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Ti sto guardando | Teresa Driscoll
Numero 1 in Inghilterra, Stati Uniti e Australia Un grande thriller Una ragazza scomparsa. Il tormento di un testimone. Una ragnatela di bugie. Durante un viaggio in treno Ella Longfield nota due uomini che flirtano con delle adolescenti. Inizialmente non d molto peso alla cosa, ma quando comincia a mettere meglio a fuoco la situazione il suo istinto le dice che dovrebbe intervenire. sul punto di chiamare aiuto quando qualcosa la ferma. Il giorno successivo, al risveglio, scopre che Anna Ballard, una delle ragazze del treno che laveva colpita per i suoi splendidi occhi verdi, scomparsa. Trascorso un anno, Ella non ha ancora trovato il coraggio di perdonarsi, ma c anche qualcun altro che non ha dimenticato. Ella inizia infatti a ricevere inquietanti lettere piene di minacce. Lettere che le fanno temere per la sua stessa vita. la paranoia a convincerla che persino le persone che la circondano sappiano qualcosa di cui lei alloscuro? Lunica cosa certa che qualcuno la sorveglia e sa sempre esattamente dove si trova. Perch la sta guardando. La sta guardando. Un esordio da record Bestseller in Inghilterra e Stati Uniti Il miglior thriller dellanno. Leditore Ti sto guardando mi ha fatto impazzire. Non sono riuscita a smettere di girare le pagine fino allultima. Quando un libro ti regala queste emozioni davvero un piacere insuperabile. Teresa DriscollVive nel Devonshire e lavora come presentatrice televisiva per la BBC da oltre quindici anni. Forte di una lunga carriera da giornalista dinchiesta, ha deciso di cimentarsi con thriller realistici e dal sapore amaro che analizzano limpatto che un crimine ha sui familiari delle vittime. Ti sto guardando, il suo esordio nella narrativa, ha ottenuto un grande successo in Inghilterra, Stati Uniti e Australia ed stato tradotto in sei lingue.
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Starting off August‘s #roll100!!!
# 14 - I Am Watching You
# 28 - Behind Her Eyes
And # 29 - Hamnet!!!!

I am SO looking forward to reading all these!!! Can‘t wait to start with I Am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll!

PuddleJumper Glad you got some good ones! 2mo
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I liked this mystery‘s twists and turns, unsure of where it was going. I also liked the authors writing ✍️ structure and the building of the characters. I recommend it! 👁️ 👣


I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

Recommend if you like twists and turns and an unexpected ending!

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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“When Ella Longfield overhears two attractive young men flirting with teenage girls on a train, she thinks nothing of it—until she realises they are fresh out of prison and her maternal instinct is put on high alert. But just as she‘s decided to call for help, something stops her. The next day, she wakes up to the news that one of the girls—beautiful, green-eyed Anna Ballard—has disappeared.” #thriller #audiobooksrock #mystery #guilt #danger

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I am trying to read books that have been on my Kindle for years, so pulled up this one. Ella, a florist from Devon, is on a train to London when she notices 2 young girls talking to some older guys. When she finds out a few days later that one of the girls is missing, she is wracked with guilt for not saying anything. This was an interesting premise, but the reveal of who took the girl was fairly lackluster, almost out of left field. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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When I started this audible at first I wasn‘t for sure I would be into this book. It took a little bit to get use to the narrator. But, as the story went on there where shocking turns to the story. Different characters had an important part that related to the story. The story keeps drawing you in. It all came around to the end with a heartfelt ending. 😢

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Oh my gosh!! @Endowarrior21 you completely spoiled me! I love everything so much from both books, to the art prints, lots of bath bombs, candy, lemonade, the windchime kit, notebook, sticky notes,, and necklace! You truly went above and beyond and I'm so blown away and grateful. No need to send me more lemonade as you already gave me so much! I love it!!! Thank YOU!
#sliceofsummerswap @Catsandbooks

MrsGagnonreads2024 I glad you like everything 3y
LoverOfLearning Wow! And the book I Am Watching You is such a good read! 3y
Kaylamburson So excited to read it!! Good to know you loved it! @LoverOfLearning 3y
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Catsandbooks What a cool wind chime kit! Enjoy! 🍉 💕 3y
Kaylamburson I'm excited to get crafty! Maybe while listening to an audiobook! @Catsandbooks 3y
Catsandbooks @Kaylamburson sounds perfect to me! 🙌🏼🎨 3y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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My new favorite author. I absolutely love psychological thrillers.

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I was not a big fan of this book. I felt as if the author didn‘t have any idea of what she wanted the story to be and was just gradually piecing her ideas together.
There were a lot of characters that I felt were unnecessary to the entire story and I felt that it could have been better without them.
The bases of the story would have been good if the author would have spent more time on the actual details instead of creating new characters.

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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On to the next 😊 reading this with a couple of coworkers. They had a couple days head start cause they said it was only fair since I read too fast for them 😂

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Ella observes two teenage girls flirting with two young men fresh out of prison. She contemplates warning the girls‘ parents and decides against it. The next day one of the girls goes missing. A year later, the disappearance has not been solved. As tensions run high, everyone affected has secrets they can no longer hide. #MountTBR

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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This was an enjoyable mystery/thriller. I had great sympathy for some of the flawed characters. I did not guess the ending. I listened to the audio version and the narrator was really pleasant. Then again, I just find British accents to be soothing no matter the topic.

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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And of course I already had my next one picked out and ready to go. A thriller that looks promising. 🤓📖

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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It's a fast read, the organization of the chapters keeps you interested, you want to know who did what. I really liked how Teresa Driscoll describes how the family is impacted by this disappearance, by the inquiry, and also by the media.
However, I didn't find the story realistic... I thought it was a little too much (convicts, sexual abuse, suicide attempt, pregnant teen, etc.) And of course the end was a big disappointment...

LoverOfLearning I read this awhile ago and I remember feeling the same way! Especially at the ending, I remember being mad. 4y
LoverOfLearning I did enjoy the storyline though, I thought it was different from the average who-done-it 4y
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @LoverOfLearning I read this book for a book club, I usually don't read crime fiction... So I haven't read enough books to really compare it to others. I just found some elements cliché, but it was still an entertaining read. 4y
LoverOfLearning @JulietteGF yes entertaining for sure. 4y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Brilliantly written, I loved this, plenty of twists and turns.. 😊

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Current Read #2.. 😊

LoverOfLearning Ohh this was excellent on audible!! 5y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

Nice read - told from the perspective of several characters - couldn‘t figure out who “did it” so decent twist at the end

LoverOfLearning Oh I enjoyed this one! 5y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I love love loved it. The end should‘ve been hinted at more throughout in my opinion, but thoroughly entertaining read.

LoverOfLearning The audiobook was fantastic! Listened to it years ago. 5y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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So this one was free on kindle and seemed interesting. I thought it'd be good to listen to while cooking and doing dishes and whatnot. And it was, but it left me a little disappointed. I'm not sure why. Each chapter ended in such a way that I HAD to know what was next but then felt like the payoff never really matched the buildup. Oh well. It was a fun distraction during chores!

LoverOfLearning I listened to this on Audible a whole back. I gave it a pan. Not sure why. 5y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Book received from @Q84 #CozySwap I enjoyed this book. You will know what happened mostly through character's interviews made by the police or investigators. Some parts reminded me the novel You. Many secrets will be revealed. I can't say much because in that first chapter the suspense starts. The end was ok but still I enjoyed the novel very much. 3.85⭐️Last tea bag received also from @Q84 so spicy and delicious😋

Q84 I'm happy to see you enjoyed! 5y
mabell Fun fall photo! What kind of tea? It looks yummy! 5y
Gissy @mabell There were different type of pumpkin spice tea bags with cinnamon, caramel, that one is "hearty spiced tea". 5y
mabell That‘s creative! I haven‘t seen those before. 5y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I Am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll is an intense tale centering around the disappearance of a young woman and told through the eyes of various characters that were involved. If you‘re looking for a thriller that will keep you guessing right up to the very end, then this is a book for you!

https://www.ericarobynreads.com/book-review-i-am-watching-you/ #thriller

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

This book was kind of slow. I found my self skipping sections to try and get to a better part. The ending was interesting though, never expected it.

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

Not a bad book, but not a great one, either. I typically enjoy books with multiple POV, but it didn't work for me this time. The shifts in perspective were abrupt and jarring. Also, the characters seemed pretty flat to me, and several of them were just plain annoying.
I was interested enough to keep reading, so it's not a complete pan; but I doubt it will have a lasting impression on me.

LogiKitty Oof. I have this in my TBR and maybe I don't want it there after this review! 5y
cherinium It looks like reviews are pretty evenly split on this one. It could go either way for you. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

I really enjoyed this book! So many points of view with so many pieces to the puzzle that you are constantly trying to put together only to be dead wrong.

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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It's been a long time since I've read any kind of thriller, but I really enjoyed this one. The twist at the end was believable, and it was a very quick read.

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

"How she hasn‘t told the police the truth about what happened with Anna in the club. And she hasn‘t told anyone about the text from her dad that night."

Whattttttt!!! ????

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Reading at the Doctor. Today is my last set of corticosteroid injections before I'm referred to a surgeon for a sacroiliac fusion.
I have scoliosis & sacroiliac joint dysfunction. I have been getting injections for years but over time they work less & less. So now we have exhausted all treatments options. Believe me, I've tried them all. Chronic pain is no joke. Everyday I am in pain, everyday is a struggle to do the simplest of tasks. ⬇️ (More)

InkedBookworm13 I am hoping this fusion will alleviate some of the pain in my sacrum and make it a little easier. As you can see from my scan, the degree if my curve is not huge which means I do not qualify for a spinal fusion. I will have to continue getting injections in those areas. I am thankful that I have the support of friends and family but it is hard to be so young and not able to do the things I love. So I am hopeful that it will work. 5y
InkedBookworm13 I do not have a surgery date yet but will keep you all posted when I have more info. ♥️ 5y
Grrlbrarian So sorry you‘re going through this. Hoping for some relief for you from the procedure. Hang in there! 5y
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cobwebmoth Sending positive thoughts and hugs! 5y
AmyG Wishing you only the best. May the surgery go well. 5y
SconsinBookyBadger Fingers crossed for the procedure to make things better for you. 5y
mabell I‘m so sorry. What a difficult thing to go through - I can‘t even imagine. I hope you are able to get relief soon. ❤️ 5y
TheSpineView Fingers crossed for you! 5y
SW-T Hope the surgery works and that recovery is quick and complication free! 5y
BookwormAHN I hope the surgery works, hugs 🌺 5y
DaveGreen7777 Sending you good vibes and healing energy for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery! 5y
InkedBookworm13 Thank you everyone 🤗🤗🤗 5y
KirstieE I have scoliosis as well, but not as severe. But there are some days I can‘t even get out of bed, so I know the frustration and pain you‘re going through. Hopefully the new treatment works ! ❤️❤️ 5y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

I almost did not finish reading this book. The majority of it was boring and stale, but I kept reading because the author strategically placed enough hints throughout to want you to keep reading. You couldn‘t actually GUESS what was going to happen..the hints weren‘t enough. But would I recommend this book as a thriller? No

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I lied about man in the high castle and decided to get something quick and easy out of the way. I‘m wishing I didn‘t... Currently struggling to get through this book 😔

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I enjoyed it. I was surprised with the ending and it‘s free on kindle unlimited.

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Thank you so much for the birthday gift 🎁You are so sweet! @dariazeoli

Erofan Happy birthday!!! 🎉🎂🎁💝💞 6y
dariazeoli You‘re welcome! Hope you‘re enjoying your day! 🎂🎁 6y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Solid mystery, I guessed the ending but not until very close to the end. I listened on audio and really enjoyed the narrator. Went back and forth between a pick and so-so, but the pacing and character development pushed me to a pick!

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Quite a bit of #audiobooking to day while I clean house, refinish a bookcase, and walk the dog. Nearly finished with this one, very suspenseful! #24in48 #24byMonday @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @24in48

BeansPage Very nice and you are doing very well! 👍🏻😃👍🏻 6y
Andrew65 A fantastic total! 🙌🙌🙌 6y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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#audiobooking while running errands. @24in48 #24in48

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

When I first started this, I found the ultra formal tone of the first narrator really annoying (even though it was part of the character development) and almost set it aside for another day. I pushed on, and found myself pleasantly surprised. I liked the differing perspectives, the plot was fresh and intriguing, and I didn't guess the ending! Score! I'd definitely read more by this author.

bookaholic1 I enjoyed this book as well 6y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.⭐️I really enjoyed this one! It kept me guessing and I was definitely surprised! It‘s available on kindle unlimited right now as well for those who subscribe!!

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Really good suspenseful book. Lots of twists. Could not figure out who did it. A girl disappears and the witnesses who seen her last is getting weird postcards. I give it 4 stars.

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Love it when a book references the Doctor!

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Me when I realize amazon prime offers more free books for kindle apps. I mean at least they don‘t take up space on my shelf that I don‘t have 🤷‍♀️

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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The story was heart wrenching and kept me guessing the entire duration of the book. Definitely a page turner. It took me a while to really start getting into the book though. I believe that may be due to the lack of character development. Anna and Sarah seem to be the most under developed. I continued to mix the two of them up. “is it Anna or Sarah that is missing again?🤔”

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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1. Hippo (favorite animal) and let me say ET was going to be mine until I saw what it was 😡
2. Pop can
3. Mystery/thriller (tagged)
4. Probably 2 weeks ago for breakfast
5. I don‘t but I enjoy watching others do it.


KrystleTheBookSlayer Just looked up the ET memes, so terrible! 😤 6y
TheLibrarian @KrystleTheBookSlayer 100% agree. I was heartbroken and so angry when I saw them. 6y
Sleepswithbooks @TheLibrarian - I finally someone who has the same favorite animal as me #wonderfulriverhorses 😂 6y
TheLibrarian @Stacypatrice 😂 They are so adorable!! 6y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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A great suspense novel about a missing girl told in three perspectives: the friend, the witness, the father.

Ella is on a train & witnesses 2 girls flirting with 2 young men who were recently released from prison. After ignoring her maternal instincts to contact the girls‘ parents, Ella finds out the next morning that one of the girls, Anna, has gone missing.

Someone knows where Anna is, but who is it?

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Just started this now 🙏🏼 it sounds interesting. Intro is a little clunky so far, but maybe it‘ll pick up. It‘s hit or miss with Kindle Unlimited 😂

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

This book was okay. I was disappointed in the ending because I didn‘t feel that the author gave enough clues to the identity of the perpetrator. Part of the thrill of a thriller for me is to look back and see all the clues I missed. There is certainly a lot going on. Everyone has a secret. I‘m not sorry I read it but am rethinking my plan to read Driscoll‘s “The Friend” next.

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Not a bad book to listen to, really enjoyed it

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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4 stars.
I listened to this book in two days. I enjoyed it a lot. I was guessing the whole time, what the heck happened & who done it, but I never had it right. The betrayal in this book was shocking and sad to me.

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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Loved it! Driscoll is one of my new favorites

I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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What an excellent plot twist! I really enjoyed that there were characters who were endearing, those that annoyed me, those who were peripheral enough to not take up too much space but still played a role. Driscoll has a wonderful talent for developing the appropriate characters in the right ways to keep a story interesting, give it some plausible emotion, and distract her reader in the right places. Loved it!

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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll
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I Am Watching You is a Crime Thriller. Go home, Goodreads Recommendations. You're drunk.

Unless Cow, Pig, and Duck brutally murder Mrs. Wishy-Washy and attempt to cover it up. Then sign me up.🐄🗡🐖🔧🦆💉⚰

Julsmarshall 😂 so funny! But my kids and I did ❤️ Mrs. Wishy Washy! But I don‘t recall any murder business! 6y
Birdsong28 😂😂😂😂📚📖 6y
CocoReads 🤣🤣 6y
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MrBook 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Reggie Lololol 6y
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I Am Watching You | Teresa Driscoll

I was really looking forward to this but it left me feeling disappointed. The premise was a good one but parts of the book were repetitive and the characters unlikeable. Meh.