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Secret History | Donna Tartt
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Made it to 35%.

Not my cup of tea. Couldn't connect with the characters. Not giving a flying fish about what happens next.

rockpools 🤣🤣 I do like an unpopular opinion from time to time. This is on my #LifesTooShort list! 2y
TrishB Oh Jules I really, really disliked this book! I hate finished it….. 2y
dabbe I managed to finish it, but I think I was as self-involved as the characters were back in the 1990s. Not one was likable, IMHO. I'd bail on it today, too. And it was wayyyyyyyy tooooooo loooooong! 2y
julesG Honestly glad I'm not the only one not liking this. @dabbe @TrishB @rockpools 2y
Hooked_on_books I didn‘t like this one at all. I really don‘t get the love for it. 2y
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The Robber Bride | Margaret Atwood
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Sent this one back to the library, abandoned at about 1/3 of the way through. I hate giving up on this one , but I just couldn't get into it, and there are so many things I really really want to be reading right now! #lifestooshort

The Historian | Elizabeth Kostova
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Littens, I‘m in a funk which has unfortunately extended to my reading. I can‘t even focus on stuff that I‘m halfway done with and was enjoying even before it hit. I think I‘m going to scrap the rest of this year‘s challenges and TBR and just read what catches my fancy. If it fits something, great. If not I‘ll move on and come back to it when it hits me again.

Leniverse Sounds like a good plan. This is the time of year when challenges become more of a deterrent than an incentive! Throw them to the wind! Be free and read! 😄 7y
Cinfhen Go for it!!!! 7y
CocoReads @leniverse that hopefully will do the trick. As much as I love Netflix, I can only watch so much of it. 7y
Balibee146 This was me at the start of the year so I feel your frustration. I did exactly that too and eventually the slump lifted... Enjoy some free style reading #lifestooshort 7y
Suet624 Good idea. 7y
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Just got an update on my Goodreads challenge. After I'd adjusted the goal, I never got another message congratulating me on finishing. Now I wonder whether I should reset the goal again.
Interesting stats, though. I tend to rate very high.

The cat is enjoying the sunshine. #CatsOfLitsy

CareBear 😻 7y
AlaMich S/he is a beauty!! 😻 7y
jillannjohn Beautiful kitty! Your reading stats make me feel like such a slacker! Awesome job! 7y
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julesG @AlaMich Yes, she is. Thank you. @jillannjohn I suppose you haven't had the "luxury" of being unemployed and spending way too much time alone at home. Don't think of yourself as a slacker, there is no competition. 7y
Balibee146 Beautiful kitty 7y
Balibee146 ... Oops hit send too soon. I rate high on GR too... Think it's cos I've got better at bailing #lifestooshort 7y
julesG @Balibee146 Thanks. Yes, Litsy has made me better at bailing too. 7y
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The Girls: A Novel | Emma Cline
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Just. Can't. Do. It. Anymore.

{ Anyone else feel like this was the biggest chore to muddle through?! }

I think I'm going to donate my copy.

If you love this book or just want my beautifully-preserved hardcover copy (because to each their own, right?) and are interested in a #bookswap (maybe you have a book YOU didn't like), perhaps we can chat! 😉

#DNF #movingon #lifestooshort #fairshot

mom2bugnbee I bailed on this one as well (after 30%), & according to the comments on my post, I wasn't the only one. Seems that it's either a love it or hate it kinda book. I used to never bail on books, but since I've gotten older (wiser?), I've decided that life is too short to read books you don't like! 8y
Bakingbookworm Yes! I finished it but it was a hard book to get through. So many people l loved it but I kept wondering what I was missing. 8y
Shortstack I hated Ishmael something awful. Do you like condescending new age works with flawed rationale that ultimately do have good points? (I'm really selling this well, huh?) lol 8y
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bibliobliss @mom2bugnbee Yes I agree. Life is WAY too short for books we don't enjoy. 8y
bibliobliss @Bakingbookworm I understand that feeling ("why do people like this book?!") but I'm going to let this go as a DNF! 8y
Bakingbookworm @Readage I totally understand. The only reason I finished it is because o got it as an ARC and felt like I should finish it. I'm over that feeling now. If I give a book a decent amount of pages (usually 100) and it doesn't grip me, ARC or not, I'm not going to struggle through it. It's obviously not for me. 8y
Shortstack @Readage is that a no? 😉 8y
bibliobliss @Shortstack Yes...that's a no! Lol 8y
bibliobliss @Bakingbookworm Right. I chose this book last July after winning a free 3-month subscription to Book of the Month. I don't know why I felt obligated! 8y
Reese_Pearly.Pages I actually really liked it! I've been thinking of rereading it. I will admit it was marketed with high expectations. A lot of books were last Summer. Have you already swapped it? 8y
bibliobliss @Reese_Pearly.Pages I have not swapped yet! 8y
Reese_Pearly.Pages Mortal Instruments #1 (DNF), Back to Blood- Tom Wolfe and Mirror Mirror are a few I won't reread. Ever again. 8y
bibliobliss @Reese_Pearly.Pages Hmmm. Let me see if any of these are on my TBR. I finished Mortal Instruments #1 several years back (I think. Is that "City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare?) I probably don't want that one but I might be interested in either "Back to Blood" or "Mirror Mirror." Be in touch soon! ? oh btw I assume you ARE interested in a bookswap! Lol. 8y
bibliobliss @Reese_Pearly.Pages I'm incredibly interested in "Mirror Mirror" 8y
Reese_Pearly.Pages I am! Glad to swap. Cassandra Clare just didn't do it for me. I'm not sure if you'll like it but you can have it as well. 🙃 what's your email? (edited) 8y
bibliobliss @Reese_Pearly.Pages I have read "City of Bones" and while it wasn't the worst book, it didn't impress me. I would like "Mirror Mirror" by Gregory Maguire (making sure that's the author) in exchange for "The Girls" by Emma Cline! I will send you a private message with my email! 8y
bibliobliss @Reese_Pearly.Pages Or maybe I can't private message you on Litsy? I forget I'm not on Instagram! It's abarilone@hotmail.com. 8y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot Do connect we ❤️ #BookSwap :-) 8y
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