One of my favourite locations, Poole in Dorset. #Virtual Tour
How was Saturday? Away in the motorhome fir the Bank Holiday weekend, so a relaxing time reading in the sun, which it has mostly been.

One of my favourite locations, Poole in Dorset. #Virtual Tour
How was Saturday? Away in the motorhome fir the Bank Holiday weekend, so a relaxing time reading in the sun, which it has mostly been.
Wareham Channel, Dorset #VirtualTour
How was Friday? Some very productive meetings today. Now hit a long Bank Holiday Weekend, which is good. Now to get stuck into some reading and leisure time.
Arne Bay, Dorset. #VirtualTour
How was Thursday? My day was bouncing from one meeting to another, not a lot else to it.
Newton Bay and Green Island, Dorset #VirtualTour
How was Wednesday? Sandbanks above is where we usually stay when we go to this area. Beautiful views from a hotel we stay at. Last hotel we stayed at less than a month before the first lockdown. Day of meetings and self-training on research reports, whilst continue to future plan. Sone great assessment results for our Year 6 (year group before move to secondary) despite last 14 months.
Brand‘s Bay, Dorset #VirtualTour
How was Tuesday? Quite different pictures today as take in the nature reserve that is Brand‘s Bay, lovely serene pictures. Today felt busy all day but not sure I achieved much 😔 Need to develop my tunnel vision self tomorrow.
Studland Bay, Dorset #VirtualTour
How was Monday? Busy start to the week, then a very productive face to face meeting (socially distanced of course) all afternoon with my two deputies and able to discuss how we could take things forward.
St. Aldhelm‘s Head, Dorset #VirtualTour
How was Tuesday? Had a good day planning the changes needed for our curriculum for the next school year. Love working with staff and forward planning 😍
Bacon Hole, Dorset. #VirtualTour
How was Tuesday? Spent the day today working with a consultant looking at the systems and structures within school, following on from the work we did last half-term on producing a new leadership structure for the school.
Stair Hole, Dorset. #VirtualTour
How was Sunday? Most of today preparing for the start of term Tomorrow, including a leadership meeting this afternoon. Around that been reading for #AwesomeApril
Man o‘War Cove, Dorset #VirtualTour
How was Friday? Weather a bit better today or so it seemed, so had a drive into the Peak District and was then snowed upon, however was brief. Nice to get out again.
Osmington Mills, Dorset. #VirtualTour
How was Tuesday? A very strange day. At times Spring like and Sunny, but freezing with regular hail and snow flurries. Tonight beyond freezing. A time to stay inside and read.
Hive Beach, Dorset. #VirtualTour
How was Tuesday? Today had a drive to the sea. Oh sea how I have missed thee! Over 5 months since I have seen it. Made the world seem right, but amazed at how few wearing face masks or keeping distance from each other.
East Ebb Cove, Dorset. #VirtualTour
How was Sunday? With the clocks going forward virtually lost an hour of the day. A bit more awake than yesterday and focussed on reading for #20in4 Readathon and not much else. Very lazy day.
More of the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, Pinhay Bay. #VirtualTour
How was Wednesday? Got through my appraisal, one of the most bizarre ones ever. Long meeting with a parent re child with SEN and how we meet her child‘s needs. Was happy with provision n place. Then doing all organisation for remote interviews tomorrow. Far easier to do these face to face. Two days! 💤💤💤