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The Water Dancer: A Novel | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Another book captured by Pistachio. It‘s ok. I was better prepared today with a stack in reach this time.
#catsoflitsy #kittensagainstliterature

Jari-chan Kitty owners have to adapt 😸 7mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Jari-chan a lesson I should‘ve been prepared for yesterday 😹 7mo
RaeLovesToRead 🥰🥰🥰😸 7mo
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I‘m a cat of course I‘ll lay down on that book you want to read.
#catsoflitsy #kal

Mitch Gorgeous colour kitty 🐱 7mo
tpixie 😂🐱😹 7mo
Jari-chan So comfy 😻❤️ 7mo
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SconsinBookyBadger @Mitch pistachio says thank you! 🐾💕 7mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Jari-chan best cat napping spot 😸💤 7mo
Leftcoastzen Of course!😸 7mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Leftcoastzen no reading for me until he moved 😹 7mo
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Both #TomKitten and #ColeCat are doing their best to thwart my year-end reading. Really trying to knock out a few more titles over here, but cats are gonna be cats, eh? #CatsOfLitsy #BlackCats

dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 8mo
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 8mo
Eyelit 😹😻😹 8mo
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IndoorDame 😹😹😻😻 8mo
ElizaMarie They are just the best! 8mo
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Lobster doesn‘t think it‘s reading time. #HousePanther 🦞❤️🦞

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
ElizaMarie @RaeLovesToRead I love this # 8mo
Leftcoastzen 😂😸🎄 8mo
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I'm catsitting for my brother and I'm enjoying some time with my furry nephew Bibi.. but he doesn't want me to read my book 😂 #catsoflitsy

Jari-chan Awww 😸😻 12mo
dabbe Hello there, Bibi! You are absolutely gorgeous! 🖤🐾🖤 12mo
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 12mo
peanutnine Oh my goodness how adorable 😻 12mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Someone doesn‘t want me to read tonight!! 🖤🐾😻


Bookwormjillk Well what were you thinking Misty? 🤣 12mo
DinoMom So cute! 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Bookwormjillk clearly I‘m not thinking at all 😂😂😂 12mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @DinoMom thank you 😻 12mo
AmyG Awwww 12mo
ravenlee 😻 12mo
MyNamesParadise So cute!!! 12mo
Gissy 😻🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️ 12mo
Mimi28 Adorable 😻😻 12mo
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Milk Teeth | Jessica Andrews
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Apparently Seren also is protesting my reading time today 😂

CatLass007 Cats are the best, aren‘t they? My Molly hates it when I look at my phone screen. She doesn‘t mind if I‘m talking on the phone because I can pet her with both hands since it‘s on speakerphone. But if I‘m looking at my phone screen, she gets all huffy and walks away. 1y
CatLass007 My Tiberius has a completely different reaction. First he comes and rubs up against the phone. Usually the top right hand corner. Well they‘re not really corners, they‘re kind of rounded. Then if I don‘t put the phone down and start paying attention to him, he will put his head in between the phone and my face and touch my nose with his little cold, wet nose. It‘s totally sweet. My other two cats couldn‘t care less about the phone. 1y
BekaReid @CatLass007 haha! yes! My Edgar hates it when I look at the phone screen. He bites the corner and puts his head in between the screen and me! While Seren just looks away as if in disgust. They are both hilarious and the absolute best though! 1y
CatLass007 @BekaReid My kitties have been little life savers. 1y
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So true!!!

rubyslippersreads The story of my life. 😹 1y
Karisa 💗💗💗 1y
Gissy 😹 1y
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The Secret Garden 100th Anniversary | Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Well, I was trying to read… official names: Black and white- Catrat, greys- Gandalf the grey and Earl Grey. Thanks for the suggestions @RaeLovesToRead and @Ruthiella

RaeLovesToRead Awww Gandalf!!!! #kittensagainstliterature 😍😍 1y
Ruthiella Perfect names! 😻😻😻 1y
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My reading seems to have slowed down lately, I can't figure out why....

😹😹😹 #CatsofLitsy #Bert

Tamra 😆 1y
LeahBergen Aww! 😘 1y
Leftcoastzen 😄😻 1y
batsy Awww! Little floof ❤️ 1y
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