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They Did Bad Things
They Did Bad Things: A Thriller | Lauren A. Forry
15 posts | 13 read | 21 to read
Murder on the Orient Express meets The Last Time I Lied in this gripping thriller set in a remote Scottish mansion. In 1995, six university students moved into the house at 215 Caldwell Street. Months later, one of them was found dead on the sofa the morning after their end-of-year party. His death was ruled an accident by the police. The remaining five all knew it wasnt, and though they went on with their lives, the truth of what happened to their sixth housemate couldnt stay buried forever. Twenty years later, all five of them arrivelured separately under various pretensesat Wolfheather House, a crumbling, secluded mansion on the Scottish Isle of Doon. Trapped inside with no way out and no signal to the outside world, the now forty-somethings fight each otherand the unknown mastermind behind their gatheringas they confront the role they played in their housemates death. They are given one choice: confess to their crimes or die. They Did Bad Things is a deviously clever psychological thriller about the banality of evil and the human capacity for committing horror.
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Another dark academia. After 20 years, six exstudents will reunite in this isolated place with no signal. Things are not what they seem. They did something 20 years ago and to survive, they need to confess who did it. All characters are unlikable but that is part of the plot.
It was interesting. This topic is common in thrillers so you are going to guess some parts and I found it a little unrealistic. But I enjoyed it, is a fast read. 3/3.5⭐️

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7-1-21: My 70th finished book of 2021! A group of people, who all lived together in 1995 during their university years, are called together, 20 years later, to a mysterious house under false pretenses. Once there and seeing one another after so long, they are forced to remember a fateful night when one of their own died. Now they have to figure out who was responsible and how to get out of this alive. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👍🏼📖#️⃣7️⃣0️⃣

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I wasn‘t sure I was going to like this one when I started it but once I got into it, I flew through it. Definitely a fast read, and I thought it was very twisty and, in reality, pretty screwed up 😂!

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I have all kinds of books going right now because I keep struggling with liking them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Trying this one out!

Anyone know how it was?! 😏

JoScho I didn‘t love it. It was so so for me. 3y
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First off my #bookspinbingo was lots of fun! Had me glued to the text; and gave me have a strong hankering for Christie, so I‘m finally getting to Roger Ackroyd! 🕵🏻‍♀️ #bookspin #fantasticstrangelings

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My June #Bookspin pick was a lot of fun. I‘m a sucker to read ANY book that is inspired by And Then There Were None, which is one of my all time favorite murder mysteries. I liked the spin on the theme. The twist was unexpected. My one criticism is in the reasoning behind the original crime. It felt pretty weak to me. I still recommend you give it a try. I received this book from #netgalley for an honest review. Longer review on #GoodReads

TheAromaofBooks Oooo I'll have to check this one out as I'm also a fan of ATTWN spins! 4y
Avanders I also love anything inspired by And Then There Were None... even before I ever read it! 😁 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @Avanders I got the books you sent me. Thank you so much! I am excited to read each of them. Did you get the package I sent? I sent it to your work address. 4y
Avanders Oh good! ☺️ Oh, not yet, but I wasn‘t there on Thursday or Friday — I‘m sure it‘ll be waiting for me there tomorrow! 🥰 4y
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#FantasticStrangelings book club meeting! Jenny Lawson interviewed Lauren A. Forry..

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This makes me smile. #FantasticStrangelings

Soubhiville Yay! I joined last weekend. I can‘t wait to get the July book. Have you liked the ones you‘ve gotten so far? 4y
StellarDoc I have! I've done both of the Zoom author chats, too! So much fun! 4y
Linsy Ooh, I love that you got zoom chats too! I‘m gonna need to join officially when I can 4y
StellarDoc @Linsy You won't regret it! It's so much fun! 4y
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Today's mail included the rest of my Booka-a-Million order, my #FantasticStrangelings Book Club pic for July, and my new Kindle case. I love it when the mailbox is full of books!

Linsy The best kind of mail! I‘m jealous of they did bad things. I just got it in kindle 4y
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I think I'm FINALLY coming out of my reading funk. Thank goodness. Next up is a #netgalley #DRC and also my June #Bookspin selection.
It has so-so reviews on here but I'm a sucker for And Then There Were None riffs. We'll see.
The #manpanion is watching anime so I have lots of reading time.

TheAromaofBooks I actually love ATTWN themes as well, so I'll be interested to hear your thoughts!!! 4y
HappilyEverKrafter ATTWN is my favorite book of all time, so I‘ll have to check this out! I just finished Shari Lapena‘s “An Unwanted Guest,” and there were a lot of parallels in that one! 4y
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10 #Bookspin They Did Bad Things
3 #Doublespin The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek
I'm excited for both. Thanks @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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I also have some new #netgalley books to read. Two of them come out at the beginning of June, so is better get on them.

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Another book influenced by And Then There Were None. Five college roommates are reunited at a secluded hotel, under false pretenses. They all share a dark secret and it seems someone is digging up the past. The plot was interesting but it was confusing at times. There are alternating narrators and timelines. There are some interesting twists but the ending seems a bit far fetched.
Thank you to #NetGalley and Arcade Crimewise for the arc.

guinsgirlreads I have this one 😒😒. 4y
JoScho @guinsgirlreads it‘s not bad exactly. The setting is cool 😁 4y
guinsgirlreads @JoScho Ok 👍🏻 😆 4y
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Six college roommates move into 215 Caldwell Street. Only five roommates are able to leave after their end of term goodbye party. Twenty years later the five roommates meet again in a secluded mansion under pretenses of current life situations. After finding a living room set up as when they found their dead roommate, they realize someone else knows the secret of what happened. Can one survive this evil game of clue or does everyone get the ax?

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Five people arrive separately at Wolfheather House, a secluded mansion on in Scotland, after being lured by false pretenses. What do these 5 people have in common? 20 years ago, they all lived together in a house while attending uni along with another person, who is dead. The death was ruled an accident, but the other housemates know the truth. Now they are trapped together in the mansion and they either have to confess their crimes or die.


TheLibrarian This book sounded interesting and although I didn‘t find myself bored per say, I did find it hard to follow along due to the formatting and writing. I‘m not sure if this was caused from it being an electronic early reviewer copy or not 4y
guinsgirlreads I have an eARC of this one too.. 😐😳 4y
Hooked_on_books Great premise. I‘m willing to give it a try! 4y
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