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Eggs Love Blyton📚 1mo
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1. Family lunch, then road tripping with some friends - all the way across the border into NSW - only to cross immediately back over to visit Cactus Country… & maybe jump on a paddle steamer in Echuca
2. I‘ve been disappointed that a couple of promising looking fantasy books were series starters & not standalones (I took them back to the library unread)
3. I can remember lots - but this is the famous 5 adventure that I daydreamed about the most

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A wee #bookhaul from Wellington. I found three Secret Seven hardbacks from the 1960s with paper dustjackets in a great condition. A Nesbit book I‘d been looking for and a Borrowers hardback that is in much better condition than the old paperback on my shelf. And an Angela Thirkell i have been eyeing up online 😍 There would have been more but i was sharing one suitcase with my husband 🤪!

LeahBergen Oh, look at those wonderful old Blytons! ❤️ I really enjoyed High Rising. 4mo
Centique @LeahBergen im looking forward to it! 4mo
CarolynM Angela Thirkell ❤️ (edited) 4mo
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erzascarletbookgasm I had so much fun reading those Secret Seven stories! 4mo
batsy How lovely! Those Blyton covers 😍 I was so obsessed with the Secret Seven as a kid. 4mo
Ruthiella Awesome haul! 4mo
TheLudicReader I loved Enid Blyton as a kid! 4mo
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What a nostalgic little read! I absolutely LOVED this series as a child and my parents have returned my copies… hilariously I have written my name inside the front cover about 27 times 🤣

Fully expecting the series to have some problematic passages in the 21st century, but I really enjoyed this one!

The Christmas Book | Enid Blyton
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My sister @sebrittainclark and I have taken up the tradition of gifting books on Christmas Eve for Jolabokaflod and I also almost always give out at least a few books as Christmas gifts

The Enchanted Wood | Enid Blyton
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The urge to WELL ACTUALLY some random man who I overheard say “there were 3 magic faraway tree books” while looking at this tree 🤐 the restraint! And on my birthday too 😂

vonnie862 Happy birthday!!! 6mo
Texreader Happy birthday!!! 🎂🎊🎁🎉🎈 6mo
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thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Texreader, thank youuu 🎈 6mo
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 I would have WELL ACTUALLY-ed him, had I known. How many Faraway Tree books are there? 🤔 (edited) 6mo
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 6mo
thegreensofa Happy Birthday!!!! 🎈🥳🎂🎉🎈 6mo
CarolynM Happy birthday Sharni🎂🎈🥳😘💕 6mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Ruthiella 😂 I know! When will such an opportunity present itself again?! There is 4 - the three that people care about - the enchanted wood, the magic faraway tree and the folk of the faraway tree and then comes the unknown fourth book (and tbh it‘s not on the same level as the others), up the faraway tree. (edited) 6mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @CarolynM, thanks Carolyn 🥳 6mo
julesG Happy Birthday!! 🥳🎂 6mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG, thanks Jules 🥳 6mo
Rissreads Happy birthday! I hope you got to eat cake! 🎂 6mo
Mimi28 Happy belated birthday 🍰 6mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Rissreads, had to make it myself but yes!! 6mo
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The Enchanted Wood | Enid Blyton
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Folio Society has me wavering on their eye wateringly expensive postage fee with this being announced so soon after Diana Wynne Jones‘ Charmed Life…

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This book is definitely a product of its time in terms of the language used. But my real problem with it is that all of the action took place in the last three chapters and the mystery was resolved immediately.

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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!


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I was 😍🤩 when I spotted these signed, first editions - I‘ve not seen signed Blyton‘s before. Definitely my Rare Book Fair highlight.

julesG Wow! Great find. 11mo
TrishB Wow 😯 awesome! 11mo
batsy Nice!! 😍 11mo
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