⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ While I wasn‘t sure at first, pretty quickly the magic of this book sucked me in!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ While I wasn‘t sure at first, pretty quickly the magic of this book sucked me in!
[#BookReview] Fear the Drowning Deep by Sarah Glenn Marsh. I was overly ambitious and thought I could finish it before the wedding but I was just too busy. But now that I‘ve finally given it the time it deserves, I absolutely loved it. Sarah‘s writing is dripping with magic and mystery and I cannot believe this impressive story is her debut. 📖
Day 7‘s theme for #LiteraryLuck is Ireland. The first book that came to mind for me isn‘t technically in Ireland, but it‘s mighty close. The Isle of Man is in the Irish Sea between Ireland and England and provides the setting for Sarah Glenn Marsh‘s debut novel, Fear the Drowning Deep. Sarah has gone on to be better known for her “Reign of the Fallen” series (which is awesome!), but I also love her debut.
#Fear #ReadingResolutions @Jess7
Looking forward to reading this one (eventually). Its based here on the Isle of Man so should be pretty interesting 💚💙❤
✨Hey look, it‘s more books I need to read soon! I made the mistake of going on to Netgalley for “just a couple of ebooks to read on my phone at the gym” and fell down the rabbit hole again. So now I‘ve messed up my whole #TBR plan. OOPS. Anyway, I‘m dying to read these two books. If you‘ve read either or both of these, what did you think??✨ #stillhouselake #fearthedrowningdeep #rachelcaine #sarahglennmarsh
"I tasted the bitterness of the town‘s worry on my tongue each time I gulped a mouthful of briny air."
"Nothing from the ocean is meant to survive on land forever." ~ #FeartheDrowningDeep
This book is so underrated. Folklore + mysteries about the Isle of Man! Definitely a book worth reading.
#books #yalit #yabooks #YA #YAliterature #bookphotography #ACOWAR #Caraval #yafantasy #fantasy #youngadult #coverlove
First off, look at what the library did to this cover. For shame. I'm glad I was able to borrow this book and also sad because I didn't get to enjoy the lovely cover.
This is a stand alone but I feel like there's more story coming, or maybe I'm hoping for more. Hoping hard. Fynn has a past and Bridey needs to work through it way more than she did in this book. Give me more! 🤓This read is right in between a pick and a so-so for me.
If you'd like a new YA novel for Christmas, check out this giveaway over on the book blog "Afire Pages."
#giveaway #yalit #youngadult #youngadultbooks #sarahglennmarsh #bookblog #bookbloggers #yafantasy #fantasy #bookgiveaway
Enjoyed this novel a lot. Bridey & Fynn's romance got a little over the top, but for a YA book, it's just right. Sarah nails the voice for Bridey, providing beautiful imagery to bring the Isle of Man and the people of Port Coire to life. Love the hunt for more than one sea monster (that she doesn't limit the story to just one creature is a big plus). The book delivers an intense story with high stakes. #yalit #sarahglennmarsh #FearTheDrowningDeep
Almost halfway through this book. Still like Sarah's voice and curious to see how she pulls together the threads of the story. I like that she's giving us the possibility of multiple sea monsters. Seems a lot more preferable to read about monsters than watch the real ones on TV. #FeartheDrowningDeep #SarahGlennMarsh #yalit #youngadult
"And along with the melody came the unmistakable sound of water slapping against the rocks far below us, slowly eroding the foundation of Port Coire and everything I loved."
Love the the gothic mood this line sets for the book at the end of the first chapter.
#FeartheDrowningDeep #SarahGlennMarsh #YALit #youngadult
I've been on a big book buying tear (for me, anyway) during the past month. That's what happens when you go to a bunch of writer conferences and writer award events. Out of this big stack, I'm probably gonna start with the one on top, Fear the Drowning Deep by Sarah Glenn Marsh. I was excited to learn she lives in the Richmond area, same as I do. #YALit #YA #ATimeToDance #ClimbingTheStairs #PadmaVenkatraman #BurnBabyBurn #MegMedina #fantasy
Fear The Drowning Deep by Sarah Glenn Marsh 💙
Once I finish my library books, I plan to read this next. The cover is beautiful and the story sounds beautiful as well.
I'm gonna try to get more bookish pictures! They're so fun to take, but I don't do it often.
Currently Reading - the plot is excellent, but I'm so very bothered by the insta-love going on between some characters. I hope it's explained otherwise I'll be pretty upset. I hate the insta-love trope.
Forgot to mention I have a new review up for this fantastic read over on Amongtheauthors.com ! Check it out and be sure to add this one to your TBR list!
Witch‘s apprentice Bridey Corkill has hated the ocean ever since she watched her granddad dive in and drown with a smile on his face. So when a dead girl rolls in with the tide in the summer of 1913, sixteen-year-old Bridey suspects that whatever compelled her granddad to leap into the sea has made its return to the Isle of Man.
Read for review. Meh. The author never met an adjective she didn't like.