Several days late, but better late than never! #Othello for #seductiveshakespeare.
Titania, having had her eyes anointed with Oberon's love potion, falls in love with Bottom, the weaver, whose head has been converted into that of an ass by the playful #Puck.
Reposting this just in case! Please tag @jenniferw88 in any posts!
Prompts for #SeductiveShakespeare starting Friday 1st September! Please tag @jenniferw88 in your posts!
She's happy to have us back home! The last 48 hours were lonely for her while we visited my parents. #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #bibliokitty
I read a post about how cats always sit inside circles ( and proceeded to waste 30 mins trying to get my cat to sit inside various types of circles. Valuable time I could have used to read. I even made a book circle. He gave me a look of disdain and then sat outside the circle. 😂😂 #catsofLitsy
You know you are an English teacher when you get excited about Shakespeare Cats posters to decorate your classroom.
Y'all. This NEVER happens anymore since we got Poochie. Juliet stays upstairs and Poochie stays down. But today I was lounging on the couch, reading and playing Supernatural in the background and Juliet snuggled with me for a long time. She and Poochie had a stare down for about 10 minutes, but Juliet stood her ground. I love my kitty. #catsoflitsy
Cats! Today I am wearing this lovely shirt my mom gave me. It sparkles 😁💕💝
Your morning dose of #Septimus love! Wish you could hear --and feel--him purr! Have a good day, Littens! 👍🏼💜
We've had a ruff weekend, Littens. I got called in to cover a 12 hour call shift on Friday (someone was sick) and so we weren't able to pick up Ember until a day later than we had planned, which means that we've had less time than anticipated to get the kittehs used to one another, especially since I am starting night call. I have been emotional about the whole thing and all I want is a mental health day to read. But not until Dec. 😩🤕
Happy National Cat Day from Haley and Metar! #nationalcatday #haleymetar2016
Happy#internationalcatday from Metar and Haley!
I mean, you COULD go your whole life without seeing your favorite Shakespearean characters as cats, but why would you want to?