I'm not quite sure why this has such lukewarm reviews - I kinda loved it. Freaky plant science, T1 diabetes rep, a little bit of romance - it was fun. And I very much enjoyed the art.
I'm not quite sure why this has such lukewarm reviews - I kinda loved it. Freaky plant science, T1 diabetes rep, a little bit of romance - it was fun. And I very much enjoyed the art.
As for the storyline, there really isn‘t much of a plot. It‘s more of a character study that serves as an origin story for Swamp Thing. If you‘re looking for an exciting superhero read, this book isn‘t it. The majority of the novel focuses on the twins and their relationship.
Full review: https://oddandbookish.wordpress.com/2023/08/29/review-swamp-thing/
I didn't fully enjoy this book because it wasn't fully developed. The plant imagery was beautiful throughout, but there seem to be a lot of plot holes and confusing conclusions characters jump to, or weird lack of awareness (like about the dogs). The end didn't completely make sense to me. It felt like it came out of nowhere, and it seemed to ignore processes that were established earlier in the book. Content warnings for dead(?)/zombie(?) dogs.
Days 3 and 4 of #SuperSeptember readathon!
✅Finish Bicycling with Butterflies
✅Catch up on 5 book reviews (5/5)
✅Finish Girl in Dior
🟩Advance 20 pages in Sorcery of Thorns (13/20)
✅Finish Razzle Dazzle Unicorn
✅Start another audiobook
🟩Read 2 manga
✅Finish half of these goals
🎧started Shiver (dnf)
🎧Started The Fixed Stars
📙Started Swamp Thing
My current reading spot. Windy by the rivah this morning but I love it!
This was a great palette cleanser between books. I loved that the twin brothers were from Oregon 😝 and the artwork in it is amazing. I really enjoyed the storyline even though it felt really choppy but it also made me want more of the story.
Oh boy was this a let down. The story is so jumpy and all over the place, the art is jarring to look at and the story is wildly mediocre. None of the characters are interesting and frankly they are all annoying. Plus this is suppose to be a retelling of DC Comics Swamp thing and I got no vibes of that all. Overall just very lackluster.
I think this was a case of me, not the book. Despite my fondness for Stiefvater, this wasn't a good fit for me. The story was fine, but the ending felt weird and too open-ended. The artwork also wasn't really my style, although I did love the colors. Still it was a fast read and was book 5/6 for #NovelNovember !! @Andrew65
What?!? That's it?!? Will there be more???
I'm a sucker for a good sibling story and although this had a slow start, the ending felt rushed. I really need to know what happens next.
Special shout out to Netgalley & DC Comics for an advanced copy of this book.
#SwampThingTwinBranches #NetGalley
Happy pub day to this lovely graphic novel!
This was delivered last night which is just in time since I finish Addie Larue last night.
Digital #arc from #NetGalley! Definitely buying the physical copy when it comes out in October!
4 ⭐
Maggie Stiefvater gives us her version of twin brothers, one a science minded shy nerd, the other a super popular heartthrob. They are shipped off to cousins for the summer and that is where things get interesting. Unfortunately there were some accidents with the science experiments, and eventually a swamp thing is born. This title is a little slow. The dynamic between the brothers is interesting because S
April wrap up. My hours at work have been weird and my motivation has been low, so not much reading done this month. Always May to try and lift me up again. Maybe.
😍😍 Need!
A Maggie Stiefvater Swamp Thing graphic novel!?! Nature and magic and shadows!
Just saw this cover and it‘s gorgeous! Super excited to see that Stiefvater is taking on Swamp Thing. It‘s out in October.
Hypable has more information and a look at some of the art if you want to see more.
Ahhh! I can‘t wait for this. Anything from Maggie is an automatic preorder for me. I just really love her writing.