Well now I REALLY want to read the next volume! Plot and exposition continues at a good pace, as do the surprises! Still completely in love with the art, the far future sci fi feel mixed with the 80s nostalgia.
Well now I REALLY want to read the next volume! Plot and exposition continues at a good pace, as do the surprises! Still completely in love with the art, the far future sci fi feel mixed with the 80s nostalgia.
Library database access point presented as the Tree of Knowledge. I LOVE it! 😍
Still good fun. I wish my library had had it in English though, lots of the sharp dialogue got lost in translation.
Reading snack: carrot cake 🥕
It‘s been a long gap between me reading volume 4 and then volume 5 - and while there was a few things that a reread possibly would have made clearer- I loved this! As always the colour palate is exquisite.
Very exciting! Only one left in the series and I can‘t wait to find out how it all ends.
Welp. The time war continues to rage in this fifth book of Paper Girls. The past catches up to the future, time could fold i to itself, and at the very end, the squad is dissipated across space and time. What the fuuuu. #graphicnovel
I can‘t believe the next volume will be the last! I have loved following these girls - and their past and future selves - across various times and realities. Can‘t wait to see how the story wraps up!
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Books completed on trail: 19
I finished this book on day 40 which means I‘m completing a book nearly every two days. 🙌🏽
I‘m getting close to the end. The plot thickens. 😬
I'm all caight up with paper girls, and I love how crazy this time traveling is getting. ❤
Finished vol. 4&5 last night- I really liked these two! I‘m excited for vol 6 next month :)
I love this series and am sad to hear that volume six will be the conclusion! This is one special series and I hope it gets adapted in some form soon!
I love this series - the girls are still in the future. And we find out something rather interesting about the ‘old timers‘.
And now I think I‘m going to have a look for volume 6 - I think I saw that it was out. It might just go on my birthday list....
Still solid. The narrative is starting to fall apart a little bit, but it‘s still entertaining
These girls just can not catch a break! This was the best one yet, and holy cliffhanger!
I‘m now functional enough to make my own cup of tea. Baby steps! #seriesread
The girls seem to be closer to returning to 1988! The coloring in this volume is fabulous.
THIS SERIES EXCITES ME SO MUCH, Y‘ALL. The various timelines in play get a little clearer in this volume, but OF COURSE Vaughan and Chiang handle it so the reader ends up with tons more urgent questions about what all‘s going on.
IT‘S SO EXCITING OMG. I can‘t wait for the next volume, both for itself and because it‘ll give me another excuse to reread the whole series with the latest revelations in mind.
I ended up near the library this afternoon, so I popped in to get my holds and found another couple things besides. Yay, libraries!
I seriously love this series! But I hate the waiting for the next volume! 😆⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks to @Lauredhel for reminding me that I haven‘t read this volume yet, I‘m starting it now! 😊
I enjoyed this much more than the last volume. Some questions were answered, only for me to have even more by the end. It‘s confusing but I really love the artwork and the nostalgic feel. 4⭐️
P.S. Received some #LitsyLove from @Stacypatrice ! Your reply is going in the mail tomorrow! 🤗
Omg I had the hugest grin on my face when I saw a shoutout to my favorite book series in volume 5! 😁In the next panel, she talks about how everyone in her class (she‘s 12) are obsessed with the Baby-Sitters Club but she thinks they‘re a bunch of babies and wants to try something more adult. 😅 I absolutely love it!!! 🤗
Another good volume. I really want to go back and read these all again. It‘s harder to remember the older volumes sometimes. My little Trixie cat is snuggling with me on this cold evening!