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Count the Ways: A Novel | Joyce Maynard
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What are the odds that the book im currently reading and the book im listening to on audio each have a female character named Bodie??? I don‘t think I‘ve ever come across that name before!!! #BookishCoincidence / By the way… I‘m really enjoying this book!!!

Cinfhen No pixies but two Bodie‘s #BirthdayPixieReadathon @Lizpixie 💚✨ 1y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻nice name- 1y
Cinfhen It is a cool name @TrishB and just a heads-up ….the Maakai is FINALLY getting good (edited) 1y
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Synchronicity. That‘s pretty cool! 1y
TrishB Lol 👍🏻 definitely didn‘t have the patience to wait that long! 1y
Cinfhen You were right to bail when u did @TrishB overall Questions was #MoreMehThanYeah 1y
Cinfhen Weird, right @JanuarieTimewalker13 !?? 1y
TrishB And we all wanted to love it! 1y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @Cinfhen Life is definitely interesting!!! 1y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉😘 1y
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Betty: A novel | Tiffany McDaniel
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Great dedication 🥰and notice the #BookishCoincidence ( the date Feb 12) I think im gonna like this book @squirrelbrain @Reviewsbylola

squirrelbrain Ooh that‘s a bit spooky! 3y
Reviewsbylola 😱 omg I didn‘t even notice! I loved that she gave this tribute to her mom. 3y
LeahBergen So cool! 3y
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#weeklyforecast #nonfiction2021 #somethingabouthistory #audiomystery #overbookedclub #nonfiction #YAfiction

Up to date on Mapmaker‘s Daughter #buddyread. Amalia is facing her body‘s aging, her spirituality,a taking stock of her life.The Gift of years explores aging as a spiritual rebirth - in a series of a lifetime of rebirths. Love when books connect to each other as I read.Plan: 2 ch. fO,2 ch IBC,finish MMD, 2ch Gift, 3 ch WUR.

Suet624 Oooh, this book sounds good. I like the author. (edited) 3y
kspenmoll @Suet624 It is-I like how she says you can meander & skip around- each chapter addresses some theme 3y
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Arctic Fury | Greer Macallister
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I‘m really enjoying this HF #WrittenByALitten @theladygreer and it‘s sort of kismet that my bookmark, that of the Sierra Nevada Mountains is highlighted in this book☺️

Cathythoughts Nice coincidence 👯‍♀️ 4y
TrishB Love it when that happens ❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Thank you my fellow #BookNerds for recognizing the joy of a #BookishCoincidence @TrishB @Cathythoughts (edited) 4y
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theladygreer Ooh, love it! 4y
Cinfhen It took me awhile to make the connection between The Very Bad Thing and the Sierras @theladygreer I loved that added twist and I‘m happy it wasn‘t mentioned in any review I read 4y
theladygreer @cinfhen There are a couple of Goodreads reviews that give it away but I‘m glad none of the major ones have! 4y
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Summer of '69 | Elin Hilderbrand
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#BookishCoincidence 🧡I LOVE when they occur and this book is really good!!! I can‘t wait to dive into the rest of Elin Hilderbrand‘s backlist🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗#PopSummer2020 #SummerInTheTitle

TrishB So, this is 99p on kindle today 😁 4y
Cinfhen BUY IT @TrishB !!!!!!! 4y
TrishB I have done 😁 I‘ve always avoided these as they look very lightweight, but you have persuaded me! 4y
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squirrelbrain Oh @TrishB you *are* naughty.... heads off to Amazon to spend more money....! 4y
TrishB @squirrelbrain who can resist a book for 99p 😁 (definitely not me!). 4y
squirrelbrain Me either @TrishB ! Although, I‘m very surprised.... according to my spreadsheet I‘ve only bought 17 99p Kindle books this year - I expected it to be a lot more! #spreadsheetgeek 4y
TrishB @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen I foolishly went away and counted and have brought 113 #99ponkindle books this year! But that‘s not bad in 7 months she says. 4y
Cinfhen Hahahahaha HILARIOUS @TrishB 😂🙌🏻❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Do I dare go count...I‘m definitely more than @squirrelbrain but less than @TrishB 4y
squirrelbrain @TrishB 😲 although in my defence I have been trying *not* to buy any books! Eagerly awaiting the results from @Cinfhen 🤣 4y
Cinfhen 34 #KindleDailyDeals since January 1, 2020 @TrishB @squirrelbrain not too bad but I probably bought another 20 #AudibleDailyDeals 🙈 4y
Cinfhen Still.... no where as close to @TrishB !!!!!! 4y
TrishB I excuse myself by saying it‘s less than a posh coffee a day (which I don‘t drink!) 😁😁 4y
squirrelbrain I don‘t drink coffee either @TrishB so that‘s a poor excuse! 🤣 4y
squirrelbrain @Cinfhen - we‘re definitely not as bad as @TrishB ! 4y
Cinfhen I do like the posh coffee @TrishB @squirrelbrain but I haven‘t had one since Coronavirus outbreak 😝 4y
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The History of the Hobbit | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, John D. Rateliff
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Strangely enough, my Hobbit footnotes tonight are overlapping with yet another of my current buddy reads #ShakespeareReadAlong‘s The Winter Tale. It‘s a small world, even literature-ly



Bradleygirl I was listening to the NoHoldsBard podcast on the Winter's Tale today--they also brought up the bear and how it was likely a real one from the concurrent bear-baiting spectacles 😬 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bradleygirl Not scary for the actors at all! 😱 6y
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Improvement | Joan Silber
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A couple of weeks ago I read Improvement where one of the characters, Monika, does provenance research, trying to figure out which art was stolen, usually by the Nazis. She had no idea before her mother had her, her mother spent a summer in Turkey stealing and swindling artifacts to sell to museums. In Our Short History, the MC‘s grandparents are captured by the Nazis in Hungary but her dad escapes. Later on at a museum they find a family 👇🏼

Reggie Portrait on display at a museum in NYC that no one knows how it got there. And now @Wellread-neck has reviewed a book and I‘ll give you one chance to guess what it‘s about. Art has always been about what I see, I‘ve never given thought to the history. I have to read it. What are the book gods trying to tell me? Or is this just a #bookishcoincidence? (edited) 6y
Cinfhen I'm fascinated and a bit obsessed about the Nazi looting of art...excellent memoir I recently read was 6y
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Reggie @Cinfhen it keeps coming up. I stacked The Orpheus Clock. 6y
Well-ReadNeck @Reggie This is AWESOME! I love getting on little kicks like this. Stacking all of these!!! Thanks!! @Cinfhen 6y
Cinfhen Guess what you guys...I was reading an article this morning, listing the National Book Critics finalists and guess what book is on the short list for top fiction @Well-ReadNeck @Reggie !?!?... (edited) 6y
Reggie @Cinfhen Heyyyyy!!!!!! Alright, she deserves it. I think about that book a lot and the name is obvious but there‘s many different ways it plays out in the book. 6y
Cinfhen I love when my #booklife collides with #reallife ...super psyched to read this book....considering before yesterday I didn‘t know it existed 😁 6y
ValerieAndBooks Ahh, my TBR list just grew by three books! 😄 @Reggie @Cinfhen @Well-ReadNeck !! I find the lives of artists and art history to be just as interesting as the art itself. 6y
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Labyrinth Lost | Zoraida Cordova
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I couldn't decide which book was next so read a chapter of each to try to decide.
Funny #bookishcoincidence: both MCs have a sister named Rose. Huh.

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Giants: The Dwarfs of Auschwitz | Eilat Negev, Yehuda Koren
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The Lilliput Troupe (an all-dwarf Jewish family) was a successful vaudeville act in the 1930's until Hitler came into power. Somehow, they all survived Auschwitz AND Mengele's experiments. #Inspiring or what? #PhotoADayNov16 #NonfictionNovember

Cinfhen I love your choice, definitely not a book or story I was familiar with! 8y
Notafraidofwords Wasn't familiar with this. 8y
Notafraidofwords Thank you. 8y
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LauraBeth You win the day 8y
LauraBeth And I'm stacking it 😀 8y
Leniverse Wow. I mean, what can you say? Wow. Thanks for posting this! 8y
RealLifeReading Ok that is just amazing and Inspiring 8y
tasha There's a short doc on YouTube about this family. Warwick Davis is the presenter of it 8y
LeahBergen @tasha Cool! He does the intro to this book. 8y
BethFishReads Totally new to me. Must investigate 8y
britt_brooke I read this a few months ago! Interesting family. 8y
prowlix There is a documentary available on Netflix called the Seven Dwarves of Auschwitz about this family! It is amazing 😉 8y
LeahBergen @prowlix Ohhh, thanks! 😀 8y
shawnmooney Good Lord, you have a knack for finding bizarrely fascinating history books, don't you! :-) 8y
LeahBergen @shawnmooney Haha! Hmm... now that you mention it 🤔 8y
Zelma @shawnmooney makes an excellent point and I, for one, am very thankful. I love oddball history books. 8y
KVanRead 😮 8y
Cinfhen So I just had a #bookishcoincidence Im currently reading Mischling and the Rabinowitz family appears in the story. I ❤️when stories collide, until yesterday I never heard of them... 8y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen That's so cool! I bought Mischling a little while ago and actually wondered if this family would show up in it. 8y
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