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The Code Enforcer | Valerie J. Clarizio
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Main Street | Sinclair Lewis
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TheAromaofBooks I've never read this one!! 2y
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4⭐️ While I didn‘t enjoy it as nearly as much as the first two in the series, I did enjoy it. I felt that it did kind of drag on at times. I just couldn‘t get into at least until right until the last 4 or 5 chapters. #historicalfiction #bookstagram #bookreview #timetravel #outlander #2020 #litsyatoz #litsyatoz2020 #v

Scochrane26 If you think this one drags, wait until you get to book 5. 😂 I still have 1 1/2 books left. I read about one a year. 4y
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Absolutely heartbreaking accounts of the individuals who witnessed first hand the Chernobyl disaster. If you haven‘t watched the HBO series ‘Chernobyl‘, which was based on this book, I definitely recommend you do. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #ReadingEurope2020 #Ukraine #LitsyAtoZ #abecedarianTBR #V @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB @BookishMarginalia

Librarybelle I would imagine this would be a hard read. But, I‘m definitely interested in reading it. 4y
BarbaraBB I am planning read another one by her for Ukraine: 4y
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Pollyanna | Eleanor H Porter
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“Miss Polly Harrington entered her kitchen a little hurriedly this June morning.”

That‘s the first line, but I think the rest of the paragraph is worth quoting, so to continue...

“Miss Polly did not usually make hurried movements; she specially prided herself on her repose of manner. But to-day she was hurrying—actually hurrying.”

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

TheAromaofBooks I really love Pollyanna - and there are some delightful sequels as well! 4y
Sunraven @TheAromaofBooks It had a pretty good ending! Although I found the beginning a tad skimworthy. 😆 I‘m contemplating whether I want to check out the sequels, anyway, hmm... 4y
TheAromaofBooks Porter wrote the sequel, Pollyanna Grows Up, which was okay but not great. Then another lady, Harriet Lummis Smith, wrote four more books. The third book in the series, Pollyanna of the Orange Blossoms, was probably my favorite, with Pollyanna as a newlywed. There are several books after Smith's, but I didn't like the next author's books nearly as well, so I never did finish the series. 4y
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Sunraven @TheAromaofBooks Interesting! Thanks for all the information — I like the name of your favorite one, haha. I might have to check out at least the next two in the series at some point. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Back when I was reading these I tried to find out why/how multiple people wrote the series, but came up empty. I'm assuming the publisher owned the copyright for The Glad Books and so was allowed to have other people write the characters?? It's kind of random. Smith did a really lovely job maturing Pollyanna and making her a likable, although still very optimistic, adult. But the next lady made P genuinely cringe-worthy & it was kind of dreadful! 4y
Sunraven @TheAromaofBooks Also interesting! That reminds me of how the Conan the Barbarian books are written by umptybillion people.

And it looks like you‘re right — there‘s a copyright notice in this book that says the copyright belonged to L.C. Page & Co.: https://books.google.com/books?id=03li-gybKLAC&lpg=PP7&ots=EvI39nLRLF&dq=pollyan...
TheAromaofBooks Ha! Interesting! 4y
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From Tree to Sea | Shelley Moore Thomas
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I met a panel of the coolest children‘s and YA authors at a #B&N event this week. And they all live in my neighborhood. Who knew?
My TBR list just went up again. 😆 Have you read any of their books?

Nute Wow! 5y
UwannaPublishme @Nute I‘m still smiling! 😊👍🏻 5y
mrp27 Awesome! 5y
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UwannaPublishme @mrp27 😊❤️👍🏻 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz That's so awesome! ❤️ ❤️ 5y
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#TIL that the forest was a main identifying factor of what it meant to be a German, especially with the rise of industrialization. There was even a spiritual movement where youths would go to the countryside to reconnect with their ancestry and nature. There they had a double swastika that stood for frish (fresh), fromm (pious), fröhlich (happy), and frei (free) #nonfiction #völkisch

#nfnov @Clwojick @rsteve388

rsteve388 4 pts 5y
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Vox | Christina Dalcher
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The Vintage Caper | Peter Mayle
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I didn't let the TBR Jar pick my next read this time- I wanted to read this for #LitsyAtoZ #V and because I'm in the mood for a good mystery. Another mystery: how do they make peanut butter & jelly coffee taste so good?! ☕ #coffeeandabook

MicheleinPhilly My friend once made me try PB&J chicken wings and it was like 😖🤔😏🙂. Very sneaky. 5y
tammysue This sounds good Harper, stacking 💕😊 5y
kspenmoll This mystery sounds intriguing! 5y
kspenmoll Somehow I cannot fo peanut butter in anything, not even chocolate!!! Bravo! 5y
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