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Lineage of Grace: Five Stories of Unlikely Women Who Changed Eternity
Lineage of Grace: Five Stories of Unlikely Women Who Changed Eternity | Francine Rivers
2009 Retailer's Choice Award winner!In this compilation of the five books in the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary—even scandalous—challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.
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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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I really enjoyed this series of novellas about Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. These women were strong of faith and character and stood fast in their convictions when many around them were filled with doubt (about everything not just their belief in God). Ruth's story was my favorite.

There was a lot of bible study at the end of each story that I skipped. But as a historical fiction read--Worthy! I learned a lot.



Cuilin That sounds really cool. ( I would‘ve skipped the Bible study too.) 🤫 1mo
dabbe Gotcha as a “pick“ on the spreadsheet! 🤩 1mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe 💛💛💛 1mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Cuilin It was a lot better than I thought it would be! It leaned way more to historical fiction than religion (outside of the Bible study sections). I'm glad I read it, and if it weren't for #BookedInTime I probably would've overlooked it at the LFL where I found it 😊 1mo
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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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Back to my #BookedInTime read. Picking up where I left off with Ruth's story.

And yay! The weather is finally cooperating for reading in my new outdoor space ☀️😎

Bookwomble That looks like a tranquil, blissed-out reading space 😌 2mo
Crazeedi What a lovely reading nook! 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Bookwomble Thank you; and you hit the nail on the head! 😊 2mo
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TheBookgeekFrau @Crazeedi Thank you 😊 2mo
Read4life Woohoo! So happy the weather is good you can enjoy it. 2mo
bookandbedandtea How wonderful! I'm enjoying my (semi)outdoor space at the moment too! (It's our back porch 🤷‍♀️😁) 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @bookandbedandtea I love the pix you've posted of your back porch; it looks so cozy!! The winds started kicking up shortly after I posted and I'm now watching some dark clouds making their way over Pikes Peak. I think it's a sign that there's things other than reading that need seeing to 😂 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Read4life Thank you; me too! 2mo
dabbe 💙🩵💙 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe 🙌🏼🙌🏼 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Nice 💙💙 2mo
Suet624 Lovely. 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Suet624 Thank you 😊 2mo
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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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Starting this for May #BookedInTime biblical fiction

Since it's 5 novellas I'm not sure if I'm going to read it straight through or break it up with some other reading 🤷🏻‍♀️

Cuilin You got this 💪 Looks great. 2mo
bookandbedandtea I read these years ago and remember being impressed with the way the author filled in the stories for these women. I especially liked Tamar's and Rahab's stories. 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @bookandbedandtea I'm enjoying it more than I thought. And yes, the author's storytelling is very impressive given the scraps she had to work with! 2mo
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TheBookgeekFrau @Cuilin So far, so good! 2mo
dabbe On the spreadsheet! Can't wait to read what you think about it! 🤩 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe I'm being quite pleasantly surprised so far! 2mo
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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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Found my May #BookedInTime Biblical fiction read!! Five novellas about 5 biblical women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.

dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 3mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe 👍🏼👍🏼💜 3mo
Cuilin Looks great!!! I plan on reading 3mo
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TheBookgeekFrau @Cuilin Stacked! I loved Year of Wonders, which I probably wouldn't have read if not for you and #BookedInTime 3mo
julieclair This looks good! 3mo
TheBookgeekFrau @julieclair It does! I hope it lives up to expectations 🤞🏼🤞🏼 3mo
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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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It was a pick. Unfortunately I did not get to finish before it became due at the library. I will finish the last two novellas when I get the chance. Sometimes a bit repetitive. It must be difficult to take a few verses/chapters from the Bible and make a full story. Fascinating read.

A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers

Interesting take on women throughout the Bible, who were part of Christ‘s lineage. Thoughtful and creative insights.

A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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There is no other peace like a still morning and a good book. #beachreading #coffee #yeti #woolsocks #onlyinminnesota

A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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Currently reading....i am not sure how I feel about it.....I have some issues with the way women are treated. Jesus. #books #booklover #christianbooks #christianfiction

A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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The stories of five ordinary women whom God used for extraordinary things. Have been reading this for awhile and have loved the author‘s interpretations and added dialogue! It even includes a bible study at the end of each story!

Tamar ✔️
Rahab ✔️
Up next: Ruth

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! New book friends are the best! We hope you‘re loving it here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out #LitsyHappenings for details. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
BookaholicNatty @megan_mendiola I looooove Francine Rivers!!!! Sooo good!!! Also, welcome to Litsy!!! So happy to have a new book friend!!! ❤️📚 6y
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Swe_Eva Welcome! 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
Booknerd2 Welcome to Litsy!!!🍾🎈😃 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 🙌🏻🎊🎉 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy🌼 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👋😊 6y
ReadZenRites Hi 👋🏻Welcome to Litsy ✨📚✨ 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Momoniqui Welcome to Litsy!! ✌🏽🤓☕️ 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻 6y
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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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"A Lineage of Grace" by #FrancineRivers has 5 novellas on women in the lineage of #Christ.

#Tamar is a woman of #hope.

#Rahab is a woman of #faith.

#Ruth is a woman of #love.

#Bathsheeba Is a woman who received unlimited #grace.

#Mary is a woman of #obedience.

This #fiction / #biblestudy is so applicable to my life I keep having to put it down to soak it all in!

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A Lineage of Grace | Francine Rivers
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A book I'm looking forward to reading this Christmas season. #Graceful #YESvember17

Rachbb3 I have this and have not read it yet. I need to move it up the TBR. 7y
Libby1 @hes7 - I‘ve read some of these and they‘re lovely. 7y
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