You know when you're sick and nothing feels like a good read. I have started and stopped 3 books the last few days. 13 books loaded on my Litsy right now. I wanted a cozy read but now I'm not sure.
You know when you're sick and nothing feels like a good read. I have started and stopped 3 books the last few days. 13 books loaded on my Litsy right now. I wanted a cozy read but now I'm not sure.
LOOKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS. It‘s literally been years since I‘ve posted anything, but I‘m home sick and looking for something to binge read. Here are some in my TBR, but I also have a kindle and an Overdrive account so open to any and all suggestions.
So I‘m trying a new kind of #TBR for my #MarchTBR
I‘m letting myself mood read, while trying to make a good dent into my physical unread bookshelves. Yes all of those books are unread…
If a book is over 500 pages I can count it as two books. 😁
I am once again going to participate in #bookspin #doublespin and #bookspinbingo
I‘m still in a slump and cannot decide on anything!! If there are any good fantasy, historical, romance, YA, or any combination of those on Kindle unlimited (or any platform for that matter) that you‘d recommend, please let me know! I am desperate for something engaging from the first chapter 😬
Once again, #BookRiot and @RebeccaH has blown up my TBR list! 👏🏼🙌🏼👊🏼😜📚🤓
My #MarchTBR will be random books pulled from the pile that‘s built up on my spare armchair. It‘ll be a bit like a game of giant Jenga.
Photo is not of my house but this is how I feel it looks! #OutOfControkTBR
#MarchMadness @Eggs
"Bring out your read!"
What was the best book you read in 2019? In an effort to shake things up and read outside of my usual, I'd like to make a list of Littens' favourite reads of 2019, and each month of 2020 I'll choose one book from the list to read. So spam my comments with your recommendations! Thanks!
(If you want to join me, let me know and I'll send you the list when I've got it together ?)
I‘m terrible with sticking with #tbr lists for the month. The closest I can come to a true #OctoberTBR is the hope to finish up at least some of the books that I have been reading for at least a month. They‘re all great books, but I‘m also getting distracted by other shiny books.
It‘s my hope to also include some mysteries and thrillers and other books that won‘t give me nightmares - totally #TeamSqueamish ! #FallIsBooked
Working my way through the Unread Shelf project and August‘s prompt is Allow Bookstagrams (and Littens) to pick your next read! Drop me a comment with your pick ♥️. #unreadshelf #books #bookaddict #reader #helpmepick
The @bookriot mods said in this case #ownvoices is anyone from that country writing about people in that country. They are the minority based on publishing being mainly US/UK. Thanks for your help!!!
A ton of my favorite authors/series are on the docket for November. Sort of cheating one I finished today, but it counts yeah?!
I‘m also just 2 books away from my 2018 Goodreads #readinggoal
When I have this many books on my TBR, I think it‘s time to do some combing
#nextproject #tbr
This is our Lilly. She has a question for you. #dogsoflitsy
Finally jumping on the ARC bandwagon and I have these to read to start me off. I‘m hoping for some good reads out of them.
I‘m starting a new one later today ... I need a change of pace & have narrowed it down to these 2 .... what do ya think Littens ?? !! Which one ?!
I‘ve been singing this song to my #tbr books 📚 #imareadthatbitch
Check out @TheReadingMermaid's page for a fun way of deciding which books from your TBR list to read in August with #MakeMeReadIt! Let your Litsy friends vote on what you should read: pick books from your TBR pile, post a picture, and people vote on what you should read. The book with the most votes is what you read first, the next most votes is what you read next, etc. Voting happens in July for August reading. 📚
73 Books to Read While the Sun Is Out and the Days Are Long https://nyti.ms/2xzldLa
The lists include thriller, cooking, true crime, movies & tv, romance, travel, music, the great outdoors, and sports. Surely something for everyone!
Guys, i need some Audiobook help. Today is the anniversary marking my Dad‘s unexplainable death 9 years ago. Even with it being 9 years, this day still carries a lot of hard memories.💔 I have been stuck in a reading rut the past couple weeks, & need good Audiobook recommendations- preferably on SCRIBD so I don‘t have to pay. Nothing sad or horror is all I ask.
After a most excellent day with my mom getting pretty toes, having brunch and seeing a movie, I must decide what to read next. So many choices!!! #whattoreadnext #TBRlist
What do y'all have in your TBR pile? Show me those stacks!!!
#TBRTuesday @Syndelle777
Plus 2 more on my Kobo and 1 on my phone. I think I may have a problem 😬
#currentreads #commitmentissues #moodreader
Did anyone enter Gabe de Almeida of Page Habit‘s giveaway? I was a winner and he‘s sending me a book! I was allowed to pick but my brain 🤯🤯🤯 at the thought of trying to narrow it down so I asked him to send one of his favorites. I‘m so excited to see what he picked.
I‘m playing catch-up after I was out of town for a week. I‘ll be posting a link to a NEW amazing generous giveaway he‘s hosting in a little bit ♥️♥️♥️
Help! I need recommendations!
What next? Finished Born a Crime last night. Need a new ebook choice. Can‘t be the wizard ones as I still haven‘t read Dorothy Must Die yet.
1. A Gentleman in Moscow, Amor Towles
2. Beartown, Fredrik Backman
3. The Heart‘s Invisible Furies, John Boyne
4. & 5. #LMPBC selections 3 & 4 (surprise selections chosen by @MoniqueReads305 & @Jerdencon . @mariaku21 ‘s choice was 👍🏼).
Been offline for a bit between work and hols offline. Now we're t the beach and my only decision for the day is what to read next
I got almost 4 hours of read time in for #litsypartyofone today! Now I'm making lists.
These are all the hard copy books I currently own and haven't read yet. I'm thinking about a 2018 A to Z challenge to whittle down this stack!
Please don't ask about my ebook collection 😳 More lists are in my future!
The hardest part of finishing a book for me is picking what to read next... I'm easily overwhelmed by choices 😬
Leaning towards picking up The Son. I do love a good epic family saga.
Hmmm... now that I've finished Gone With the Wind, I don't know what to read next. Too many choices! Maybe I'll tidy the TBR shelf and see what grabs me....
Time to pick book #100! Any suggestions?
#goodreads #readingchallenge #100books #cantstopreading #currentlyreading #summerreading #read
What do you use to organize your TBR list? Goodreads? Litsy? Paper list? I NEED HELP!!!
😂😂😂 Story of my life.
This is my best attempt at a perplexed selfie. And no, I won't show you my camera roll. 😂😂😂 BUT - ironically, given that today is #lovetolisten day for #17booklove, I don't have an audiobook going at the moment, and I'm gonna go for a walk in about an hour. Quick! Send me the two best audiobooks you've listened to lately! Bonus points for light memoirs or fiction. I can't handle heavy right now. Thanks!!
I have like 3 coupons I wanna use. Recommend me things!!!!
Decisions, decisions! Which one to choose??? #recommmendsday #whattoreadnext #litsybookclub
Littens help! What book do I bring with to read next for the thanksgiving holiday? Im in the mood for the kind of book that draws you in completely and won't let go until you finish. Something beautiful and enchanting. I'm nearly done rereading the book I'm sending for #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange so I can get lots of ideas for what to send with it (and I have some great ones so far!), but can't decide what to read next.
I need your help Littens! In a month me and my boyfriend are going on a holiday. We only take carry-on luggage so we can take only one book each. My boyfriend is not a big reader so I need some recommendations, his taste in books is very limited. He likes Tolkien, A Song of Ice and Fire and read some of Robin Hobbs books. So fantasy and historical fiction. Curious to see what you guys come up with!