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Sommer in Maine
Sommer in Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Maine | Courtney Sullivan
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Love the promise of a new month! Maybe I‘ll read all of these! (I average about 7 a month so probably not🤪) #BookSpinBingo@

Maria514626 Your card is beautiful! 🎉👍 2y
LeslieO @Maria514626 Thank you! It‘s all thanks to MyFreeBingoCards and free PicCollage! I did buy some patriotic backgrounds for $.99 (edited) 2y
Maria514626 I‘ll have to check out MyFreeBingoCards! Thanks! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fabulous!! 2y
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Maine | Courtney Sullivan
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Morning in Maine!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 🌊 2y
Tamra Nice! 2y
Cathythoughts Oh 💫 2y
BookBabe So beautiful!
kspenmoll Gorgeous! 2y
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Sommer in Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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There are zero likeable characters here and this is not a happy read, especially if you like to keep HGTV on while you read! (Property Brothers all day! 😉) This very short story packs in a lot of detail: Katie & Damien's unhappy childhoods; their slide from young love to utter contempt; the utterly depressing glimpse behind the scenes of their makeover show; and their complete ineffectiveness as parents. Somehow thought this was going to be a ⬇️

bookandbedandtea ⬆️ second chance HEA and was unpleasantly surprised by the direction it took. Also, the narration was truly terrible. It's not in Litsy's database so I tagged another book by the author. 3y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Just got back from a long weekend in Maine. This is my new favorite picture of me.

(Shockingly,) I picked up a book zero times over the past 3 days. But don‘t worry! I‘m currently flopped on my bed, making up for it now.

BarbaraJean 🤣 3y
MittenGirlPeach I could not love this picture MORE. MOOOOOOO!!!!!! 3y
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Maine | Courtney Sullivan
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Thoroughly enjoyed this multi-generational story of a Boston family. A summer home in Maine centers the story and shows how they interact with one another and react to each other and how this has shaped their lives. I‘ve seen reviews that found the characters unlikeable but I felt they were real flawed people and I could understand them. Also goes back in time to slowly reveal how the family matriarch came to be the person she is.

Cathythoughts Nice review! I‘d like to read this one. Stacked 5y
Blaire @Cathythoughts I think if you liked saints you would like this one too. I plan to read more of her backlist that I‘ve missed 5y
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Maine | Courtney Sullivan
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Enjoying digging into this older book of Sullivan‘s after loving A Saint for All Occasions. Seattle lives up to its rep as a coffee town. This one is wonderful.

RvnclawWhovian Victrola is my fave! If you have time, check out the Starbucks Reserve. It‘s pretty cool (edited) 5y
Blaire @RvnclawWhovian the coffee was so good! I went to Starbucks reserve yesterday. It was cool. 5y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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"As far as she had seen, what made people and pleased them, and threatened to ultimately ruin them, was love. Not romantic love necessarily, but the love of something, the thing that defined your life."

Gitanjali What did you think of the book? 6y
derr.liz @Gitanjali I liked the different perspectives. Interesting to be judging one character based on what another says, then to see their perspective and understand where they're coming from. 6y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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It's not spring until the first pedicure of the season. Indulging during my last day of spring break with a book about a stressful family vacation.

sprainedbrain I did that yesterday! 😃 6y
rachelm @sprainedbrain it's such a relief! I'm not super girly, but I do love having my toenails done 😊 6y
sprainedbrain @rachelm same! Nails are about the only girly thing I do. It‘s so much nice to have someone else do it. Lol 6y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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2 stars. Serious lack of character development in this book. Lots of references to AA and lots of family dysfunction. Not the light, airy beach read I thought I was getting.

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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Dropped off forty books in local little free libraries (hi @baberj !) and only took home one book (the tagged one). I'm kind of proud of myself!

Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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I collect quotes from books I‘ve read, & I thought, instead of just letting them live in a journal, why not share them? I read Maine back in 2011 & wrote down a lot of quotes from it. I bet a lot of people can relate to this one ...
“You could do everything right, and still, things might not turn out the way you imagined.” #bookquotes #quotestagram #quotes #bookishquotes #ireaditinabook #literaryquotes #quoththeraven #quote

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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Found these on my library's sale shelves! The tagged book is written by the author of Saints for All Occasions, so I'm looking forward to it. I've never read Daniel Silva, but The Heist is about art forgery, so that's promising. Love history, so the book about Jefferson had to come home with me, and I've never read The Orphan Train. Also found several music cd's. All for less than $10. 📚📚#bookhaul #nosuchthingastoomanybooks

emmaturi I have read a few of Daniel Silva books and really enjoyed them! 7y
BookNotes I really liked Orphan Train. 🙂 7y
Zelma I really loved Maine but I am a sucker for multi-generational dramas. 7y
SharonGoforth @Zelma Good to hear! 7y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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This book! Has me thinking because it is FULL of unlikeable characters, but I LOVED it! Maybe because they were quite believable. Can't quite put my finger on it but will update when I do. Special shout out to Arlo and Rhiannon. (The only likable characters). I had to laugh out loud a few times at the way this fam spoke to each other! Also anyone else super annoyed at "little Daniel"?

Samplergal Little Daniel. Ugh. I just finished and while I didn‘t love it, Rhiannon is the only character who I liked. 6y
Freefallinmissy I listened to this - I feel like if I read it I would not have liked it so much. Sometimes I like books w unlikeable characters, sometimes not ! 6y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan

This book! Has me thinking because it is FULL of unlikeable characters, but I LOVED it! Maybe because they were quite believable. Can't quite put my finger on it but will update when I do. Special shout out to Arlo and Rhiannon. (The only likable characters). I had to laugh out loud a few times at the way this fam spoke to each other! Also anyone else super annoyed at "little Daniel"?

Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Liking this so far !

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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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4 women, 3 generations and lots of dysfunction all set on the coast of Maine- It had so much potential. It just seemed to take an above ground look at the lives of the women in the family and never went deep to try & resolve the dysfunction that continued to linger. Lives didn't change much. The larger relationships remained unmended for the most part. I guess I was looking for healing and redemption of family and didn't find it.

Lwsmith Great review! Thanks for steering me away from this one. 👍 7y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan

Time to catch up on reviews! I was not much of a fan for this one. I love family relationships, especially between women, but this one felt more mean-spirited than necessary. Also, the entire thing was pretty much backstory with very little action. Still, some of the writing was beautiful.

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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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A pretty standard beach read--a drama about four female relatives all coming to the family beach house, where old wounds are reopened and family secrets are revealed. I enjoyed it because each chapter was narrated by one of the four so you got to see the same events from multiple views. It was a great commentary on how the events that shape a family can be seen in a variety of different ways and have a different impact on each person involved.

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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Perk of the (librarian) job: nabbing books we withdraw. This one came back super water damaged. It's on my TBR list, so I just ripped off the ruined cover ('twas starting to mold, eww!) and brought it with me on this trip.

Lindy One last hurrah for this copy. And a trip too. 👍 7y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Hard at work at Print Bookstore in Portland, Maine. Grand opening on Dec. 3rd!

tpixie Good luck!!! 8y
tpixie ?273 Congress?? 8y
ValerieAndBooks Darn it! I'm actually going to be in Portland ME for Thanksgiving weekend...too bad it won't be open before then 😭😢😥 8y
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vivastory @ValerieAndBooks You could drive by Stephen King's house. 8y
LauraBrook Awesome! I'll tell my Cape Elizabeth friends to stop by! 8y
Craftylikefox Yay I can't wait!! 8y
read_diverse_books How exciting. 😁 8y
Liberty @ValerieAndBooks It will! They plan to open this Tuesday. Big celebration on Dec. 3rd. 😊 8y
quirkyreader Looks like it's time for a recycling run and coffee. 8y
ValerieAndBooks @vivastory would I be stalking if I did that 🤔? 8y
ValerieAndBooks @Liberty yay! Now I'm 😀😅😊. Will try to check it out!! 8y
BostonBookAddict I am long overdue for a trip up there! I will have to check it out soon!!! 8y
CocoReads If I ever make it to Maine, I'll be sure to stop in! 8y
ericarobynreads I can't wait to visit!! 📚 8y
Cobscook Looking forward to checking it out the next time I am in Portland! 8y
Hooked_on_books So exciting! 8y
lilredhen Yay for you! I'm going through the process of finding financing to move to a brick and mortar-I look forward to the day I get to move in to a store 😁 8y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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#booktober #WishICouldBeThere I've never been to Maine but I've heard it is absolutely gorgeous in all seasons. Plus I could raid @Liberty 's library. ☺️

Liberty No you couldn't. 😝 8y
Smrloomis Trying not to laugh out loud since I'm in public 😂 8y
MicheleinPhilly @Liberty I can be very persuasive! I'll bring you a few cases of Red Bull. 😇 8y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Helloooo Weekend!

MrBook Nice pairing! Love Stella! #bookandbooze 8y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Great beach read!!! Family craziness ensues. I picked this book for my mom and I to read based on a BOOKRIOT podcast! They always give great book advice!!!

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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Reading this book on vacation in Key West with my mom. Perfect reading!!

MrBook Key West?! So jealous!!! 😊👍🏻 8y
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Maine | J. Courtney Sullivan
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Hmm..thought I was getting a beach read. While the story WAS about the beach and the dysfunctional group of women that summer there I just never saw a redeeming connection between them. AND while I did finish the book I felt a little cheated with the ending. Sorry, but I wouldn't recommend this one.