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The Nesting Place
The Nesting Place: It Doesnt Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful | Myquillyn Smith
12 posts | 13 read | 11 to read
Perfection is overrated. Popular blogger and self-taught decorator Myquillyn Smith (The Nester) is all about embracing realityespecially when it comes to decorating a home bursting with boys, pets, and all the unpredictable messes of life. In The Nesting Place, Myquillyn shares the secrets of decorating for real peopleand it has nothing to do with creating a flawless look to wow your guests. It has everything to do with embracing the natural imperfection and chaos of daily living. Drawing on her years of experience creating beauty in her 13 different homes, Myquillyn will show you how to think differently about the true purpose of your home and simply and creatively tailor it to reflect you and your unique stylewithout breaking the bank or stressing over comparisons. Full of easy tips, simple steps, and practical advice, The Nesting Place will give you the courage to take risks with your home and transform it into a place thats inviting and warm for family and friends. There is beauty in the lived-in and loved-on and just-about-used-up, Myquillyn says, and welcoming that imperfection wholeheartedly just might be the most freeing thing youll ever do.
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This is such an inspiring book! More importantly it is also full of accessible ideas and powerful encouragement. Definitely recommended for anyone interested in homes, decor and individual style! Now I‘m thinking this book will make a great gift for some of my friends.

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Here is a favorite #CozyReadingNook - we have several. ❤️ As you can see, I frequently have competition for this one.
#FestivePhotoChallenge #WinterGames #MerryReaders @Clwojick @StayCurious

AmyK1 What a cutie! Looks very cozy. I can see why there‘s competition 😉 5y
BookNAround Your competition is adorable. 5y
ljuliel Your pup is beautiful. 5y
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Clwojick 2 pt! So adorable. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @AmyK1 @BookNAround @ljuliel @Clwojick - thank you!! That's Paisley. She's kind of a terrorist most of the time but then she's so adorable and cuddly that I forgive her for all the times she's destroyed something I love 😆 5y
Crazeedi That's a great looking chair, perfect!+ 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - my brother-in-law decided to get a new chair, so we got this one. Frequently other people's reject furniture is just about perfect for our house, where we have two fluffy dogs and love to eat pizza on the couch. :-D 5y
Crazeedi @TheAromaofBooks most all my furniture started life in another house, actually I can't think of any furniture we've bought new! 😏 5y
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Got my "office" back this weekend - freshly painted - and am soooooo excited!!! I have missed my desk!!

Come-read-with-me @TheAromaofBooks what a great office! I love the tree outside of the window. 5y
Lovesbooks87 Love it! 5y
Crazeedi Love your room! And the color of the walls!! 5y
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JoScho Looks great! 5y
Avanders Looks wonderful!! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Come-read-with-me @Lovesbooks87 @Crazeedi @JoScho @Avanders - thank you!!! It's a funny room, long and skinny, so that is one end of it. After we finish painting the other end (husband's work space), we are going to be building in shelves and storage around the window and to the left of where I'm standing for the picture. I'm pretty excited about that also, but right now just reveling in having my writing/craft space back!!! 5y
rather_be_reading love it! 😍 5y
TheAromaofBooks @rather_be_reading - thank you!! It's soooo happy! 5y
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I've been dipping in and out of The Nesting Place for FOREVER. It's the perfect book to keep open in my Kindle app on my iPhone (you know, just in case there's an emergency like a dearth of reading material). Smith's book is perfect for me because I SERIOUSLY need to do some redecorating. My husband and I have been in our house for 15 years, and I spent the first three or so decorating obsessively (soooo much TLC and HGTB). ⬇️

UnabridgedPod Then, after three years, we had our first son, and then another three years later, and we spent a lot of time making kid-friendly spaces. And then it all stopped. I haven't done much for a looooong time because it feels like one step is an irretrievable commitment to doing EVERYTHING. ⬇️ 5y
UnabridgedPod Smith's book is the pep talk I needed, all about starting small and embracing imperfection and just being willing to risk that first step without feeling like it's opening a door I can't close again. Great, gorgeous (seriously, those photos!) read. 5y
TheAromaofBooks This book was so encouraging and challenging to me when I read it - I've given it as a housewarming gift more than once since then!! 5y
UnabridgedPod @TheAromaofBooks I love that idea! I think it would be a perfect gift. ❤️ 5y
TheAromaofBooks The hard copy is really love, with glossy pages and lots of color, which makes it an extra happy book to hand out! :-) 5y
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@megzlynn - a #shelfie for you! :-) My husband built these four houses ago, and they have been moved and painted multiple times. I wanted something that would hold a lot of books, but also have spaces for other odds and ends. This room also has a table/chairs & a comfy chair + windows & plants - it's absurdly happy in here.

I've tagged one of my favorite books on home decorating as well!!

PS And no, those aren't all the books!!!

jchawkins 😍😍😍 5y
Ronda ❤❤❤❤ 5y
wildwoodreads That‘s beautiful. I adore the shelves. That‘s for the book recommendation. I‘m a newly wed and this is our first house so it‘s a brand new experience for me! 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @jchawkins @Ronda Thank you!!! 🎉 5y
TheAromaofBooks @megzlynn Aww congratulations on your marriage!! We are celebrating anniversary #9 next month, & still thinking getting married was the best idea ever! :-D Originally we built the shelves to fit in a wide hallway in a house we were renting, so we weren't really thinking of them as forever shelves, but I loved them too much to leave them behind! They're just painted pine 1x6, so fairly inexpensive. The book is one that really inspired & …. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @megzlynn ….encouraged me. The author is a Christian, but even if that isn't for you, I think her overall message of joy & contentment will resonate with anyone. Best wishes as you nest in!! :-) 5y
wildwoodreads @TheAromaofBooks Happy early Anniversary. I‘ve loved married life so far! I love that the author of the book is Christian was we are also. 5y
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I enjoyed this read and love her writing style! Even though I didn‘t love all of her decorating styles/tips, I enjoyed the concept of making your home right for you ❤️

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First book that came to mind for the #springcleaning prompt. I haven't read it, but it's pretty! #marchmadness


Gonna Rant: I realize choosing to be child free, my perspective is different. Also realize that things happen. If faced w/ unexpected pregnancy, you have to make the right choices for you. Didn't even get to decorating part of book. Authors story of being deeply in debt, seriously no $ at all, yet her & husband having baby after baby. Irresponsible, I just couldn't take it. If you want children, have time,love & $ for them. Good for you! Go 4 it!

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I wasn't around yesterday, so here are my #peachbooks 🍑Sorry to be late, you guys! I laughed at myself as my stack kept trending toward orange or pink and I had to readjust. Anyone else? 🙋🏻

My shelves mix new + used, MG/YA/adult, fiction + nonfiction, which I tried to reflect in my stack.

Has anyone read any of these books? Do you have a favorite here? (I haven't read all of these yet!)

#peachcoloredbooks #augustphotochallenge #augustofpages

[DELETED] 2232195534 Think I read Girls In Pants. Can't remember. Ha! 8y
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Excellent read--lots of great application for many different seasons of life. Both practical and insightful!

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Maybe this has been done before, I really like how the author gave the reader hope and permission to live the home they are currently in. More a change in thinking than decorating. Enjoyed.

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