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My Antonia (Revised)
My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
21 posts | 47 read | 9 to read
Contexts and Backgrounds is a rich collection of materials organized around the novel s central themes: Autobiographical and Biographical Writings, Letters, and Americanization and Immigration. Willa Cather, Edith Lewis, Latrobe Carroll, Rose C. Feld, Guy Reynolds, Woodrow Wilson, Peter Roberts, Horace M. Kallen, Sarka B. Hrbkova, and Rose Rosicky, among others, are included Criticism spans a century of scholarship on Willa Cather andMy Antonia, from contemporary reviews by Henry Walcott Boynton, H. L. Mencken, and Elia W. Peattie, among others, to recent critical assessments by Terence Martin, Blanche Gelfant, Jean Schwind, Richard H. Millington, Susan Rosowski, Mike Fischer, Janis Stout, Marilee Lindemann, and Linda Joyce Brown. A Chronology of Cather s life and work and a Selected Bibliography are also included "
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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Thank you Helen ♥️ it‘s a well received hug! We‘re having a couple of wobbly days so I think we‘ll all be glad when tomorrow‘s finally done.
Looking forward to reading this one after following the buddy read. After I‘ve got this weekend done I‘d love to sort out a meet up in the middle 😁👍🏻

Cathythoughts Lovely book ♥️👍🏻 5y
batsy Oooh! Cather 😍 5y
youneverarrived 💚💚 5y
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MicheleinPhilly I hope everything is OK Trish. ❤️ 5y
AmyG A wonderful book. Yes, hope all is well. 5y
squirrelbrain Glad it arrived! Hope tomorrow goes OK 😘 5y
LeahBergen Hope you‘re okay? ❤️❤️ I need to read this still, too. 5y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly @AmyG @LeahBergen thank you lovely ladies 😘❤️ - taking my daughter to uni tomorrow! She‘s been crying on and off for a couple of days so tomorrow is going to be really stressful!! (edited) 5y
MicheleinPhilly Awwwww. I will keep her and you in my thoughts this weekend. 😘 5y
Cathythoughts Oh dear ! It‘s a big move ... sending warm wishes 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Kalalalatja I feel for your daughter (and you!) it is a big thing! Hope it all goes well 🤞 5y
batsy A big move indeed and a new chapter in life. Much love to you both ❤️❤️ 5y
CarolynM Hope it goes well and she finds her feet quickly in her new world💕 5y
Caroline2 Bless her!! I hope it goes ok today. Thinking of you both. 💖 5y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly @Cathythoughts @Kalalalatja @batsy @CarolynM @Caroline2 thank you ♥️ all done. Some expected crying (me and her!) but all good. Room and flatmates all nice 🤞🏻 5y
MicheleinPhilly Glad to hear that. It is a HUGE adjustment but I‘m sure she will thrive. 5y
Caroline2 Ahhh bless her!! Off to Uni!!! The time flies. I hope she has an amazing time and I hope you‘re ok Trish. 💖 5y
Centique Sending you belated hugs Trish! 💕💕 5y
TrishB @Centique thank you ❤️ it‘s taking some getting used to! 5y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

1. I used to think of myself as a very city person and I still am but I‘m growing to love the countryside too! I love both but hate the suburbs (where I‘m from, v bored!)

2. All of the above

3. Hiking/walking/strolling/wandering

4. I haven‘t camped since school, I might try again but I prefer hotels and proper roofs...

5. The grasslands of this book are still swimming round my head and I read it 5 years ago

wanderinglynn Enjoy hiking& walking too! 👍🏻 Thanks for playing! ⛺️ 5y
CouronneDhiver Ha! Roofs are handy, I agree. 5y
readinginthedark Cather does an amazing job evoking the Kansas prairie! 💗 5y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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#winterwonderland #sleighride

There‘s one sleigh ride story that won‘t leave my mind and that‘s the one that Pavel tells in My Antonia. I can‘t tell you why because spoilers. But those who know, you know!

TrishB Not familiar with this one 😁 6y
Centique @TrishB my lips are sealed! 😬 6y
Ruthiella THAT‘S WHERE I READ THAT!!!! I was trying to think of it last night! Thank you Centique!!!!😍 6y
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Ruthiella P.S. I loved the book too. 😀 6y
Cinfhen My interest has been peaked!!!! #stacked 6y
Centique @Ruthiella same thing happened to me. I reread it and went OH! that‘s where that story that haunts me comes from 😱 6y
jhod I just finished where a quote from this book was used and I very much want to read it now! Stacked! 6y
CarolynM Don't know how I missed this post. I love My Antonia and Oh Pioneers!, both great books. Merry Christmas Paula, to you and your family 🎄❤️😘 6y
Centique @CarolynM thank you Carolyn! Hope you had a lovely day. I‘m feeling the effects of too much pudding 😂😂 6y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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Day Three: Your least favorite required reading.

This is a good book. Cather is very readable. It was just the simple fact that I was a high school girl, from Nebraska, reading about Nebraska. We learn pioneer stories early and often. We KNOW the land. I just had a hard time connecting with this one. Antonia‘s portions are the best parts. I gave it a 2nd go for the Nebraska 150 list, but 🤷🏻‍♀️. It‘s me, not the book. 😄

night_shift I read it for school, but it was very meh. No strong feelings one way or the other. I honestly can't remember what happens 😂 6y
GondorGirl As someone growing up in urban Michigan, I read this in college and was blown away! It's so interesting to see how location and life experiences shape the way we view literature. 6y
AshleyHoss820 @UnidragonFrag I was pretty much the same way. I felt it was a good book, I just wasn‘t invested. My sister was so upset with me because she loves it! 😊 I feel bad that I don‘t love it! 😂😄 6y
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AshleyHoss820 @GondorGirl YES!! I agree with you! It‘s fascinating! I live in an agricultural state, so pioneer/settler/immigrant stories are pretty much woven into the fabric of our lives. I much preferred the book A Lantern in her Hand. 😊 6y
night_shift I so love that your sister was upset you didn't like it. I don't know, that's just cute. My brother doesn't really read so I couldn't have that. A Lantern in Her Hands does sound interesting though! 6y
AshleyHoss820 @UnidragonFrag 😄😄It‘s hilarious because it‘s the nicest disagreement ever! We‘ve had this happen several times, too. My Mom didn‘t care for Wicked and I was so sad! 😂 Sorry your brother doesn‘t read much! My husband doesn‘t read at all & it can be a tad frustrating when I want to talk/share books! He talks with me about them, but it‘s not the same as when I talk w/ my sister! 😄😄😄 6y
night_shift My husband isn't a big reader either, so I get these sort of conversations with my daughter, mother, and a couple of coworkers! It is frustrating when you REALLY need to talk about a book and can't how you'd like lol 6y
AshleyHoss820 @UnidragonFrag YES! It definitely is! 😄 6y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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I graduated to Willa Cather after eating my way through Louisa May Alcott as a girl. What were your faves in middle school? #bestheroines #favoritechildhoodreads

elizabethlk I am reading the Great Plains Trilogy in order right now. Loved O Pioneers! but really struggling with The Song of the Lark, as I am not enjoying it at all by this point. My lifelong favourite early 20th century lady is LM Montgomery. Anne of Green Gables is a masterpiece. 6y
Updrifting @elizabethlk Can't argue with you on the "Anne of Green Gables" front. I think I loved "Song of the Lark" bc I was such an intense choir girl... and singing was just such a big part of my life. 6y
Sophoclessweetheart I need to read this book 📚 6y
Updrifting @Sorceryandswords I hope love it! 6y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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Reading this one on the Serial Reader app. I like the app because I almost feel like I'm accidentally reading a book in the background of all my other reading.

GondorGirl Gah! I adore Willa Cather! 😍 7y
tif @GondorGirl I've never read her before. To be honest I'd never even heard of her until recently 😳 I'm enjoying it so far 7y
GondorGirl @tif I read her in college and fell in love. My favorite is 7y
CarolynM Fabulous book 7y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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This is the year of finding out that I really love frontier books (#NewsoftheWorld), not that this matters with such writing. Willa Cather paints affectionate, striking portraits without ever being sentimental as Jim Burden remembers his childhood on the Nebraska plains and one character in particular, Antonia. #WillaCather #MyAntonia

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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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Parents sent cake and Willa Cather for my birthday🎂

vivastory Sounds like great parents. Happy Birthday!! 📚🎂 7y
TrishB Happy birthday 🎉🎉 7y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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"That is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great." -Willa Cather, My Antonia

Just posting this month's calendar pic. I love when they have literary allusions, and this one has so many! This month's quote is from My Antonia.

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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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A very tentative pick here, this book would be amazing for a bookclub and a bit of backstory on Cather makes this read more interesting. Bad, the thankfully one chapter with casual racism. It pulled me out of the story. It felt weird as the whole tone of the novel is sympathetic towards the other (white) immigrants who were looked down on at the time. This is a problem I have with older novels a lot (pub 1918 originally) cont in comments

Weaponxgirl And it always makes me think how limited the cannon is and how we need to expand it and make the idea of classic more inclusive. So the good, this book is beautifully written and so easy to read. And for a interesting way to read it, it's good to know that people are pretty convinced that will a Cather was a lesbian. She lived with a woman all her life even though she was never officially out. This makes the fact that she wrote this from a mans 7y
Weaponxgirl Perspective really interesting, especially since she wrote it inspired on a real life woman she knew in her childhood. The immigrant women who have a hard life and work hard are shown so much love in this novel. The hardships endured and there's a couple of side characters who end up living a non traditional but successful lives for the period. I have many feelings on this book but am aware of the problems. 7y
Weaponxgirl The best I can do is say if you can get through that one chapte without vomiting. Give this a read and decide for yourself. It won't be for everyone but it has a lot inside it to interest you and incite conversation. Sorry for the essay 7y
Aquedita Already checked it out from my library :) 7y
Weaponxgirl @Aquedita 😀 can't wait to hear what you think 7y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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So I do have issues with holding up old books to modern day standards (such as the controversy of huckleberry Finn) but damn if this sentence take me straight out of the story and go whaaa?

Weaponxgirl @Notafraidofwords it was a face palm moment , this whole section of the story was hard to read with the description of the musician 7y
BekahB Wow...yikes. The only Willa Cather I've read is O, Pioneers, but I don't remember much about it. 7y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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Not for me. It took forever to get through this. I did like The Professor's House.

readinginthedark Aw, that's too bad. I loved this one! 7y
Dolly @readinginthedark To be fair I had a lot of starts and stops, and fell asleep several times. Not too many books could hold my interest through that😬 7y
readinginthedark @Dolly Ah. That's how I read all the time. 😆Not the falling asleep part, but reading bits and pieces here and there. 7y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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This is the books I'm focusing to finish for #thismonthstbr anything else that gets read will be a bonus #readjanuary

My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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#booktober Day 22 While I have many #immigrantstories on my TBR (thanks to Litsy), this is currently the only one I own. I'm an avid library user and don't buy that many books anymore.

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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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This read like a more beautifully written, more lush version of Little House on the Prairie--with them living in sod houses and farming the harsh Nebraska winters. I just loved every page! Ántonia is a flawed but beautiful character that seems to reach people on a more in-depth level. We all love and root for her but her story takes its course and feels real. The descriptions may be some of the most beautiful I've ever read without going too far.

My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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The old man's smile, as he listened, was so full of sadness, of pity for things, that I never forgot it.

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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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#SeptPhotoChallenge Day 16 - book rainbow

The Penguin #Dropcaps are definitely the rainbowiest of #rainbow books on my shelves!


Readingismyescape These are gorgeous! 😍📚 8y
DimeryRene Ahhhhhh. Love looking at the drop caps. 8y
ValerieAndBooks So pretty! 8y
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paige84 Love 💕 8y
GinaAnderson So pretty. 8y
Julsmarshall These are so beautiful! I need them! 8y
BooksForYears @Julsmarshall You do need them 😊 8y
RealLifeReading Oooh lovely 8y
Baileeandme Gorgeous! ❤️ 8y
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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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I was something that lay under the sun and felt it, like the pumpkins, and I did not want to be anything more. I was entirely happy. Perhaps we feel like that when we die and become a part of something entire, whether it is sun and air, or goodness and knowledge. At any rate, that is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great. When it comes to one, it comes as naturally as sleep.

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My Antonia (Revised) | Willa Cather
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Finished up this lovely book on a not so lovely Memorial Day morning. It took me a while to appreciate the quiet beauty of the writing and story, but I think this one will stay with me for a long time to come.

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