We used to watch this every year during the first snow…. And then we moved to SC 🤣 so now we watch it during the first cold snap 🥶 #losersclub #stephenking #borninsincomeonin
We used to watch this every year during the first snow…. And then we moved to SC 🤣 so now we watch it during the first cold snap 🥶 #losersclub #stephenking #borninsincomeonin
It's tempting to think of this book as having been intentionally made with a visual media release in mind. King always likes to say he wrote it as a screenplay because that's the format the story insisted upon. After reading this work, I can't help but feel King was right. It's difficult to imagine this story in any other format. A charismatic lead, a truly terrifying villain, and an engaging supporting cast make this one a lovely read. 4/5
When we lived in NJ we used to watch this every year during the first snow. Now that we live in SC, we just wait for a cold night! #RIPMartha #borninsincomeonin #losersclub
A devastating story, and one that manages to beautifully blend human and supernatural horror.
Yes, I also now live in the road opposite where I actually grew up.
Still working, still getting paid.
Started this wonderful Stephen King screenplay! I loved the miniseries, so it'll be nice to read the script!
Found at goodwill. Nabbed for my sister's collection. The weird part is that I was just talking about this movie the other day.
Thoughts and prayers to everyone on the east coast and the Carolina‘s. I hope Hurricane Florence doesn‘t end up being as bad as we think. Stay safe everyone! #hurricane #stormydays #prayersgoingout
#thunderstruck #getmovin
Plenty of thunder in this one!
W is for Weather. Stephen King uses natural elements from weather patterns in several of his stories in order to add a greater level of suspense. Imagine IT without the rains, Revival without the lightning storms, or The Shining without a blizzard, and you'd have a completely different story. King's masterful use of things we can relate to, like the weather, is just one of the many reasons his books are timeless.
#KingAtoZ @GarthRanzz
Today's weather brought to you by #WTForecast
Also it was not "light rain" it was a down pour.
#lighthouses #marchintoreading
The only one I could find 😀
Another pick for #scaresyou #stephenking17
This villain - Linoge (sp?) - & this scenario - do we stand together? Fight together? Die together? Or do we get scattered by evil? King is a MASTER at heightening these moments, when we really see into our neighbors' hearts, when we have to choose how we want to live, & how we want to die.
Pics of school after our storm. We have another one coming tomorrow with up to a foot more forecast. We may have to resort to tunnels in order to get around.
????? Yup, I live in the 20-26" area depicted on the lower map. Today 1-3". Tomorrow into Monday Blizzard conditions. This is on top of the 12" we received on Thursday. Glad I went to the bookstore yesterday! ?????. You all may not hear from me until Spring!
One of my favourite things about Stephen King novels: When they're #setinasmalltown and include the community. I love how he sets up so many different side-characters, their quirks, interests and relationships with each other...and how it derails once the supernatural hits. #photoadaynov16