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The winner of the Women‘s Prize for Fiction was just announced

I‘m so happy about Brotherless Night winning. I loved this book

squirrelbrain I‘m really pleased about this too! 1mo
BarbaraBB My favorite on the shortlist too! 1mo
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Deblovestoread My shortlist favorite as well! 1mo
sarahbarnes I haven‘t read this yet! 1mo
Gissy I‘m so glad this novel was the winner!!! ♥️ 1mo
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The winner of the Women‘s Prize for Nonfiction just announced

I found this interesting and I learned so much

Definitely pushing The Shock Doctrine up my tbr pile

What do you think of the winner?

willaful I'm not sure I've read any of the other nominees, but I'm not at all surprised this won. 1mo
squirrelbrain I liked this one, but it wasn‘t top of my list. 1mo
BarbaraBB I loved The Shock Doctrine and especially No Logo but haven‘t read this one 1mo
Deblovestoread On my shelf...motivation to pick it up 1mo
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Sent the kids upstairs so I can watch this in peace 😂

I‘m still reading Code Dependent & A Flat Place (loving this one) from the non-fiction list but from the ones I‘ve read I would love All That She Carried to win.

AnneCecilie I‘m sitting and watching too. 1mo
youneverarrived @AnneCecilie it was fab! I feel like Doppelganger was the obvious winner but such a brilliant book that deserves to be widely read. 1mo
squirrelbrain Glad you had some peace and quiet! 🤫 I‘m pleased with both winners. 1mo
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AnneCecilie @youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I‘m happy about the winners too, especially Brotherless Night 1mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain @AnneCecilie Brotherless Night is next on my list to read! 1mo
squirrelbrain You‘ll have to get yourself a copy! 🤣 1mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain haha if only someone had kindly bought a copy for me for my birthday 😂😘 1mo
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The Women‘s Prize for Fiction Shortlist was just announced

I‘ve read 5 out of 6, so I‘m happy about that

Two of my favorites made it: Brotherless Night and Soldier Sailor

I also enjoyed Restless Dolly Maunder, but I haven‘t read anything by her before

I‘ve seen mixed reviews of River East, River West, so I‘m not sure what I‘ll do about that

What do you make of the list?

Gissy I have to read 3 and finish one of them. The Wren, The Wren is in that list, 🤷🏽‍♀️

To me, Brotherless Night was a great story and I liked the writing style and I have heard amazing thing about Enter Ghost.
AnneCecilie @Gissy I doesn‘t get that either (the Wren, the Wren). Dolly is actually growing on me, and I keep thinking about it. 3mo
Deblovestoread I‘ve read all but The Wren. I‘m sad In Defence of the Act isn‘t on there or Ordinary Human Failings. I liked Dolly, my first by Grenville, too. 3mo
BarbaraBB I really liked River East, I‘d definitely give it a go 3mo
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Here‘s my shortlist for the Women‘s Prize for fiction, with the caveat that I have yet to read three: Nightbloom, A Trace of Sun (I acquired both recently), and Soldier Sailor (not out in the US until June 4). Brotherless Night and 8 Lives are absolutely my top two. I can‘t wait to see what books they pick tomorrow!

BarbaraBB I haven‘t read The Trickster yet but I will before the WP will be announced. I am halfway through And Then She Fell and enjoying it a lot 3mo
TheKidUpstairs I decided not to read the full longlist this year, but am looking forward to the shortlist announcement tomorrow! Based purely off Litten reviews, I'd be surprised if Brotherless Night doesn't make it - it seems universally beloved! I'm eagerly awaiting my library hold :) 3mo
Hooked_on_books @TheKidUpstairs Despite that dreadful cover, it‘s so good! I was immediately drawn in. I‘m quite sure it‘ll be one of my best books of the year. 3mo
jlhammar Can‘t wait for the shortlist announcement! 3mo
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My top six #WomensPrize2024 fiction books (in random order because I have trouble choosing between them). I think maybe The Wren The Wren will get shortlisted, but the question is will we get a triple Irish? I think no, and went with the other two.


BarbaraBB Great choices. I haven‘t finished And Then yet so haven‘t added that to my shortlist. Instead of it I have River. The others are the same! 3mo
Leniverse @BarbaraBB That's one of the two I haven't read yet. Your picks are the same as @squirrelbrain then! 3mo
BarbaraBB Yes! Such a coincidence or probability not 😀 3mo
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The Women‘s Prize for Fiction shortlist will be announced tomorrow morning.
I‘ve read 8 of the longlisted books

I would love to see Brotherless Night, Ordinary Human Failings and Soldier Sailor on the shortlist

I‘m not a huge fan of Western Lane, which probably means that it‘ll be shortlisted

Looking forward to the announcement

squirrelbrain I‘m looking forward to the announcement too! 🤞 3mo
BarbaraBB I agree with your three favorites. I do hope In Defence will make it to the shortlist too 🤞🏽 3mo
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I am in the middle of And Then She Fell. I loved it immediately but now I am not so sure anymore. So for now I stick to these six favorites for the #WomenPrize shortlist (which I know is exactly the same as yours, Helen!). If I change my mind again after a few more chapters of ATSF and before the announcement on Wednesday morning, I‘ll add it and remove Enter Ghost (with pain in my heart).

jlhammar Love your bookends! I‘m for sure rooting for Brotherless Night and Ordinary Human Failings. Have yet to read the others on your shortlist. 3mo
BarbaraBB @jlhammar Your kind of books I think! 3mo
squirrelbrain Great minds think alike! #booktwins 3mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain 🤍 👯 🤍 3mo
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Here‘s my #womensprize shortlist, in approx order, although I can‘t choose between the first two.

I have to say I‘m slightly disappointed in the longlist this year. Usually there are at least 5 / 6 books that would make it onto my personal favourites list for that year - this year only 2. (Defence and Brotherless Night)

I‘m not a completist, as I bailed on The Blue Beautiful World, which means it will make the shortlist, along with Hangman! 🤣

Leniverse Nice! Will finish Enter Ghost today and then do a shortlist, although there's two I haven't had the time to read yet 😬😮‍💨 😩 River East is one of them. 3mo
Deblovestoread Our top two will be the same. Hoping to read Soldier Sailor before Wednesday. I‘ll be posting my short list tomorrow but will not have read them all. 3mo
charl08 Great! So interesting to see the overlaps. 3mo
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ChaoticMissAdventures Very similar to my list! I would not doubt it about Hangman on the shortlist I went back to remember what made the shortlist last year remembered most of us hated this one but it for some reason made it 3mo
jlhammar Oh fun, love seeing your personal shortlist. I‘m hoping Brotherless Night and Ordinary Human Failings make it. Hoping to start Enter Ghost soon. 3mo
BarbaraBB Mine is almost the same. I‘ll post tomorrow. Oh and I guess this one will be in the official shortlist too 3mo
Hooked_on_books Mine will be pretty similar to yours, thought my clear winner is BN thus far. And I can‘t read Soldier Sailor until June, as that‘s when it comes out here. But I‘ll have 13 read before the shortlist announcement. Not bad! 3mo
AnneCecilie I also have Brotherless Night, Ordinary Human Failings and Soldier Sailor on my list of books I would love to see on the shortlist. And since I don‘t see the fuss about Western Lane, but it seems to be a judge favorite, I‘m sure it‘ll make the shortlist 3mo
squirrelbrain Pretty good Holly! And it‘s not your fault if they don‘t come out in time. (Sorry I forgot to tag you! 😳) 3mo
squirrelbrain I don‘t see the fuss about Western Lane either @AnneCecilie - so, we‘ve nearly guessed at the whole *actual* shortlist, the ones we don‘t want to be on there! 3mo
squirrelbrain @ChaoticMissAdventures - Pod was the last book I truly hate-read. In a way it was good- it taught me that I really ought to bail sometimes! 3mo
AnneCecilie It tend to be that way. But there‘s always a first time for everything 😊 3mo
Cathythoughts I have your two personal favourites stacked 👍🏻❤️ 3mo
LeeRHarry I‘m hoping I‘ll have some time to read more of the shortlist once it‘s announced as I haven‘t got very far with the longlist. Will see how you go when I watch the announcement- for once it is at a decent hour for us over here. 😊 3mo
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The Short List announcement is in 3 days!
(April 25 - 6 books will be chosen)

What are your Top Picks for it?

I still need to read 4 books (will not get Soldier Sailor from the library until the SL is announced) but I have a rough list of what I think I would like to see on it.

ChaoticMissAdventures My Picks -
Ordinary Human Failings
In Defence of the Act
Brotherless Night
And Then She Fell

This one didnt connect with me but I think will maybe be chosen -
River East River West

I still have high hopes for but have yet to get to
Enter Ghost

squirrelbrain That‘s *nearly* my list too! I‘ve just got Defence to finish (maybe today?) and will then post my list. 3mo
BarbaraBB This is *nearly* my list too! @squirrelbrain 3mo
Hooked_on_books My list is pretty close to yours, too! 3mo
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One week until the announcement of the short list!!

Making my way through, I am starting A Trace of Sun and And Then She Fell next.

I have decided that I am not going to read The Blue, Beautiful World since it is in a series and I have not read the others.

I am shying away from Nightbloom also - I am really really tired of rape being a plot device. So unless it is on the short list I am skipping it. That leaves 4 for me to get through...

Deblovestoread You are doing great! 3mo
BarbaraBB Impressive! I just bailed on the Tyler 🤦🏻‍♀️ 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @BarbaraBB Tyler? Am I missing that one? I feel a bit disappointed this year but at least none seem to be as bad as Pod from last year 3mo
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BarbaraBB Enright I mean.. I always mix these two up 😱 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @BarbaraBB oh! Yes, Enright does feel like Ann Tyler. I think bailing on Wren is good. I finished that one first and honestly cannot tell you what exactly it was about. It was pretty but I felt no real substance. 3mo
squirrelbrain Good decision on Blue, I think. I bailed so I won‘t be a completist either. One more to go for me. 3mo
jlhammar Impressive! 3mo
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We are 2 weeks away from the announcement of the short list.

I am currently half into Restless dolly Maunder

Overall I am a bit underwhelmed with the selections this year. Broltherless Night is staying as my top pick so far. I did enjoy In Defence and I think if I was not judging books by past years The Maiden and 8 Lives would have been more enjoyable. I just don't think they held up against what I was expecting from this prize's long list.

charl08 Love your tick list - did you make it? 4mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @charl08 I did! I use Canva 4mo
squirrelbrain Yes, I agree, there haven‘t been any real ‘wows‘ yet, with 2 books to go…. 4mo
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The Women‘s Prize for Nonfiction Shortlist has just been announced.

No Eve or Wifedom which I read/ almost finished and absolutely loved.

But All That She Carried that I‘ve also read and enjoyed, and Thunderclap which I‘ve bought

I‘ve seen great reviews for the others as well.

What do you make of the shortlist?

TheBookHippie Eh. 😅🙃 4mo
squirrelbrain Eve is the one that I‘m really disappointed didn‘t make it. Even though I haven‘t finished it yet, it was my winner! 4mo
AnneCecilie @squirrelbrain I‘m disappointed too, but I haven‘t read that many, so I‘m also thinking how good mustn‘t these one be to push it out? 4mo
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jenniferw88 Out of the ones that I've read (All That She Carried & How to Say Babylon), I hope How to Say Babylon wins. I'm disappointed that Some People Need Killing isn't on there - that was my winner. 4mo
AnneCecilie @jenniferw88 My audiobook service has How to Say Babylon so I‘ll be doing that on audio. Still waiting on Some People Need Killing from the library. 4mo
jenniferw88 @AnneCecilie, I did audio for Babylon, too! 4mo
AnneCecilie @jenniferw88 That sounds promising, I guess that means it works on audio too 4mo
vlwelser How the heck did All That She Carried get chosen? Am I the only person that didn't love that book? 4mo
jenniferw88 @vlwelser I wasn't over-impressed with it either. I still gave it 4 stars (a low pick), but I am British, so the history isn't as significant for me. 4mo
vlwelser @jenniferw88 but it's a British prize! I don't get it at all. 4mo
jenniferw88 @vlwelser I don't think it has to be set/by a British author. Babylon is Jamaica and my favourite (Some People Need Killing) is Philippines 4mo
vlwelser @jenniferw88 I just meant the people picking the books are British. There aren't American judges. But I have no idea how they decide what gets picked. Like I think the UK publishers submit books (or they do for the Booker). But to pull this one out as special seems weird. 4mo
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It has been 2 weeks since the announcement of the Women's Prize Long List 2024!

How are you doing if you are reading the list? I am struggling a bit.

Three of the four books I have read have not been great (in my opinion) I hope that means I am gettig the duds out of the way first.

I am sill calling Brotherless Night as my favorite so far, I checked it out of the library but it is on my list of books I will probably buy to have at home.

Chelsea.Poole I have the audiobook checked out of Brotherless Night. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! 4mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Chelsea.Poole I did! It is pretty heavy, I didn't have any knowledge about the Sri Lankan civil war before this. 4mo
BarbaraBB I read a dug too (Hangman) but am enjoying Enter Ghost. I might have said before that I loved Ordinary Human Failings and especially In Defence of the Act. You have them to look forward to. I want to read Brotherless Night soon! 4mo
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ChaoticMissAdventures @BarbaraBB all three you enjoyed I bought with high hopes so I am trying to rush through the ones I picked up from the library first, reading The Maiden now, it isn't bad! But Hangman we are on the same page there. I wish they would have selected this African book instead - 4mo
squirrelbrain Yeah, Hangman was a dud for me too. I‘ve read 8 now and, whilst Brotherless Night is also the stand-out for me, I‘ve not read anything that I‘d rave about obsessively, which I‘ve often had in previous lists. 4mo
Suet624 I won‘t be able to read many from this list this year, but of course I put a hold on all of the books that @BarbaraBB likes. 😀 4mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Suet624 ❤️ probably the best way to go! Too many books. 😀 4mo
BarbaraBB @Suet624 👯‍♀️ 🤍🤍👯‍♀️ @ChaoticMissAdventures (edited) 4mo
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We are one week into the 2024 Women's Prize for Fiction Long List!
How are you doing?
Hae you changed your mind in either direction on if you are going to read them all?


squirrelbrain I haven‘t changed my mind - still reading them all! 🤣 4mo
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I will be reading the Women's Prize for Fiction long list the next 2 months - as they get to me from Blackwells or the Library.

If you would like to join me please do! I am so excited to see what everyone thinks about these books, most of which were not on my radar.

Women's Prize for Fiction Longlist Readathon 2024 tag-


squirrelbrain I‘d never heard of half of these - and they weren‘t on anyone‘s predictions lists - it‘s all very exciting! Have you read any? I‘ve read 2 so far. 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @squirrelbrain I have only read The Wren, which I was honestly not that impressed by. But I am excited, Enter Ghost, 8Lives and Ordinary Human Filings were all on my TBR.
We will see how it goes!! Which ones have you read?
squirrelbrain I saw on your other post that you‘d read The Wren. I‘ve read Western Lane and Ordinary Human Failings. I‘m most looking forward to Enter Ghost and Soldier, Sailor. 5mo
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ChaoticMissAdventures @squirrelbrain I was able to grab Western Lane on audio right away from my library, will start it today, it looks super short, I am surprised it made the cut off of 30K words. 5mo
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain I'm so excited for Enter Ghost, too. Soldier Sailor I tried on my Kobo and couldn't get into it, but I think it was the wrong format. I've got a library hold in for a physical copy, hopefully it will read better that way! 5mo
TheKidUpstairs @ChaoticMissAdventures I really liked Western Lane, it was up for last year's Booker, but it didn't work for everyone so I'll be interested to hear what you think! 5mo
jlhammar I haven‘t read any of these yet! I already wanted to read Ordinary Human Failings so excited to prioritize that. I also ordered Restless Dolly Maunder (I really enjoyed Grenville‘s The Secret River), Western Lane, The Maiden, And Then She Fell, and Brotherless Night to start things off. We‘ll see how many I‘m able to get to. Look forward to following your reviews! 5mo
Deblovestoread Glad to see Enter Ghost on the list. It's available at my library, so it will be the first I tackle. Will likely do a Blackwell's order for those not released here yet. I'll be watching for your reviews 😀 5mo
AnneCecilie I‘ve read one, but my library had six books. So I‘m waiting on them to arrive. I love that there‘s so many I haven‘t heard about, there‘s so much potential to find a new favorite book/ author 5mo
BarbaraBB I‘ll be trying to read as many as possible too though I won‘t be too hard on myself (with the International Booker coming up as well 😅). So far I‘ve only read Western Lane so lots of books to choose from! 5mo
Hooked_on_books I haven‘t read a single one of these and haven‘t even heard of many! I‘m a bit flummoxed by that but hoping it turns out to be a good thing. I won‘t try to read them all in time for the prize, but I‘m sure I will read all eventually. 5mo
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A Trace of Sun - Pam Williams
Ordinary Human Failings - Megan Nolan
Hangman - Maya Binyam
Soldier Sailor - Claire Kilroy
The Wren The Wren - Anne Enright
The Maiden - Kate Foster
8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster - Mirinae Lee
Nightbloom - Peace Adzo Medie
In Defence of the Act - Effie Black
Western Lane - Chetna Maroo
Restless Dolly Maunder -Kate Grenville
River East River West - Aube Rey Lescure
Brotherless Night - V.V. Ganeshananthan

ChaoticMissAdventures Enter Ghost - Isabella Hammad
The Blue, Beautiful World - Karen Lord
And Then She Fell - Alicia Elliott
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Well. I guessed 2 long list titles!

As always most of the ones they picked were not on my radar at all. Though a few were already on my TBR.

I just finished The Wren The Wren this morning, and honestly it was a 3 star read for me, so I am a bit nervous going into this.

squirrelbrain I borrowed The Wren, The Wren from the library so at least I didn‘t buy it, if it‘s not that great! 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @squirrelbrain some people love it! The language really is beautiful. This is what I love about these lists, there is always such range there is something for everyone. 5mo
squirrelbrain I just noticed Talking at Night on your list. I *just* finished it about 15 minutes ago! I read it in case it made the list. 5mo
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ChaoticMissAdventures @squirrelbrain it sounds so good! A bit Sally Rooney like maybe? There are many on this list I am going to read as soon as I finish the officail long list. I am wildly surprised the Julia and The Strom We made were not on the offical list. 5mo
squirrelbrain Better than Sally Rooney, I think. Yes, there‘s angsty people not communicating but they were less irritating than Rooney protagonists. More like One Day, maybe? 5mo
Hooked_on_books I really expected them to have Let Us Descend on the list. But it seems a lot of what they went for are lesser known authors, which isn‘t a bad thing. 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Hooked_on_books I expected that one too! But yes, lots of new to me authors which I am excited for! 5mo
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The Women‘s Prize for Fiction Longlist was just announced.

I‘ve read one, Western Lane, and didn‘t love it

But this year I‘m in luck, my library has 6 of these and now I‘m waiting for notifications to pick them up. I‘m first in line for most of them

A lot of new titles for me. So looking forward to discovering a new favorite

What did you make of the Longlist?

Tamra I haven‘t read any, so that‘s lucky for my TBR! 😅 5mo
AnneCecilie @Tamra I know, as if I needed anymore books there 🤣 5mo
squirrelbrain I‘d only read 2, Western Lane, which I also didn‘t love, and Ordinary Human Failings which I really liked. 5mo
Graywacke Very interesting. I plan to read Western Lane in April. And I‘ve been eyeing The Wren, the Wren. Maybe i‘ll chase down that Ganeshananthan too. 5mo
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I know lots of us have been anticipating today‘s longlist announcement. I‘m quite surprised. Only 3 of these made prediction lists multiple times: Soldier Sailor, The Wren, The Wren and Enter Ghost. I‘ve only read Western Lane. Which have you read?

TheBookHippie I read the ARC of Nightbloom. That‘s it. 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Finished The Wren this AM, but most of these were not on my list, I did waffle about Nightblook and heard Western Lane on a couple of peoples predictions. I am so glad they picked Enter Ghost, I have been wanting to read it, but thought it might be too political for them at the moment. 5mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve read Western Lane too, and Ordinary Human Failings. 5mo
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LeeRHarry Haven‘t read any but I‘m especially glad Enter Ghost is there. 5mo
AnneCecilie I‘ve only read Western Lane and didn‘t love it. My library had 6 books and I‘m looking forward to reading those as they get in 5mo
BarbaraBB I read Western Lane too and that‘s the only one. So lots of catching up to do! 5mo
Jas16 Like you I have only read Western Lane 5mo
LeeRHarry Just realised I forgot to say - yay for Kate Grenville! 🇦🇺 Years ago I was in Clunes book town sitting at the table next to hers in a cafe - way too nervous to say anything! 😊 5mo
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The countdown is on! My favorite book day of the year!

My guesses for ulitmate winner:
Julia by Sandra Newman
Let Us Descend by Jesmyn Ward

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I watched 10 or so booktube predictions for the 2024 Women‘s Prize over the last few days. Julia is the top predicted book with 9 mentions. I thought I would share the top 16 plus one bonus book. This was probably a mistake on my part because there are so many amazing books being mentioned that I want to read. It will be interesting to see which, if any, of these make the longlist. Which do you think should make the list?

vlwelser That is an amazing list. And I read quite a few of them already. This did prompt me to look up Penance. Dangerous indeed. 5mo
Ruthiella I‘ve read only Pet and The Rachel Incident and think both are worthy contenders. 👍 5mo
BarbaraBB I loved Pet and Rachel and was less impressed by Julia, Let us Descend, Tom Lake and Land of Milk and Honey. I am excited to check out the ones I haven‘t heard of. 5mo
Chelsea.Poole I‘ve been watching some as well. I like this list you put together! Some I‘ve read and enjoyed and others I‘ve been thinking of reading. I‘ve seen this one a few times and I think I‘m going to give it a go 5mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve read a lot of these, or have them as library holds just in case 🤓. Interesting that Julia is top - I‘ve been watching all the vids and knew it was a popular choice, but not the favourite. 5mo
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I am making 20 predictions for the 16 books on the Women's Prize Long List.

I think that if they are on the list they will only pick one of either Smith, Patchett, or Ward - women that were on the list and are very popular already. They all feel a bit too obvious.

I heard a theory that Enright will be on it becuase she gets pulled every 4 years! 2012, 2016, 2020 it is her time again


ChaoticMissAdventures I think their list will have more books about motherhood based on who the judges are, but I honestly don't read those sn couldn't find many I was interested in. I adde Reporduction by Hall because that seemed to be something they would pick most of the others on my list I have already added to my TBR but that one I would not read unless it is on this list. 5mo
squirrelbrain Great list! I‘m just about to start Talking at Night, because I think it might be on the list and it‘s due back to the library just before the Longlist announcement. 5mo
jlhammar Oooh, great predictions! I‘m getting excited. Really hoping we see Pet by Catherine Chidgey on there. 5mo
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ChaoticMissAdventures @squirrelbrain it sounds so good! I am trying to ignore all the comparsions to other books, because that always disappoints me,
It is a debut, and we know how much the judges love a debut novel!
ChaoticMissAdventures @jlhammar This one also sounds so good! I had to stop myself at 20, but my TBR has really grown the last month looking at possiblities. It is so hard to guess what these judges will pick. 5mo
BarbaraBB Interesting! I do look forward to the longlist! 5mo
Deblovestoread Love seeing your predictions. I‘ve been making a list of all those predicted and looking heavily at those that have made more than one list. 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Deblovestoread it would be interesting to keep that list! I know each year there are a few I am surprised that don't make it, but by the next year I have forgotten 😂 5mo
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The first ever Women‘s Prize for Non-Fiction had been announced

As someone who‘s trying to read more nonfiction, I‘be been looking forward to this

I‘m of to a good start as I‘ve already read All That She Carried and enjoyed it

I‘ve put in holds at the library for Eve and Wifedom

I also find Thunderclap and Vulture Capitalism interesting and will see if I can get hold of them

What do you make of the longlist?

squirrelbrain It looks like a great list. Glad to hear that you liked All That She Carried. I had reserved a few of them already on the library / digital library and I‘m looking forward to reading a few. 5mo
AnneCecilie @squirrelbrain Which ones are you looking forward to? 5mo
squirrelbrain Most of them! 😃 I‘m not going to read Matrescence - that holds no interest for me. Also not sure about Wifedom - I‘ve seen mixed reviews, but I can get that from the library so I‘ll at least try it. The rest of them all sound great. I got Vulture Capitalism a few days ago on NG. (edited) 5mo
Chelsea.Poole I‘m loving this list! I‘m going to try to make my way through most..and I‘ve read 2. I already had this checked out so it‘ll be first 5mo
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Well then #womensdozen @TheKidUpstairs
Here‘s my 12 📚📚📚📚


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vivastory I *really* need to read the Ward. I read “Salvage The Bones“ a few years ago & was completely floored by it & by all accounts it seems like this one is even better, I started “Hamnet“ recently“ & was loving it but had to return it, but def plan on returning to it. I keep seeing “On Beauty“ pop up which REALLY intrigues me bc I know a lot of people prefer Z. Smith's essays. Looking forward to both the Obreht & the Waters. Great list! 6mo
TheBookHippie @vivastory I‘ve read everything Ward, Smith and Waters has written 😅🙃 I believe other than her memoir this is Wards best work. There‘s something about On Beauty that just hits. I‘ve loved Waters for 25 (?) years. Hamnet was so hard to read, but so very good. 6mo
vivastory Was this the one that was compared to the Odyssey? (I 💙 the Odyssey) 6mo
TheBookHippie @vivastory Circe is the Odyssey and it is brilliant. 6mo
vivastory @TheBookHippie I have that one on my TBR shelves. I thought that there was one Jesmyn Ward novel that was a loose retelling of the Odyssey? I might be mistaken. 6mo
TheBookHippie @vivastory I would say sing unburied sing is said to be a modern day Odyssey. I think I read that in an article when it came out. (edited) 6mo
BarbaraBB It IS weird that we have only one in common right?! 6mo
Ruthiella Great list! I really need to read something/anything from Tayari Jones! 6mo
TheBookHippie @BarbaraBB I was so happy to see you like Sarah Waters too I love her writing! 6mo
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella the way she writes is swoon worthy "Love makes a place in your life, it makes a place for itself in your bed. Invisibly, it makes a place in your body, rerouting all your blood vessels, throbbing right alongside your heart. When it's gone, nothing is whole again.”
― Tayari Jones, An American Marriage
TheKidUpstairs On Beauty is my favourite Smith, too. I will read anything she writes, but that one is forever a stand out! 6mo
BarbaraBB Me too! Everything I‘ve read by her so far is a winner. I have this one my shelves to read soon: 6mo
kspenmoll Sadly, I own many of these but have not read them! @TheKidUpstairs These posts have spurred me on to read One per month off my shelf. Thanks all! 6mo
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Inspired by @TheKidUpstairs and @BarbaraBB here‘s my #womensdozen using only the short list and winners. Purposefully no overlap with my #bookerdozen with either author or title. Some are my favorite books of all time.

1. The Poisonwood Bible
2. Bel Canto
3. Purple Hibiscus
4. Old Filth
5. The Observations
6. The Tiger‘s Wife
7. Life After Life
8. The Goldfinch
9. Do No Say We Have Nothing
10. The Idiot
11. Girl, Woman, Other
12. Piranesi

Christine This is an amazing list, and now I‘m of course wondering which are your favorite books of all time! 6mo
vivastory I have read only 2 of these! I have a lot of reading to do as several of these are on my TBR 6mo
Ruthiella @Christine Thanks! Bel Canto, Old Filth, Life After Life and The Idiot would go on that list. 😃 6mo
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Ruthiella @vivastory So many books, so little time! 😃 6mo
vivastory So true, so true. If only work didn't keep interfering! 😅 6mo
vivastory @Ruthiella I have to ask: have you read other Atkinson books? I'm just curious, because I read “Case Histories“ & really loved it but it's the only Atkinson that I have read so far. 6mo
Ruthiella @vivastory I LOVE Atkinson. I‘ve read most of her novels and the entire Jackson Brodie series. I highly recommend it. When Will There Be Good News is IMO the best, but they‘re all great. @CarolynM is also a fan. 6mo
vivastory @Ruthiella Thanks! *Noted. I am def. planning on continuing the Brodie series, but also plan on checking out Life After Life. 6mo
BarbaraBB Such a great selection 😍. I loved Old Filth too. And Piranesi. And I should read 6mo
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB Discovering Jane Gardam was a revelation to me. I want to read everything she‘s written! 6mo
BarbaraBB I‘ve been thinking that too! And I noticed I already read The Tiger‘s Wife. Not even that long ago, in 2020. I don‘t remember a thing, isn‘t that weird? Or maybe it‘s because it‘s the damned Covid year… 😱 6mo
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB I definitely have read books where I have no memory. I sometimes wonder if I briefly had an out of body experience. 😂 6mo
BarbaraBB I am really shocked. I often don‘t remember what a book was about but not remembering that I read a book in the first place hasn‘t happened before, I think 👵🏼 6mo
vivastory @BarbaraBB If it's any consolation I recently started reading a short story collection thinking I had never read it & halfway through it I checked goodreads only to discover that I had read it 6 years ago 🙃 6mo
TheBookHippie The Observations is the only one I didn‘t read in your list!!!! Wow. 6mo
Ruthiella @TheBookHippie Wow! The Observations was great. I‘d recommend it to anyone who likes Sarah Waters. 6mo
Christine Worthy picks! Though I have to admit I‘ve never heard of Old Filth! 6mo
CarolynM Yep, big Atkinson fan. That one is probably my favourite Brodie (very hard to choose) I haven‘t read all of her non-Brodies yet @vivastory Of the ones I‘ve read I love Life After Life but my favourite is its companion novel 6mo
batsy Purple Hibiscus, The Idiot, and Piranesi! 💜 So many here that I must read. 6mo
Tamra I‘m still irritated by the The Goldfinch. I was downright angry at the time! 🤣 6mo
TheKidUpstairs So many good ones! Totally stacking The Observations and Old Filth! 6mo
Ruthiella @CarolynM The way the plot of When Will There Be Good News winds up was so amazing. I still get goosebumps. (edited) 6mo
Ruthiella @batsy A lovely list of possibilities! 😃 6mo
Ruthiella @Tamra I get that! Donna Tart‘s style can be indulgent and long winded. 😆 6mo
Ruthiella @TheKidUpstairs I hope you enjoy them! 6mo
Caryl Ooh! Some of my favorites (Bel Canto, Old Filth, Purple Hibiscus, Life After Life) and some shelf-sitters I need to get to (Piranesi, The Idiot). 6mo
Ruthiella @Caryl so many books, so little time! I hope you enjoy both when you get to them. 😃 6mo
Readerann Have read 7 of these and mostly agree with you, especially on 1 and 2! (edited) 6mo
Ruthiella Both were the first I‘d read from Patchett and Kingsolver and they knocked it out of the park. 6mo
BkClubCare Oh my, there are 5 on this list that I have yet to read.🧐 6mo
Ruthiella @BkClubCare Looking through the shortlist, I saw lots of books I already have on my mental TBR. 6mo
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Okay @TheKidUpstairs I checked out the history of the Women‘s Prize for Fiction and it turned out some of my all time favorites were nominated on it. So here are my #womensdozen (I didn‘t use books I already posted in my #bookerdozen post).

Titles below in the comments!

BarbaraBB Anne Michaels: Fugitive pieces
Helen Dunmore: A spell of winter
Yaa Gyasi: Transcedent kingdom
Jacqueline Woodson: Red at the bone
Valeria Luiselli: Lost children archive
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Elizabeth Strout: The Burgess boys
Siri Hustvedt: What I loved
Sarah Waters: Fingersmith
Margaret Atwood: Blind assassin
Jane Urquhart: The underpainter
Anna Quindlen: Black and blue
TheKidUpstairs Fugitive Pieces has been on my TBR since high school when a teacher recommended it. I'm thinking I should finally get to that one soon! Only 26 years late! 6mo
TheKidUpstairs And I really have to read Lost Children Archive. I absolutely loved 6mo
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sarahbarnes Some great books here! And Fingersmith is on my list! 6mo
Ruthiella Great list! 👍 Looking at the Women‘s Prize shortlists over the years made me want to read all of them! Anna Qindlen is an author I need to try. (edited) 6mo
vivastory I feel like between the #bookerdozen & the #womensdozen I could easily be stocked up on books to read at least until the summer! So many wonderful recommendations on these posts & reminders of books that I have been meaning to read 💙 6mo
vivastory @TheKidUpstairs I saw a virtual event with several incredible authors early days of the pandemic & Valeria Luiselli read from that one & I haven't forgotten it. I keep meaning to read it. 6mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs Thanks for the Luiselli recommendation! And looking at your choices I was thinking: I should finally read 6mo
BarbaraBB @vivastory Yes! I felt a renewed appreciation for them: so many authors I probably wouldn‘t have discovered without them! (edited) 6mo
TheBookHippie Wellllll my my my we have a similar choice !!! 😳👀♥️😘 6mo
squirrelbrain Some great books! ❤️ 6mo
BarbaraBB @TheBookHippie Finally! And it‘s a good one 👌🏽 6mo
batsy Great list! Many I have yet to read but Fingersmith and The Blind Assassin are excellent 💜 6mo
Tamra Loved Blind Assassin! 6mo
TheKidUpstairs @BarbaraBB one of my favourites by one of my favourite authors! 6mo
Readerann I loved Americanah and The Blind Assasin. Anna Quindlen is a writer who I feel is predictable but I‘m perfectly happy to read anything she writes anyway! We only part ways at Elizabeth Strout. 😁 6mo
BarbaraBB @Readerann You‘re no Strout fan? I loved everything she‘s written 😃. I haven‘t read many Quindlen books but this one stood out at the time (long ago!) and I still remember it! 6mo
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We are a random 41 days away from the announcement of the Women's Prize long list of 2024.
To qualify the books must be full length (30k words), written in English by a woman (translations do not qualify) and must be published in the UK between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

I have been thinking a lot about which books I am hoping and which I am expecting to see on this list this year.

What are you thinking will be on the long list?

Kristin_Reads Maybe Tom Lake? 6mo
Ruthiella I‘m guessing Mona Awad, Zadie Smith… 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Kristin_Reads & @Ruthiella all three of these are on my list of books I want to read before the long list comes out b/c I think they have a good chance! 6mo
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Hooked_on_books Oooooo, I can‘t wait for the longlist! I read all but two of the books last year and really enjoyed doing so. No idea what they‘ll pick (especially since pub dates can be so different from the US). 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Hooked_on_books no matter how much I look into predictions and think of books that qualify there are always a few gems they pick that I have never heard of, which is so much fun! 6mo
squirrelbrain Ooh, my favourite awards! Just looked at the Goodreads list, and I‘ve read 21 of the 41 suggestions, and have a few more on my shelves. I usually raid the library just before the announcement, and get any other suggestions, so I get my paws on the longlist before anyone else. 🤣 6mo
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And the women winner is …

Not my favorite, are you happy about the winner?

TrishB It‘s the one I thought would win. 13mo
Tamra Not really. 🫤 But I‘m glad there was really super competition! 13mo
Cinfhen Of the 6 it was my favorite ❤️ She definitely penned an epic story 13mo
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The winner of the Women‘s Prize for Fiction 2023 will be announced tomorrow.

Who do you think/ hope will win.

I will be happy if Black Butter, Trespasses or Fire Rush, but especially the to first.

“Everyone” seem to think that Demon Copperhead will win, but I didn‘t get along with that one.

Cazxxx I also think DC will probably win, I did really like it but would prefer fire rush or trespasses to win 13mo
TrishB I think DC will win but would love Butterflies or Trespasses to win. 13mo
Tamra My vote is for Black Butterflies. 13mo
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The shortlist has just been announced and I‘m not sure how I feel about it

No The Bandit Queens, in one way not surprising since my favorite hardly ever makes it to the shortlist

I‘m happy that Trespasses is there.

Probably no surprise that MP and DC is there, but I‘m not a fan of those

I have Fire Rush on hold at the library and looking forward to reading that

What do you make of the shortlist?

Cazxxx I‘m also disappointed about the bandit queens which was also my favourite and I‘m surprised that pod made the shortlist. 1y
Cinfhen Somewhat surprising list but honestly there were so many good choices this year so I‘m not all that disappointed. I will definitely read the 3 that I haven‘t yet read Butterflies, Pod and 1y
AnneCecilie @Cinfhen I‘m curious about Butterflies, but haven‘t really seen any good reviews for Pod so won‘t spend my money on but maybe if the library gets it. 1y
AnneCecilie @Cazxxx Me too. Loved BQ and haven‘t seen any good reviews for Pod, not even by people who loved her Bees. 1y
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I‘m really rather pleased with this shortlist. Well, apart from one!

For once, I got it nearly right. Except for Pod, which is just really, really wrong. 😱 Even more convinced now that it‘s going to win, just to spite me as I hated it so much! 🤣

Black Butterflies is my favourite from the long list and the only one I‘m disappointed to not see there is The Bandit Queens.

charl08 Delighted to see that Trespasses and Fire Rush made it. Demon Copperhead and The Marriage Portrait I felt pretty confident about. I was hoping Stone Blind would make it as well though. 1y
charl08 (I still have to read Pod, I see though 🤣) 1y
Hooked_on_books Hooray for Pod! (Oh dear.) Why do prizes do these things to us? I just finished Fire Rush today and thought it was good. Still waiting on Trespasses and Black Butterflies. I had previously read the O‘Farrell and the Kingsolver. Hopefully I can finish them all (except Pod) before the big day. I just won‘t read that one! 1y
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Cinfhen @Hooked_on_books in case you change your mind Pod is available on #Hoopla 1y
Cinfhen I know Helen gave it the 🥾 1y
Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen I see it‘s also on Scribd, but I‘ve been convinced not to read it. Part of me says, “it looks short, so maybe…” then I remind myself of what Helen and other Littens have said and it‘s a hard pass for me. I can do without dolphin gang rape! 1y
squirrelbrain @charl08 @Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen - it is only short and please don‘t let me put you off. Although @Leniverse and I have just been discussing it and we agreed it reads like poor YA environmental fiction, but with added dolphin SA. Leni described it as cartoonish. 1y
Cinfhen Oh GD @Hooked_on_books that sounds BEYOND HORRIBLE - yikes 😱 1y
Leniverse @Cinfhen Pod is about as subtle as being clobbered over the head with a cartoon mallet, yes. It's also unrelentingly miserable. There's some nice prose on the sentence level though. Unfortunately I can't get this book out of my head. 1y
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain no, you‘ve put me off and I‘m GLAD! It‘s good for Littens to be honest about books, so the rest of us can avoid the right ones. @Cinfhen maybe we could write some Pod fan fic together? 😂 1y
TheKidUpstairs I'm pretty happy with this! I still have less than zero interest in reading Pod, so it'll probably win 🤣. Would've been happy to see that swapped out with just about anything. LOVED Trespasses (my top pick so far), Marriage, and Demon. I'm reading Fire Rush now. And I'm extra glad I put in a last minute Book Depository order for Butterflies! 1y
TheKidUpstairs @Leniverse I found The Bees to be similar. Beautiful sentences, but Dear Lord was it over the top, repetitive, and just why? 1y
Leniverse @TheKidUpstairs 🤣 I haven't read The Bees, and I now doubt I ever will. 1y
youneverarrived I thought of you when I saw Pod had made it to the shortlist 😂 the bottom two I really want to read. 1y
Cinfhen I trust all of your tastes @squirrelbrain @Leniverse but I might just need to give it a try - and I‘ll be the first one to #HailTheBail 🙌🏻♥️ 1y
jlhammar I can‘t believe Pod made it instead of Bandit Queens or Wandering Souls! I‘m happy about the rest though. Excited to give Fire Rush a try. 1y
AnneCecilie I‘m so disappointed that The Bandit Queens didn‘t make, but my favorite from the Longlist hardly ever makes it to the shortlist. (edited) 1y
squirrelbrain I never really got the attraction of The Bees so hadn‘t read it, and now I definitely won‘t be! 🤣 @TheKidUpstairs @Leniverse 1y
squirrelbrain Are you not going to read Pod?! @youneverarrived 1y
squirrelbrain I know @jlhammar - I can‘t understand why anyone would choose Pod over any book on that long list. (Or over any book ever written! 🤣) (edited) 1y
squirrelbrain I‘m very surprised by how close I was this year @AnneCecilie , as I‘m usually the complete opposite of the judges! 1y
youneverarrived Think I‘ll pass 😆 1y
squirrelbrain Thanks for that! @Birdsong28 1y
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The shortlist is announced tomorrow. So I thought I should post my hopes on this snowy day.

I‘ve read 6 of the books, DNFed 1 and have previously DNFed 1 book by one of these authors and aren‘t jumping on the possibility to try another

I loved The Bandit Queens and would love to see it on the shortlist
I would also be very happy to see Trespasses and Children of Paradise there

What favorite to you hope to see on the Women‘s Prize Shortlist?

Cinfhen I read 10, I‘m in middle of one more and I‘ve bailed on two. So from the 12 I‘ve read my current 6 books would be BQ, Demon, Marriage Portrait, Children of Paradise, Wandering Souls and Fire Rush . Can‘t wait for the shortlist announcement 1y
jlhammar Trespasses is in my top 6 (I posted my favorites from the longlist a couple of days ago), but I'd also be happy to see your other hopes (Bandit Queens and Children of Paradise) on the shortlist as I really enjoyed them both. Can't wait! 1y
AnneCecilie @Cinfhen @jlhammar I think a lot of people expect to see both The Marriage Portrait and Demon on the shortlist, they are my least favorites so I will be very happy if they doesn‘t make it. I would love to get an excuse to read both Wandering Souls and Fire Rush. (edited) 1y
Suet624 I‘ve only read Trespasses but I sure hope it‘s on the list. 1y
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This year‘s Women‘s Prize for Fiction Longlist has been announced

I already own Glory so think I will get to that first

I DNF The Marriage Portrait last month and I didn‘t get along with the Haynes book I read so won‘t rush to that

The library has Trespasses so I‘m waiting on that

I‘ve seen some rave reviews for Demon Copperhead and I Am A Fan, so I might pick those up

There‘s so many I haven‘t heard of before

What do you think of this list?

squirrelbrain There‘s a couple that I‘d never even heard of, which makes for an interesting list. 1y
AnneCecilie @squirrelbrain I totally agree, I tend to find a new favorite among those. 1y
Ruthiella At least half of them, I‘ve never yet heard of, which is kinda exciting! 1y
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Lindy I‘ve been considering picking up the Bandit Queens for a while now, so I‘m glad to have an extra push towards that one. And I will add my recommendation to the positive reviews you‘ve already seen for Demon Copperhead. 1y
AnneCecilie @Lindy I loved the cover for the Bandit Queens and the blurb definitely put it on my radar. Looking forward to your thoughts on it. I was thinking that I would wait and see if the library got it, but no I‘m not sure, maybe I need it sooner. 1y
AnneCecilie @Ruthiella The same. And to think that there may be a new favorite among them as well 1y
Tamra I really enjoyed Trespasses. 1y
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It's Here!
I guessed 4 of them, and I had 2 others on my long long list of possibilities.
I have only read one of these and as usual there are so many I have never heard of, which is why I LOVE following this prize.
I think the one I am most excited to read is Fire Rush. It sounds so good and the cover is gorgeous.
@BarbaraBB; @Chelsea.Poole; @squirrelbrain; @jlhammar; @Cazxxx; @Hooked_on_books

squirrelbrain Fire Rush was on my long long list too, and I applied for it on #netgalley and was lucky to get it…! 1y
jlhammar There are several that weren't on my radar at all so this is a very exciting list! I've only read 2 (Marriage Portrait - loved and Glory - didn't love). I think Trespasses will be up first for me, but then I need to do a little research and decide which I want to prioritize. I've been interested in Homesick since it came out here in the US (in 2019, I think?). It's marketed here as memoir here so interesting to see it on this fiction list. 1y
Cazxxx I guessed 5 and have read 5 of them. There‘s a few I‘ve been wanting to read and a couple I‘m not familiar with. Looks like a good list! 1y
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TheKidUpstairs I'm loving this list. I own a couple, my library has a couple, but unfortunately a number of them are hard to find here 🤷‍♀️ that tends to happen with UK based prizes. 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @squirrelbrain thank you for the reminder! I grabbed Fire Rush and Wandering Souls from my ARC platform! So excited. 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @jlhammar yes! I was confused to see Homesick on the list because even the title here states Memoir. I am going to listen to the podcast this year and maybe they will address it is 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @TheKidUpstairs there are always a few that are not available in the US, which can be frustrating, I did find them all on the site Book Depository. But of course getting all of them can be expensive! 1y
squirrelbrain Yes, I noticed ‘memoir‘ in the total of Homesick too, Shawna @jlhammar - be interesting if we learn why it was eligible/ chosen. 1y
squirrelbrain I got rejected for Wandering Souls on #netgalley and it‘s not available at my library yet. There‘s only 3 I can‘t get yet, and I can do those on Audible if needed. 1y
BarbaraBB So many books I haven‘t heard of, many sounding so good! Now I have to make my choices! 1y
Hooked_on_books Thanks for the tag! I‘m excited to research these books, since there‘s so many I haven‘t heard of. I‘ve read 4, including Bandit Queens, which was delightful, so I‘m glad to see it here! I don‘t expect to be a list completist, as I strongly do not want to read Glory (I read one of her books before and I don‘t want to read her again). 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Hooked_on_books oh that is interesting! I found Glory used for $9 at my local shop so going to give it a try. 1y
jlhammar @ChaoticMissAdventures @squirrelbrain I think Croft may have used fictional names so maybe Homesick can be considered autofiction? Either way, look forward to giving it a try! 1y
TheKidUpstairs @ChaoticMissAdventures Book Depository can be a life saver for that! But yes, can't quite afford all of them. I'll read what I can get my hands on here, and then when the short list comes out if there are any I haven't been able to get hold of I will turn to BD :) 1y
Chelsea.Poole Thank you! 📚 I‘ve only read two but LOVED them both Marriage and Copperhead. Some look intriguing! 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Chelsea.Poole I love this prize because it always introduces me to stories I didn't know I needed! 1y
Chelsea.Poole @jlhammar @TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain Homesick was a new one for me — I found it available on my US library‘s hoopla app, if that helps anyone. 1y
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole I just found out on Hoopla last night, too! 1y
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole I was glad to find it, it really intrigues me. The other one that sounds awesome, but can't find is 1y
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So excited. I cannot believe I have only read 3 of these books, and only 3 others were on my TBR.
Women's Prize for Fiction is a UK based yearly prize for women across the Globe.
My boyfriend calls today my Book Christmas because I wait all year for the new list, and automatically order everything on the list that I do not already have. Each year they give some of the best reads I didn't know about!

jlhammar Ha, Book Christmas! Love that. I've only read 4. Really enjoyed the Erdrich and Ozeki. Great Circle was okay for me and didn't get on with Opal & Nev. Look forward to researching the others later and deciding on a couple to order. I was hoping that The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois would be on the longlist! 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @jlhammar interesting! I really enjoyed Opal &Nev I did it on audio. I feel the same about Great Circle it was okay. I would have loved it had it been straight historical fiction but I did not enjoy the contemporary storyline at all. My hopes for this year were way off but I have so many to discover now! I really enjoyed Build Your House Around My Body & am interested to see what others think. 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures I ordered what I could find. A bit bummed I cannot seem to get ahold of a copy of Creatures of Passage or Salt Lick. 2y
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jlhammar @ChaoticMissAdventures Good to know about Build Your House. Definitely interested in that one. 2y
jlhammar I think I'm going to order Remote Sympathy (love Europa Editions), Sorrow & Bliss and Build Your House to start. 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @jlhammar I normally avoid WWII fiction so it will be interesting to see how Remote Sympathy is. Let me know how you like Build your house! 2y
Hooked_on_books This is how I am with the National Book Awards lists. I understand your excitement! 🥳 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Hooked_on_books honestly just love a list 📝 2y
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Like many, RBG has been on my mind the past several days. While flipping through the lovely Women's Prize for Fiction Journal I came across the above.

Leftcoastzen 👏😟miss her in many ways 3y
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