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Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals
Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals | Rachel Hollis
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“Who you are is defined by the next decision you make, not the last one.”

“You cannot control the circumstances of your life; you can only control your reaction to them.”

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It took me 3 tries to read this book but during and after Hurricane Ida I needed something different. It can be a little preachy at times but I learned a ton from this and am now using it in my everyday life!


I actually really loved this book and keep coming back to it.

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choices!! 🙌🏻📚💪🏻 3y
Eggs 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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At the surface, this book fires up your ambitions & helps you feel like you can accomplish them--which is amazing. Rachel Hollis provides helpful nuggets of how to make time for your goals and shut out the naysayers in your life. With that said, I found this book very repetitive and like a constant humblebrag. And I questioned how much Hollis was exaggerating her accomplishments as soon as she said that she's read 70k novels in her lifetime. ⬇️

Kaylamburson There's a lot more to say about the problematic aspects, so you can read my full review here, if you're curious: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3923301767 3y
marleed Haha. I was home and alone for almost all of 2020 with Covid restrictions. So I read, barely watched TV because of a goal to read over 300 books. Even my phone conversations were limited because well 2020 :(. But with my trusty calculator I would have to read 300 books for 233.3 years to read 70k books! Boy, Rachel looks really good for what must be her true age! 3y
BookDragonNotWorm Just hearing the 70k book comment makes anything she writes an automatic no for me. If you feel the need to exaggerate that much, you can't have that much wisdom to impart. 3y
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Kaylamburson Haha, right?? Like I know so many avid readers because of Litsy and was like, even if you did LITERALLY nothing else, it would be impossible. It would be about 2k books a year starting at the age of 3. And she didn't just say books. She said NOVELS! That was the moment I really started taking what she said with a grain of salt. @marleed @BookDragonNotWorm 3y
Kaylamburson Also good on you for reading over 300 books last year, @marleed. That's such an incredible accomplishment! 🙌🙌👏👏👏 3y
vivastory 70k novels?!!! Uh..... 3y
marleed Well, don‘t be too impressed. What I learned in reading 300 books was that I left no time to consider what I read before I moved onto the next book. There were some really good books that I only vaguely remember. So now I‘m including some rereads in my monthly reading lists! 3y
BookDragonNotWorm @marleed I agree, 300+ a year is rockstar worthy! 👐😎 I got in trouble during phonics class in 1st grade for reading a novel (my first, A Horse Of Her Own) and have been going strong ever since, including 3 years when I was in recovery after being hit by a drink driver where I did nothing but read and PT. 70k novels is ridiculous! @Kaylamburson Good for you for realizing it, I bet most readers think celebrity = truth! 3y
marleed @BookDragonNotWorm oh my gosh, I‘m sorry you were hit by a drunk driver. When I was super busy I used to dream of year doing nothing but joy-reading. So that‘s how I began my retirement. Then the pandemic so I decided my year of reading might as well continue. It‘s been fun and I think it‘s okay that I vaguely remember some. I‘m also discovering that I actually enjoy rereading books - and there‘s a lot I can reread! 3y
Ericalambbrown This book annoyed the peewodden outta me. Much of it felt like the projection of an insecure girl. Also, I‘m 48. If I read a book a day since birth that would still only get me to 17,500-ish. So, sure, Rachel. 3y
Kaylamburson It's still an accomplishment whether you remember them or not! I truthfully do struggle to remember books longterm. I feel like my memory is terrible and I struggle with visualization. But if I'm enjoying it while reading, that's what matters to me! And I feel like you get something new out of every reread, so I love that you're getting to do that! @marleed 3y
Kaylamburson Omg, that sucks that that happened to you, but I'm glad you made the most of your time and got to enjoy so many books!! @BookDragonNotWorm. And I can't believe no one else was talking about that 70k book comment! I tried searching for it immediately after hearing her say that in the audio and just one other reviewer called her on the BS. @vivastory 3y
Kaylamburson Yes! @Ericalambbrown that's the perfect way to describe it. Like she was told forever she couldn't accomplish anything so this is her book to just prove "them" wrong and that was her only goal. 3y
wordslinger42 I started reading her book, Girl, Wash Your Face, a few years ago and could not finish it. I fee like her books seem nice on the surface, but if you really think about some of the things she says, it just doesn't make sense 3y
rwmg @Kaylamburson @marleed I think of books as being like meals. How many meals from a year ago do I remember without any prompting? 3y
marleed @rwmg I like how you think! Because I‘m sure I devoured some great meals a year ago even if I don‘t remember them. I was after all quite concerned about toilet paper a year ago! 3y
Kaylamburson Good point @wordslinger42 ! That's exactly it-- the surface is great, but diving deeper there are fault lines 3y
Kaylamburson I love that @rwmg @marleed . That's so true that you can still enjoy and appreciate something but not remember the details. 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick A great review and I read Johanna's, too. She was thorough. I feel very happy that I judged Rachel's books by that face she makes on the covers and didn't read these. 3y
Kaylamburson Hahaha that's the best reason to not read a book, @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick . Thank you so much! 3y
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My Rating: 4.5/5
I listened to the audiobook during my drive to and from work over the past several days. I think I would like to buy the book as well sometime in the near future, so I can highlight and take notes. Like with the last book I finished, I went in blind. I guess I thought it was a memoir like Wild, or some other of the sort. I'm not big on self-help, but I would say that this actually inspired me to make some changes in my life. ❤

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Yes, a new Hollis book!

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Don't live in the past. We can always remake ourselves.

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Recently, I asked my mom to help me with my laundry. I felt 100% embarrassed to ask for help, but feel so much better having it done. Now I am able to have a fresh start and keep up.

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I have a 6yo. I can't even tell you how many times I've felt Mommy guilt. At least once a week since before he was even born.

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1. Write a book (I know, cliche, but it's always been a dream.) I have a BA in English, and wish I pursued that instead of my current profession.
2. Own a house that "fits" me. I don't need a mansion to make me happy.
3. I'd love to narrate audiobooks. I've always enjoyed reading out loud to others from a young age.

What are your #goals ?

wanderinglynn It‘s never too late to change your course and write that book! 👍🏻 4y
aperfectmjk I've had people tell me that I should narrate audio books because I can do so many different voices and accents. The thing is, I don't know that I could just turn them off and on as quickly as some of these narrators do. Though, I bet it would be fun!

One of my #goals would be to open a bookshop (new and used) one day. I'd also fill it with book themed art from local artists that I would sell to help aspiring artists.
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SiameseCatsRead @aperfectmjk LOVE your goals! My problem is opposite of yours with narrating books. I don't know if I'd be able to do character voices, per se, I just read with different inflection. I'm really starting to think seriously about this book writing dream. I even spoke to a book publisher friend this morning about different theories on how to begin writing. Excited, but not telling anyone yet. Not even my husband! 4y
aperfectmjk @kelly_anne Wow! That's very exciting, and I congratulate you on taking that first step in fulfilling your goal. It all starts with a great idea, and the will to see it through, and I believe that you have both! I don't know you, but I have a sense about these things! 4y
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She has some good points, but I am just not a fan.

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Self introspection in a down to life way.

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I had a hard copy and listened to the audiobook...I just finished this on the way home from work tonight. I really enjoyed listening to the audio version, listening to the author read her book and share some wonderful insights and wisdom and I love Rachel's honesty! I look forward to reading/listening to more by this author. I have Girl, Wash your Face "on deck" ☺️

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I loved girl, wash your face so I was all in on this book. While I didn‘t love it as much as the first it still had a great message and many things hit home!

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If you loved Girl, Wash Your Face then this is a must read! I always enjoy her words of wisdom and she‘s just so real, honest, relatable, and inspirational. Some of it felt a bit repetitive at times but I don‘t mind hearing great advice over as the more you hear something positive, the more it sticks in your brain. I really hope she writes another self help book soon!

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This book was good but different...Didn‘t enjoy it as much as the first or maybe I just enjoyed it in a different way...It‘s more tactical and practical advice than pure inspiration...but I still liked it and would recommend it!

Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳📚🥳 4y
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I have to say I really enjoyed this kick in the butt .. er‘ I mean book!! It really resonated with me and all the excuses I have and how to go about being a better version of my adorable self!! If you liked her first book, then you must read this one! #rachelhollis #asskicking #readingrocks

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Does anyone have a favorite Podcast they listen to? I listen to Rachel Hollis. I just got into podcasts. Any other suggestions?

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#MarchMadness #Apology

4 books about apologies & saying I‘m sorry from my stacks. I am sorry to say that I have not read any of them yet! 😉

Eggs Great job 4y
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“I don‘t think the goal is to be balanced. I think the goal is to be centered. Centered means that you feel grounded and at peace with yourself. Centered means you can‘t be knocked off balance regardless of how chaotic things become.”

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1. So far, it‘s the only topic of conversation and buying toilet paper was seen as a big accomplishment.
2. What‘s sufficient? But yes, at least for the meantime.
3. No but didn‘t have any to begin with
4. Lots of things including tagged
5. Haven‘t watched many movies this year.

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Starting this today, early for a brunch date and making use of the time

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Finished one book, on to the next.


Loved it!

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“If it's not a hell yes, it's a no“

She gives lots of advice, useful tips and how to utilize them in a no nonsense way. This book is broken down in three sections Excuses To Let Go Of, Behaviors To Adapt, and Skills To Acquire. I enjoyed the personal experiences she shared. Her writing style and voice was fun and upbeat.

“The problem is that you're letting a short-term choice become your long-term decision“

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🎶Express yourself, don't repress yourself🎶


Cinfhen Love the message!!! 5y
Eggs ❤️💕❤️ 5y
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Well this works for #sorry #MOvember @Cinfhen ! It's up for a Goodreads award for this year.

Cinfhen Good choice!! 5y
Cinfhen Did u vote for this one??? 5y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen the problem with me & goodreads awards is that I very rarely have read any of the books! So no, I went with this one (I may have been thinking of a certain 🦊!) 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha!!! It‘s always about The Chase!!!!! 5y
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While this book is better than the last one “Wash Your Face” because it has more action plans laid out behind the concepts she went over, it is still a meh for me. It‘s a book with all the ideas and implementation plans largely borrowed from other good books and then mixed and mashed into this one. The Excuses part is authentically from the author. But I‘ve already heard enough of them from her last book. Let‘s have something NEW.

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This book is seriously blowing my mind! It‘s a great pep talk before I start work for the day.

Ashley_Nicoletto I really enjoy her optimism! 5y
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I guess I don‘t apologize enough so I‘ll start here ... confession .... I‘m creating a Goodreads shelf called ... DNF ... and this is my first book. So it‘s 7.5 audiobook hours. Just over 1 hour into it last night I fell asleep. So today I restarted the book. At 2 hours 12 minutes I returned it. I‘m sorry, didn‘t like it at all. I wanted to! I liked her book about washing your face enough to want to borrow this one but nope. Sorry Hoopla -⭐️1/2

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Love love this book. I originally borrowed the book from the library and then bought the book so I could make notes in it.

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Another quote from this book. The writing is so amazing!

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So this happened.....

Birdsong28 Congratulations 🎊🎉📚📖 5y
KarenUK Wow! 🙌🙌🙌💕 5y
rubyslippersreads 🎉📚🎉📚🎉🎉🎉 5y
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SamanthaMarie Incredible!!!! Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉🎉 do you have a favorite from the 200? 5y
LibrarianRyan yeahhhh 5y
Jas16 🙌🏽 5y
mrp27 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 5y
Bkwurm Congratulations! What were your best reads? 5y
BookmarkTavern Congrats! 🎉📚🎉 5y
Bkwurm @Samplergal good to know! I may have to add those to my TBR. (Because it isn‘t long enough. 😜) 5y
SamanthaMarie @Samplergal Stacked it!! 5y
Redwritinghood 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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"Mile markets are achievable steps." Such a great quote & something I often forget!

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“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” #booksof2019 #getreadingalready #girlstopapologizing

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Full review of the tagged book over on the blog today!


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I listened to the audio book. The bonus was it is author narrated. She has amazing passion for her platform/mission and I very much enjoyed listening to her on my way to work each morning. It was like having my very own motivational coach! I will miss the encouraging words coming through my speakers every morning. With that said, she has so much helpful information that I now intend to buy the book. It‘s one of those you want as a reference book.

marleed I listen to so many great books that I find purchasing my 5 stars the right thing to do! 5y
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I started this audio book today. Lovin‘ it! It is author narrated and I can see why she does well as a motivational speaker!

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1. girl, stop apologizing; big little lies; clash of kings. 2. big fan of the daily. 3. uneducated! #weekendreads

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June 12, 2019 Hello! Checking in for a brief moment because I am on p167 out of 206 (not counting the Bonus Chapter). In all, the book has 224 pages. NOT BAD. As one can see when they pick up this book, it is hard cover but the content is extremely understandable and concise. It feels like the author is talking to you in-person! SO GOOD ugh

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I got this one from a Goodreads giveaway. I enjoyed it. I really Ike‘s her first book and I like the way she says things and what she has to say in general. I love her attitude and experiences , but not sure if we needed a full second book by her with such similar subject matter.

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June 7, 2019 I have already started to dive into the books I bought yesterday!!! This is either the second book by Rachel Hollis or first book?! Idk tbh haha I am just loving her books because I enjoy self help books and advice books ( in addition to Young Adult books )