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The Convenient Marriage
The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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Thank you Sarah for the fun extra goodies ❤️❤️❤️❤️

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Glad the package arrived safely!!! 3y
CindyMyLifeIsLit Georgette Heyer!! ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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This was an #LMPBC book & I quite enjoyed it, as I do most Heyer stories. This one did get a little rambly, & while stuttering in real life doesn't bother, having to c-c-constantly r-r-read it b-b-began to get old. But overall, it was a bunch of entertaining shenanigans. @Chrissyreadit I should get this in the mail to you next week!! I've so enjoyed reading along with you all!!
@Laughterhp @hes7

TheAromaofBooks #SeparatedbyaPondTour - Berkshire @Andrew65
#20in4 - end of Day 1 - 464/2300pgs. I really don't think it's possible for me attain this goal, but I'm going to see how close I can get!!!
sharread Tthhhaattt would babe annoying. 😁 3y
TheAromaofBooks @sharread - My brain can't just read the word; so basically my brain had to stutter every time that character was talking 😂 Someone close to me has a problem with stuttering/blanking out on words & talking to her in real life doesn't bother me at all. It's just something about it being in print! 3y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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If I want to catch up on my page goal for June, I need to read 2280 pages during the #20in4 readathon! 😂 That probably won't happen, but I'm going to see how close I can get!! Either way, I need to read the tagged book - the last #LMPBC read for this round!!


sharread I'm in. Perfect weather for reading. Rain rain rain. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @sharread - We're supposed to get rain this afternoon - we could definitely use it!!! 3y
Andrew65 My reading has crashed and burned recently. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - Sometimes I think our reading brains just need a break!!! The mojo always comes back eventually!! 3y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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Sorry #LMPBC friends, I didn‘t like this one. It just didn‘t work for me. Maybe if I had realized how old the book was (published 1934), I would have went in with a different mindset. I skimmed a lot of it.

I always feel really guilty/bad not liking LMPBC books.

Sarah- I‘ll try to get this in the mail to you this week.

Chrissyreadit That‘s ok! What is your favorite romance book? 3y
CrowCAH Happy Birthday! 🎁 Enjoy the day! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Sorry you didn't enjoy it - different books for different readers!! I'll be on the lookout for it!! 3y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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Hey friends!! I should probably post my list for my own challenge, right?? 😂 So here is my #BookSpinBingo list in all its glory!! As always, a bunch of challenge reads, a few library holds, & the rest from the neverending TBR!! The Blessing Way has been on my list at least three months - is June the lucky month??

Still plenty of time to post your list if you haven't yet - I draw the numbers on the 2nd!!

LaraReads Better late than never? I haven‘t finished updating my list yet, but I‘d like to play both #bookspin and #doublespin as well as play #biokspinbingo in June! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @LaraReads - Never too late to jump into BookSpin !!! 3y
robinb POOH...love that bear. 💛 3y
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - It's been sooo long since I read those so I'm really looking forward to them!! 3y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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Received both #LMPBC books for this month! I received Twelve Dancing Princesses last week but never posted it.

Can‘t wait to read these!

Laughterhp Also, I was so confused by the bookmark inside the 12 Dancing Princesses. I have the same bookmark and I couldn‘t figure out if I put it in the book or if it was already there. (It was already there 🤣) 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I'm looking forward to the Heyer book. Also, I read Shea's fairy tale series a few years ago - at the time, Twelve Dancing Princesses was the last one, although I think she's added one more since then. 3y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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❤️❤️❤️❤️ I just loved this book. #lmpbc
It‘s madcap, sort of problematic in today‘s day and age (think daddy long legs may- sept romance) but I did love the characters.

mariaku21 I saw this the other day on the Libby app! 3y
LeahBergen I have this one waiting on my shelves. 😊 3y
mabell It was quite an adventure! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Looking forward to this one!!! 3y
Lucy_Anywhere Georgette Heyer is my guilty pleasure! 3y
Chrissyreadit @mabell I‘m pretty sure I have you to thank for this book ❤️❤️❤️ it really helped me this week because work was sad and heartbreaking- normally I can‘t read anything but this was just what I needed 🙌 3y
Chrissyreadit @Lucy_Anywhere yes!! She just feels fun, happy and silly enough to escape into. 3y
Chrissyreadit @LeahBergen it‘s a fast read! I barely wrote in it- but I also just let the story take over. It would be a hysterical madcap play. Reminded me a little The Pajama Game and The Importance of Being Earnest (or how they felt since I barely remember them) 3y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer

Fabulous audiobook, so funny!!!

The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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It's cold and damp in Edinburgh and my night out with friends latest longer than I anticipated so in selling in for an cozy early night. This is not really my genre but I'm always stuck for lighter reading so I'm giving it a shot!

Jaimelire Those cookies look delish! 6y
BeckyK Mmmmm Border biscuits 😍 6y
jhod Perfect 6y
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Soubhiville Ooooohhhh, I covet your cookies! 6y
saresmoore Lovely! Your mug is an excellent color and size, I think. 6y
LeahBergen I love Heyer! She‘s my go-to palate cleanser. 😍 6y
Moray_Reads @LeahBergen This is my first. I'm hoping for something fun! 6y
Redy2trvl I may need those dark chocolate biscuits in my future! 6y
Zelma Omg, I love love love dark chocolate ginger cookies. 6y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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I really love this cover. I'm liking the gold foil lately. #coverlove #lordsandladies

The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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This novel was my very first romance novel. I read it in 1968 at age 10. It made me a lifelong fan of romance. Heyer never fails to delight. This is a light hearted romp. When Miss Horry suggest to the Earl of Rule a marriage of convenience, she intended to be a good wife. But society has many pitfalls for an inexperienced lady. Especially when several villains wish to destroy her marriage.

CoverToCoverGirl Beautiful cover🤗 7y
flip58 Yes, Sourcebooks has beautiful covers for their edition of Meyer's historical. I am collecting them even though I own all of her historical romances. 7y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer

Everybody always raves about Heyer, and I usually find her work to be meh. The fashionable young men pretending to be highwaymen was pretty funny, though. And it was interesting to read a book set in 1776 that only just barely mentions "the war in America."

The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I have, at long last, read my first Georgette Heyer book. And it was a resounding success, hysteria and misunderstandings aside. The Convenient Marriage has one of my favorite proposal scenes ever. And Rule. It has Rule. ❤

I've decided to make this My Year of Georgette Heyer and keep you guys posted on my progress through her body of work. Excelsior!

#georgetteheyer #romantsy #regency #historical #myyearofgeorgetteheyer

MarriedtoMrT I have several of her books on ebook hold at the library right now. I haven't read her before and also want to remedy that this year! 7y
Chachic I read one or two of her books before but sadly, didn't really loved them as much as everyone else did.😔 7y
Angieville @MarriedtoMrT I'd love to hear what you think. 7y
Angieville @Chachic I was afraid that would be my experience. And they can be fussy, for sure. But something in them is working for me. Do you remember which ones you read? 7y
Chachic I'd forgotten which one it was! But maybe I'll remember if I look up her titles and descriptions. 7y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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Opening line:
"Lady Winwood being denied, the morning called inquired with some anxiety for Miss Winwood, or, in fact, for any of the young ladies."
#Dumbledwarf #bookgnome #openingline #theconvenientmarriage #georgetteheyer

Reviewsbylola Heyer's books are so fun. I haven't read one in years. 8y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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I almost can't believe I'm rating a GH book "so-so" as I worship so many of her stories. Still, her Regency romances are where my heart lies and I find I can't get as invested in the heros in her books set in an earlier time period with their powdered wigs and high heels.

flip58 I love her Georgian novels. The duel scene in this novel is so testosterone laden. Waves self with Crosby's pretty fan. 7y
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The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer

Loved this book by Gorgette Heyer. My mom introduced me to these and at first I was skeptical because it isn't my usual genre, but the humor is great and the book is short enough that I read it in an afternoon. The plot reminded me a lot of The Scarlet Pimpernel, which was a mark in its favor. If you like older books, I definitely recommend this one. 😊

The Convenient Marriage | Georgette Heyer
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Currently listening to this on audiobook. Richard Armitage is such a good narrator. I could listen to his voice all day long....

flip58 Oooh, makes me to get the audible edition. 7y
Yamich49 @flip58 Such a GREAT NARRATOR! 7y
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