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#poolsidereading #CommitmentIssues Having trouble focusing on just one today....so got a little mix of everything going on😜

MissAimz_55 Where do you live that there's poolside time today? I'm in southern CA where it's usually sunny and we have rainstorms today 7y
Sophoclessweetheart So jealous! It‘s snow in springtime here 😹😹 Is the Alice Network good? I‘ve been eyeing it for months x 7y
Cinfhen I‘m in sunny Florida on vacation @MissAimz_55 it hasn‘t rained since I landed...more than 2 weeks ago 😄I‘m liking it @Wanderingwithwords although I only read first two chapters💕 7y
KarenUK Three good looking picks... have two outside ones at home.... can‘t wait to see what you think... 😊💕 7y
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Plus 2 more on my Kobo and 1 on my phone. I think I may have a problem 😬
#currentreads #commitmentissues #moodreader

RainyDayReading I feel your pain. I am such a mood reader and at the moment have huge commitment issues 😅 7y
FantasyChick At least I'm not alone @RainyDayReading 😉 Somedays I wonder how I keep all these books straight lol. 7y
RainyDayReading @FantasyChick You are definitely not alone! You keep them straight by being a bad ass reader 😜 7y
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When the books you're reading just aren't working for you...time to start a new one 😂 Let's see how long this holds my attention #commitmentissues #squirrelmoments #readingslump

Cats-and-Tea Good luck with this one! This was a book that actually didn‘t hold my interest very well, but most people seem to love it, so I hope you have better luck!! It had its good elements, so it might just not have been my taste 7y
TK421 Keep going through the first 100 pages. After that you can't put it down. 7y
FantasyChick @TK421 Oh good to know! If I'm not feeling a book I'll usually put it down before. I'll keep pushing on! Although I'm not finding it too bad so far. 7y
Andrea4 I had to push past the first 100pp or so too but after I couldn't put down! 7y
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Affinity | Sarah Waters
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These are all the books I'm #currentlyreading. Hoping I can get these finished during #24in48 before I start on something new...OR...I do none of that and reread the Fever series....too early to decide 😂😂 #bookishproblems #tbr #commitmentissues

His Mossy Boy | R. Cooper

This is the last book in the series and it‘s good - lots of angst but one of the main characters is figuring out if he‘s bi, pan, or ???. Good world-building and character development. I don‘t know if there will be more but I‘ll read them if there are. Also, Martin, a human, falls in love with a Green Man/caretaker/guardian so it‘s an #unconventionalromance for #Booked2018.

BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice pick for that prompt! 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thank you! I almost forgot to check to see if it met anything in the challenge. I‘m glad I looked. Whew! 7y
Cinfhen Yay!! Awesome way to fulfill a prompt...I'm still trying to find a book for this prompt 7y
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jpmcwisemorgan @Cinfhen This is a decent series and any of the books would qualify. I know of at least one other m|m fantasy romance series that would work too. I could look it up if you‘re interested. 7y
Cinfhen Thanks , but I‘m trying to avoid series #commitmentIssues 😜 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @Cinfhen I can understand that. I tried that but have not been successful. 7y
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Children of Time | Adrian Tchaikovsky
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Day 5 #riotgrams is BIG BOOKS. I have to say that I‘ve recently become more enamored by short books/novellas - I have commitment-phobia to long books! These are ALL on my TBR. #bigbooks #commitmentissues #bigbooks

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Time for the bookish discussion question of the day 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! Here it is: How frequently do you not finish a book, and why do you usually not finish them? #BookTalk

DebbieGrillo I'd say I abandon half a dozen books a year. Usually it is because I lose interest but sometimes the disdain is greater. 7y
StellaDz I rarely stop reading a book. I've begun to be a bit more pickier if I just can't get into the story within 50 pages. I keep a list of DNF's and, so far, I'm at 5 for 2017. It could be anything from characters to story to writing style. Really depends on the book. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Maybe only 2-3... I usually push through and I need to get over that!!!! 7y
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MidnightBookGirl I'm pretty good at picking books that work for me, but maybe half a dozen times or so a year. It's easier to give up on a library book. I probably try harder with Edelweiss eArcs, although I did dnf one recently because the writing was not my style. 7y
Peddler410 I work in a middle school library. When new books come in, sometimes I'm greedy and half to read a book first 🙂 That might mean not finishing something else but often I go back to it. In other situations, I have abandoned a book that I just couldn't get into because I'm a middle school librarian and I've learned (late) that it is okay to give up on a book. Time is too short for all the amazing books I no long waste it on the not amazing books. 7y
Nuwanda Pretty rarely these days as I am not worried about books I feel I "should" read. I've given up on maybe 2 so far this year with no regrets! Used to be more because I felt a sense of obligation to read something but didn't see it through. 7y
rachaich I'm rarely beaten by a book but have given up on a couple recently. I used to plough on through but now admit defeat. I tend to give it 50 pages. 7y
DGRachel I usually end up bailing on at least one or two a month. Usually, it the writing style that just doesn't work for me and I am bored, or the profanity is excessive and doesn't add to the story and I get sick of it, but occasionally an author will kill the dog and if I'm not prepared for it, it can make me mad enough to throw the book down and take it to the used bookstore. 7y
Reecaspieces I didn't finishe one the morning. Started it yesterday, just wasn't for me. I follow Nancy Pearl's outline. 100 pages...don't like...quit. I get to move to 75 in April...😂 (edited) 7y
hgrimes Like 90% of the time probably. I get distracted with other books. I am excellent at starting books and crap at finishing them!! 7y
Shvonne At least a dozen a year 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa According to Goodreads.... about 3% of the time! 😂Sometimes it's my mood and I'll go back later, sometimes it's just not for me and I abandon it permanently. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Although there are many I finished and wished I would have quit while I was ahead. 7y
Caffeinated_Reader I usually always finish a book I've begun. If I truly hate it I'll put it in the back of my book shelf so I don't have to look at my shame haha life is too short to read crappy books! 7y
moranadatter If I picked the book for myself, I rarely bail. I probably bail on 2 a month on average. 7y
BookishGal I try not to bail, I've even forced myself to finish books in a series that I hated just because I felt like I had to (**the last 2 books in the Maze Runner series**). But then I realized that if I give something a good go and I just can't get into it, there's no need to suffer! Guys!! It's ok to not finish something if you don't like it!! 7y
bookloo I'm a notorious bailer on books. If it doesn't hold my interest after 50 pages, it's a no go for me. Life is too short to force myself into reading books I don't enjoy. ☺️ 7y
Sydsavvy Almost never! I just try to make sure I'm going to love it before I start. 7y
teebe All the time. If I'm not feeling a book I'll put it down until I feel like reading it. I rarely outright DNF books though. I always intend to go back to them. So many half finished books. 7y
melrailey I rarely don't finish a book. 7y
rwmg According to Litsy, I've bailed on 1 out of the 45 books I've read since I joined in May. That feels about right. If for whatever reason reading a book feels like a chore and I realise I'm procrastinating actually reading it, I'll bail. 7y
CoffeeBooksRepeat I usually try to push through and finish but every now and then I pick up a book that just can't hold my interest. 7y
AmyG I bail every once in a while. I find that if I put a book down...to read other books...that's a bad sign and I bail. Sometimes I just get to a point and try to read on....and eventually give up. With book club books...I don't bail. I have learned to skim those. ;) 7y
spanda84 I rarely bail on a book. I will only put it down if, after 3 chapters (generally,) I can't get into it. Or halfway, if I feel like the plot is going nowhere. 7y
Rudis Every once in a while. Either I'm halfway through & I've realized I just don't care, or something in the first few chapters has me unable to click at all. 7y
batsy I rarely bail. While I can get excited about literally every book 😁, I only read the ones I know I will get along with. It's not a foolproof method and I don't love every book I read but I never regret reading them to the point of wanting to bail. 7y
Ms_T I've only ever bailed on one book. I think this is probably my greatest achievement to date 😜 7y
LeeRHarry I persevere more when it's a book I've bought but occasionally bail on library books! 7y
Cheshirecat913 I have been starting to bail more after forcing my through books in the past. Now, if I am not getting into a book or am half way but realize I don't care, I will skipped ahead and read bits and pieces and then the end to "finish" out the story and call it done. 7y
Megara I bail on books all the time because something else catches my eye and it's just not the right time for the one I started. I usually have every intention of going back and finishing books I bail on. There have been a handful of books I've bailed on because they were just awful. Sometimes I enjoy reading books so awful that they're humorous, but sometimes they're just awful. 7y
hyacinth Hm so last year I bailed about 1 of 10. I leave because they bore me or I dislike the writing or it offends me. It doesn't matter if I'm only a chapter in or a chapter away from finishing. But for situations with bail with intent to return, I second @Megara. Maybe every other book? For me, I like juggling a bunch of stuff and dumping them until a better time #commitmentissues? 😅🤣 7y
Sophoclessweetheart I give a book 50-100 pages to grab me. If I haven‘t found it interesting by then then I DNF it. It happens maybe 1-3 times a month maybe less but never more. I used to be a reader that strives to the end even if I have the book but I stopped doing that three years ago when I had my daughter, reading time is to precious now lol x 7y
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