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Murder at Keyhaven Castle
Murder at Keyhaven Castle | Clara McKenna
3 posts | 1 read
With her wedding to Viscount Lyndy Lyndhurst just days away, strong-willed ex-pat Stella Kendrick is the talk of Edwardian Englandand the focus of a deadly mystery! Between ornate bridal gown fittings and meetings with Lyndys distant relatives, Stella finally feels less like an out-of-place American and more like a respected aristocrat. Everything changes as the arrival of an anonymous gift and return of her overbearing father cast a dark shadow over the festivities, conjuring difficult memories and new fears . . . Tensions intensify when a daytrip to Southampton ends with a suspicious stranger getting trampled by a horse-drawn cab. Before anyone can explain why the victim possessed a newspaper clipping about the upcoming ceremony at Morrington Hall, tragedy strikes again, this time resulting in a murder that turns Stellas world completely upside down while implicating one of Lyndys well-regarded family members . . . Facing loss, postponed nuptials, and uncertain threats, Stella and Lyndy rush to connect two very different crimes and identify the guilty culprit hiding among elite wedding guests. But as the couple blows the lid off of scandalous secrets, they realize that catching this killerand living to tell the talemay prove as impossible as closing the class divide.
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Third in the Stella and Lyndy mystery series, the couple are anxiously awaiting their wedding when two seemingly unrelated murders (one very close to home and a bit surprising) pull them into the murky criminal world of horse “ringers” and fraud. I‘m really enjoying this series. It‘s a bit of a cozy but with more bite to it. Love Stella and Lyndy and their unconventional love story. 🩷🩷 4/5⭐️ #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!


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Keyhaven Lake, Hampshire. #VirtualTour

How was Tuesday? Sorry, incredibly late tonight due to work commitments. Today bern a very bitty dat and not sure what I really achieved. Staff now running on empty and starting to impact in some places.


CocoReads Beautiful pics and I know about running on empty. Due to someone being on vacation, we‘ve been a person short for 2 weeks and then do@wine called in sick today so I cane in early. Yay extra money? But 2 more days til a 3 day weekend for me and I cannot wait-even if I go nowhere. 3y
CocoReads Hope you and your staff get some relief soon @Andrew65 3y
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TheSpineView Hoping it gets better for you guys soon!🤞 As for me, busy today and still no gas. It will be at least a week before we will get any relief. I will work from home for the rest of the week 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you get some relief! I‘m in panic mode due to a possible gas shortage! My daughter‘s wedding is Saturday in Alabama on the beach ! I‘m a worrier so I‘m on the edge right now!!! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheSpineView omg!! Are you serious?! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheSpineView I‘m not at home with my address book.. what state are you in? 3y
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks SC! Unfortunately it is true. Friends in the industry say that once the pipeline is up and running it will take a minimum of 4 days for gas to reach this area. They are estimating gas to start arriving on Wednesday next week then a few days to get it to the pump 3y
TheSpineView Wednesday is a best case scenario. They said for every day past this Friday that it takes to get gas flowing again add a day to the Wednesday estimate. You are a lot closer to the source so hopefully you can knock a few days off the estimate 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheSpineView oh gosh!! This is crazy!! 3y
TheBookHippie Doctoring day for me wears me out 🤪. Rest at home day tomorrow working on various chores and making zoom calls with picture book reading to the kiddos in younger grades -so fun. 3y
IamIamIam 💜💜💜💜 3y
Andrew65 @CocoReads Positive test today so not happening any time soon. (edited) 3y
Andrew65 @TheSpineView That‘s awful! 3y
Andrew65 @TheBookHippie What a time we are living through. Sending you positive thoughts. 3y
TheBookHippie @Andrew65 Right? Just surreal … 3y
Andrew65 @TheBookHippie Did we ever envision this in our lifetime when reading 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Andrew65 I think the same thing all the time...! 3y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I just don‘t see an end to it! 3y
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