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The Leopard
The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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INCLUDES RECENTLY DISCOVERED NEW MATERIALIn the spring of 1860, Fabrizio, the charismatic Prince of Salina, still rules over thousands of acres and hundreds of people, including his own numerous family, in mingled splendour and squalor. Then comes Garibaldi's landing in Sicily and the Prince must decide whether to resist the forces of change or come to terms with them.
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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#HumbleHarvest Day 28: An interesting #Window in this first restaurant that we went to for dinner while in Bologna last week. We had caprese, carbonara, and Lampedusa.

Eggs Well that sounds delicious 😋 7mo
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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#HumbleHarvest Day 22: A #RedStack of tomatoes for my caprese when we were in Bologna for my weekend dinner. Naturally paired with a classic from Italia while we are here.

Texreader Mmmmm 7mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
Eggs Beautiful 🍅❤️🍎 7mo
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The Leopard | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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A rich historical portrait of a dying Sicilian aristocracy, hastened by Garibaldi‘s armies sweeping through Italy in the name of national unification. di Lampedusa writes of the dazzling luxuriance of the Salina family and its patriarch, the Prince (based on di Lampedusa‘s own great-grandfather) who is all too aware of the impending forces of change, relegating him and his class to the dusty corners of history. Burt Lancaster; 1963 film version.

The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa

#bookspin - I don‘t know if I‘m doing this book a disservice but I just really couldn‘t get into it. And that meant I didn‘t read it properly, so maybe I missed stuff that I would‘ve enjoyed. I‘ve put it down literally less than a minute ago and I don‘t think I could summarise what it was about.. at least #doublespin is a reread that I know I will enjoy!

TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!!! 12mo
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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What a Shakespearean opening: in 19th century Italy on the cusp of a regime change, a Sicilian nobleman with fading influence sides with his favored nephew over his loyalist son. And the tragic action that unfolds? His nephew gets married and...that's about it. I'm being a little unfair, but the writing, which offers imaginative descriptions and an endearing, satirical humor also isn't quite interesting enough to compensate for the lack of a plot.

kspenmoll Kitty approves! 13mo
BarbaraBB I felt the same whole I had such high expectations 13mo
Susanita I read this in high school for some reason and wasn‘t particularly impressed. 13mo
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Billypar @kspenmoll He's pretty sure he's also a leopard 🐆 13mo
Billypar @BarbaraBB Yeah, I didn't know much about it going in, so I just expected a completely different sort of novel. 13mo
Billypar @Susanita So, I wouldn't be shocked if someone liked this novel - the writing is good. But why someone would think high schoolers should read it is completely beyond me! 13mo
Susanita Right?? I don‘t know if I‘d enjoy it more now, however. 😉 13mo
sarahbarnes Love the review. And that kitty is SO handsome. 13mo
Billypar @sarahbarnes Thanks! And Jem is flattered 😸 13mo
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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#readaroundtheworld #italy Catching up on a classic for this month‘s selection. Historical fiction from the 1860‘s that wonderfully captures the thoughts and emotions of a feudal prince who is watching his world collapse under the pressures of capitalism and the unification of the nation/states into one Italy. Although it is a prince whose mind we dwell in, the book also captures the quiet despair of anyone who loves life and yet must give it up

batsy Lovely review! I have this waiting on my shelves. 2y
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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One of my favourite places in Sydney is Abbeys book shop. Since Covid started I have not been to visit🙁. As Sydney is now in lockdown again I am purchasing a few books every few months in way of support! I would hate it if they shut!!
Some books here that I have read about on Litsy or heard about on the ABC bookshow📕📮
Happy reading everyone🌻
#favouritebookshop #literature

LeahBergen What a lovely bunch of reads. 😊 3y
Freespirit They all sound good Leah @LeahBergen 3y
CarolynM Abbeys is my favourite bookshop too, I used to go there a lot when I was in Sydney a lot in the 2010s. Good on you for supporting them during the Sydney lockdown. I'm going to bet that you will love O Pioneers! Wills Cather is such great writer. Have you read any other of her novels? And, of course, Elizabeth Peters's novels are the best escapist reading🙂 (edited) 3y
Freespirit Carolyn I haven‘t read anything by Willa Cather…it is because of your love of it that I bought O Pioneers The Leopard and Mothering Sunday were discussed on The Bookshelf. Hope you are doing ok..locking down again @CarolynM 😊 3y
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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#12Booksof2020 @andrew65
Midnight in Sicily is a spectacular analysis of the sociopolitical situation,taking in history,art,music,cinema, literature to weave a compelling narrative.It felt fitting to do a companion read with the elegiac The Leopard that is more subtle,but as powerful to trace the origins of the mafia and the conditions that led to its creation.Among the best books I've ever read,not just in 2020.

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Il gattopardo | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Il gattopardo | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Il gattopardo | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Il gattopardo | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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1. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose, demonstrated by Sicilian politics
2. A book! In any form, how would I amuse myself otherwise! Also my husband, but he's not a thing😀
3. 1969, to Woodstock!

Il gattopardo | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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I want to screenshot every sentence in this book.

Il gattopardo | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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What a gorgeous sentence. Wonder if Ray read this book before making Jalsaghar.

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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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When I picked this book up from my mothers stack, I only knew that this is a famous book. Nothing more.

Out of curiosity I started it and couldn't stop anymore. It was over way to fast! I lovd the historical details, learning about Italys history, about Sicily. But also the characters really got me.

What a lovely surprise this was!

The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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This wasn‘t a bad book, and I do recognise it‘s an important classic, but it took me over 3/4 to get into it at all and I just couldn‘t connect with what it was saying even tho it was saying it very well. Male members of the gentry having intense feelings about class relations changing and the impermanence of their way of life just isn‘t my vibe, and I may be very uncultured here but I spent most of it thinking ‘go and find something to do‘

BarbaraBB I knew what you mean. I read it last year when I was in Sicily and was so bored by it. 4y
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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My book came in today!! Which makes me extremely happy because this book will be one of the many Italian books I read next year.

I've read parts of this in college for one of my classes and liked what I read then so I'm excited to read the entire book now 💜

The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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I listen to a lot of bookish podcasts while I walk the dogs. Yesterday I was listening to the Vintage Podcast and landed on an episode about Lampedusa's The Leopard. There was a short intro, then an 8- minute excerpt of JO NESBO'S book, including a pretty awful death scene. Not exactly the Italian politics novel I expected. 😳

The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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Starting this tonight! Been really looking forward to this one!

LeahBergen This is another one I‘ve had waiting on my shelves for years. 🙄 5y
BarbaraBB I read this one in Sicily 😀 5y
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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This Italian historical fiction managed to teach us something about Italian history and bore us at the same time. We got pretty giddy in the episode though, so that makes a fun listen. #1001books #soundcloud #googleplay #applepodcasts

MrBook Giddy episodes are good episodes. 😁 5y
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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#criterion #adaptation

I'll never be able to enjoy rewatching Gone with the Wind so long as I know I could be rewatching it's Italian equivalent.


The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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I read this book now because it is on the list of #1001books and it is set in Sicily where I am holidaying at the moment. Is is the story of the downfall of the Sicilian aristocracy in the 19th century. Not a subject that I am really interested in. I liked the setting and the historical context but all in all I was not really interested in the Salina family and caught myself skimming the pages more than once.

NatalieR Great pic! 6y
DivineDiana Too bad! I hope you are enjoying your trip, and brought along another book that takes place in Italy! 😉 6y
Cinfhen Fabulous photo ❤️ 6y
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BarbaraBB @DivineDiana I am! And I have lots of books with me, not taking place in Italy but good ones, I expect! 😘 6y
CarolynM That looks just beautiful. Lovely to have it all to yourself! 6y
Susanita We had to read this in high school. IIRC it was kinda boring. 6y
ns510reads Ooh I‘ve always been curious about this. The cover always grabs my attention! 😁 6y
Liz_M I read this because two work colleagues that I respect tremendously were raving about the movie (and one has to read the book first). But I also found the book so-so and haven't bothered with the movie. 6y
BarbaraBB @Liz_M I also heard people raving about it, people whose opinion I respect. I am glad it was a so-so for you, as you are also someone whose opinion matters to me! 6y
Liz_M 😘 6y
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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#backpackEurope @JenP @bookwomM
I have forgotten how to use Litsy, so I hope this is correct. I am not in competition but thought it would be fun to post from my actual trip to Europe. My rule is that I have to post a book I have read from the country I am in. This post show my dragonboat team from Tauranga, New Zealand paddling under the Ponte Vecchio in Florence. We are competing in an international regatta of 130 teams and 4000 paddlers.

Reecaspieces Awesome! 6y
Currey Amazing! 6y
Linsy Whoa, that‘s so cool! 6y
BookwormM Wow that sounds amazing 6y
KellyHunsakerReads I am impressed! 6y
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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Day 4
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB
A novel about an aristocratic family, in decline or not, is sure to feature fancy food & fashion.

QuintusMarcus Loved this book - and there is a stellar film version as well. I also recommend his collection of short works published by New York Review books. I should post on that one. 6y
vivastory @QuintusMarcus I've been meaning to watch the film version. It's been on my radar since it received the Criterion Collection treatment. 6y
BarbaraBB I am going to Sicily this summer and have planned to read it there. Glad to know you both liked it! 6y
vivastory @BarbaraBB Sicily sounds fantastic! Italy is definitely on my traveling bucket list 6y
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Italy 1860, monasteries and convents are numerous, Garibaldi's revolutionaries are organizing.
"Soon it would be dark, convents became the despots of the panorama. It was against them that the fires in the mountains were kindled, fanned by men who were entirely like those who lived in convents, equally fanatical, equally closed-minded, just as eager to power, that is to say, as usual, idleness." Wonderful book, reviewed on Goodreads!


GabrielleDubois This Litsy is frustrating! 451 words are really not enough to talk about 100 000 words! 😠 Don't you think so? I always have to cut so much that I think what I write seems not undestanable. 6y
GabrielleDubois So you can read my full review on Goodreads or on www.gabrielledubois.net ! 6y
Cathythoughts Such a beautiful animal ❤️ 6y
GabrielleDubois @Cathythoughts Yes, but 2 of them in my garden is maybe too much... we need a lot of fresh meat to them! 😂 6y
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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I went to my First bookclub Meeting on a teahouse with a little shop and came back with chocolate and a New bag! It says I believe in unicorn 😍😍😍😍

LeahBergen That's awesome! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks When I was growing up I collected unicorns 🦄 7y
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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa

This is so not the kind of book I read! I got It in a blind box brazilian book club and started Reading It because there's going to be a Meeting to discuss It here in Recife, and I am amazed! This is so good, and right now I'm so Sad I read It so fast!

The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Just received my First #litsypenpals letter with that cute little monkey! I'm in love! Thank you @Robothugs !!!!

Jas16 That is so adorable! 7y
Kshakal Super cute!! 7y
Robothugs Yay it got there! I'm glad you love the bookmark! ☺️ 7y
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AdaChivers @Robothugs so cuuuute! Thank you! 7y
Robothugs You're very welcome! 7y
Louise Excellent bookmark, @Robothugs! 👍 7y
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Currently Reading this classic.

The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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I love this cover. Great book too!

Il gattopardo | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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It's not only about what you read, but where you read it. ☆

The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa

Love. Of course, love. Flames for a year, ashes for thirty.

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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa

And the Prince, who had found Donnafugeta unchanged, was found very much changed himself, for never before would he have issued so cordial an invitation; and from that moment, invisibly, began the decline of his prestige.

The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Prizewinning or spans multiple generations? I've got The Vegetarian (Man Booker International prize winner) in my latest library haul, so I'll ignore the fact that The Leopard won the Strega. Must be strategic!

The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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English translation by Archibald Colquhoun was published in 1960, the year I was born. I wouldn't have read this if not for book bingo and I am glad I did!

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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Unification of Italy in the 19th century, as experienced by a Sicilian prince. Tipping point of cultural & political change. Atmospheric with period details. Understated elegant prose. Smooth audiobook narration by David Horovitch. #translation

The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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"If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change."

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The Leopard: A Novel | Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
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The Leopard: Revised and with new material | Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
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Currently reading

Xxxxx Can't wait to hear what you think! I remember it getting better and better. 8y
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