What a beautiful #JolabokaflodSwap package! Thank you, @Captivatedbybooks ! I didn‘t receive it before I left for Christmas, but my friend/house sitter let me know it arrived and I got to enjoy a New Year‘s gift! Thank you so much for sending it and for your thoughtfulness! 🍫📖🎁🎉🥳. I can‘t wait to read this, one of your favorites!
@MaleficentBookDragon — thanks again for hosting my favorite swap of the year!
Just posted my blog about this one. It is the longest one I've done. Plus an extra page just to talk about spoilers. 😁 Go check it out. I've already got my next 3/4 blogs planned out so make sure you're there every Monday! Lookingglassbookshop.com/a-book-a-week
So ... I just finished this book.Less than 20 minutes ago and I'm still sitting here mulling it over. So much... Omg. I can't even fathom what those kids went through. I know it's just a book. But I can't help but think 4kids out there somewhere have gone through that. Maybe i just think that because it was written in first person-like a journal. Cathy was writing all of that down so someone would know. lookingglassbookshop.com for full blog 10/1
🌹 The Imperial Red Rose
🍄🍆 Mushrooms and Eggplants
🌱 A back patio container garden is in the works
🥀 Tagged
#GardenParty @REPollock
Loved it! This book makes you feel so many different emotions. Petals in the wind is such an amazing contrast to Flowers in the Attic. You learn to sympathize and have pity for these children and their lives.. and then the revenge factor in the second book, in addition to how you watch them grow and get what they wanted..to some degree. The feels are real with these books.
Roommate bought me the best present ever today: presenting the unicorn incense burner. Ft my #tbr pile. 🦄 #unicorn #fantasy #vcandrews #horror
One of my absolute favorites! I have never experienced such strong emotions towards characters. Highly recommend.