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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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One of those little surprise books, it‘s engrossing and just deals with life really (though obviously starts in WW2). A bit melancholy and sad occasionally. But a really good read.

KadaGul @TrishB I have a copy and I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate this in my few local library reading Challenges. #Publiclibrary #ReadingChallenges 8mo
Megabooks Great review! 8mo
TrishB @KadaGul hope you manage to read! 8mo
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RebelReader One of my favorites of 2023! 8mo
lynneamch Looking forward to this one. My bookclub chooses for the whole year and this one isn't until April. 8mo
TrishB @lynneamch hope you enjoy 👍🏻 8mo
TrishB @RebelReader a good read 👍🏻 8mo
RebelReader @TrishB I listened to the audio version which was so well done. 8mo
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Just picked this up at the local public library. September is #librarycardsignupmonth #publiclibrary #inthishousewesupportlibraries

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The Austin central library is six stories of beauty and light. I bought a tshirt. I think this is going to be a new thing for me - to visit libraries when I travel and buy stuff to support them. What library do you love? #publiclibrary #library

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The Vietri Project | Nicola Derobertis-Theye
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#booksandcoffee #publiclibrary #locallibrary #bookhaul

Hanging out at my town‘s library before picking up dinner items to accompany the native corn & tomatoes I got at a nearby farm for tonight‘s feast.
It still feels exciting to me to come here post Covid. I missed the ability to discover new books,peruse the shelves, sip a coffee. ☕️📚 🎉🙌🏻😁

BookishMarginalia Isn‘t it fabulous? Libraries rock! 3y
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We went to the #publiclibrary for the first time in 14th months! Hooray for vaccines 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 This is just one of a bagful of treasures I brought home today 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Gaylagal2 The library is much missed thing for so many. Glad you got to go and super glad you're vaccinated...me too!🤙 3y
MicheleinPhilly I seriously can‘t wait for the libraries here to re-open for browsing. I may shed a tear or two. 3y
BookishMarginalia @MicheleinPhilly We were so happy to be there and to talk with two of our favorite librarians! 3y
Sharpeipup That books sounds like a free Harvard class I recently took online. 3y
Copwithabook Man I miss my library 3y
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Went to my public library to get the tagged book and took my daily walk on the paths behind the building. Nice change of scenery! #audiowalking #publiclibrary

Cathythoughts Beautiful ✨ 4y
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There are 48 holds for So You Want To Talk About Race at the library. So, I couldn‘t hog it. But man I can‘t wait for it to come around to me again.

#tbr #blm #blacklivesmatter #vote #publiclibrary

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I met the fabulous V. E. Schwab tonight. Yes, I am the crazy person who goes out with a hurricane warning to see an author. #booklover #alwayslovedbook #publiclibrary

Daria.Adrianna21 So jealous!!!! 5y
AmyG 🙌🏻 5y
phantomx I am amazed at your power to defy mother nature (and weather warnings) in order to see an amazing author and get a book signed. Kudos to you! 5y
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ShelfRighteous I just finished this written by her🤩 5y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Daria.Adrianna21 @AmyG 😁 @phantomx Thanks. The weather forecasts was surprising as it was mostly raining but I think the worst of it was overnight with the rain and wind. @ShelfRighteous She talked about that book. I need to read it. :) 5y
ShelfRighteous @Graciouswarriorprincess Its even better than the first one!🤩 5y
jmtrivera It's Schwab, so I get it. 😂 5y
GardenJess I am so jealous! My son and his auntie got to go and meet her but I had another thing. *sniff* 5y
Graciouswarriorprincess @GardenJess Aww, I'm sorry. :( 5y
GardenJess Thanks! Next year I‘m there with bells on! 5y
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• I completed my public library's SUMMER LEARNING CHALLENGE by reading 20 hours!! I've actually read approximately 60 hours in the past 2 months but 20 were specifically for this challenge. I got a cute T-shirt out of the deal but I would have done it for free🌞 •

#goals #reading #challenge #publiclibrary #summer