the cute kitty! 6y
rachelsbrittain Hate to hear things have been so exhausting. But I'm glad you're getting some reading and kitty time now. And can't wait to hear what you think of the book! 6y
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CatLass007 I‘m glad you‘re getting the chance to read and spend with your adorable kitty. 6y
Joy0201 That cat is adorable! Enjoy your reading time ❤️ 6y
Suet624 💕💕💕 6y
Bklover Glad you have a little time to read and visit with kitty! Hope things slow down for you soon! 6y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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I found a small package waiting for me when I got home from the show today... book goodies for Akemi Dawn Bowman's new book! Her debut novel blew me away and I preordered this book the moment it was announced. I can't wait to read it!

rachelsbrittain Ao pretty! I absolutely adored Summer Bird Blue! Still need to read her first book, but I expect it's just as good 6y
GondorGirl @rachelsbrittain Her first book was lovely... Touching and lyrical, without seeming like an after school special. One of the best books I read last year. 6y
rachelsbrittain I would describe Summer Bird Blue very similarly! I wanted to immediately read Starfish after finishing this one (you know it's a good book when an author becomes an auto-read author after only one book), but haven't gotten my hands on it yet. I really can't wait to read it. And she has another book in-progress listed on Goodreads as coming out in 2019! 6y
GondorGirl @rachelsbrittain All this talk is making me want to pause on my current book and drive into this one! I usually don't do that, but I think I might make an exception... 6y
rachelsbrittain @GondorGirl haha I love it 😂😂 6y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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HOORAY, NEW BOOK DAY! Here are some of today‘s new books! Which ones are you excited to read? 📚❤️📚

CouronneDhiver Not sure... any of these a contemporary or historical novel? 6y
rachelsbrittain I *adored* Summer Bird Blue! 6y
GatheringBooks oh wow! i miss buying books. huhuhuhu 6y
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Verity I‘m hoping there‘ll be an airport paperback version of Fear when I go through Heathrow next week... 6y
Wattrat Picked up a copy of Fear! 6y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Aching, powerful, and unflinchingly honest, Summer Bird Blue explores big truths about insurmountable grief, unconditional love, and how to forgive even when it feels impossible...

Johanna414 I‘m excited for this - I really liked her first one! 6y
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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Heartbreaking. Lovely. Once I started this book I could barely put it down. A complex exploration of sisterhood, grief, friendship, and family. The writing was lovely and the emotion felt so incredibly real. You'll definitely want to have some tissues at the ready with this book. Read it, read it, read it when it comes out next month.

Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Having some trouble putting this one down at the moment

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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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STARFISH was my favorite read from 2017 and I‘m so happy there‘s more of Akemi‘s work out in the world 🙏🏽

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Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
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People of Litsy! Is anyone planning to go to #BookExpo and/or #BookCon this summer? I just got approved as a member of the media for BOOK RIOT and I‘m sooooo excited! Basically, I‘m saying we should be friends. 😃

MrBook Wonderful!!! I'll be at both 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! Setting up a Litsy Slack group for everyone to stay in touch. Are you interested? Just send me an email at jasonvigorito at gmail, and I'll send you an email invite 😊🙌🏻. 6y
kate_reads @MrBook This has been on my list to do for forever, I will email you tomorrow! 6y
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