I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them.
Day 46
I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them.
Day 46
Less than two hours to go until me and my eldest get to meet the 14th Doctor...So excited for the return of David Tennant and Catherine Tate and looking forward to meeting the 15th Doctor somewhere in these specials as well.
These are a few of my special editions from a decade ago celebrating the 50th anniversary of the series. I remember the 3rd doctor's last episodes and being fascinated when he regenerated into the glorious Tom Baker.
My TBR for #scarathlon. Been getting back into #doctorwho #blackcatcrew
I keep seeing things about the 60th special, and it's got me itching to reread some of my favorite Doctor/Donna stories. Gonna start with this one.
🎧 A 10th Doctor with Donna story.
Donna returns home for the anniversary of her dad‘s death. Wilf has a girlfriend! I love Wilf!
Enter … Mandragula‘s Helix! It wants revenge against the Doctor.
Wilf has discovered a star & it‘s named after him. The Doctor attends the naming ceremony & learns of a disturbance in the stars.
Wilf‘s GF has incurable Alzheimer‘s which fits into the story.
Another Save the Earth episode! I loved it!
Tackling my reading room today! 📚💖🥰. Hubby emptied the room (of everything else lol) & washed the walls & floor for me! Isn‘t he the bestest? 💖. I am such a lucky woman to have him!! Now as for organization 🧐, I haven‘t quite figured that out yet. I‘ve got 12 boxes open as a starting point though lol! 🤯💖📚🎶☕️
Look what came today! My book sleeve! I'm using it for my kindle today, as I don't have a real live book with me. #booksleeves #Doctor Who
So I just bribed the kids into quiet with the Doctor Who books on my e Reader. When I'd asked what they were doing (much screaming about Gallifrey and Daleks, hint hint) I was told 'just Timelord shit'..... Ummm
#sacrificialKindle #pokerface #TimelordShit
That immense feeling of pride you get when your 2 year old says 'Want Doctor Who on the telly!' while clutching River Song's sonic screwdriver. My work here is done.
You guys, for Teacher Appreciation week one of my 5th graders got me this! And two of my other students went in together and got me a Harry Potter wand/TV remote! I've got a good bunch this year, what can I say?
Plus Chewbacca cookies were in all our boxes yesterday from the Cafeteria staff! #teachersoflitsy