Nibbles makes us ask: What is a weed?
Meet Sputnik, one of our first guinea pig squad of four - one neutered boy and three girls.
Yes, she was named after the tagged book. After all, that's what she was - Sputnik, a sweetheart... 😊
Don't get me wrong, I have loved all our pets - love animals in general - but with some you have a connection that's even more special. She was my sweetie - the calmest, friendliest, cutest one and the haven of tranquility of the troop🧡
After a little research, I‘m unsurprised but saddened to have my general sense confirmed that most banns and challenges in books for young (especially very young) children concern #LGBTQIA+ content. This is one such contemporary example of that which stuck me as fairly middle of the road, except for truly joyful artwork , that pushed it over to a pick for me. #BBRCPictureBookLetterU @LibrarianRyan
Listed on the American Library Association‘s top 10 most challenged books of 2008, this picture book features Chloe and her concerns about her relationship after her Uncle Bobby announces he is going to marry his boyfriend, Jamie. The story gently shows inclusivity and the importance of love and acceptance. Yes…I did read the Guinea pig (original) version. Updated version features humans in the illustrations. #BBRC #PictureBook Letter U
Introducing Wicket and Teak 3 month old brothers. Our new reading friends 🐹🐹 super cute and sweet. #guineapig #bookpet #animalpal #animal #readingbuddy #guineapigoflitsy #brothers @Cupcake12 @curiouserandcurioser
No book news, just piggy snuggles making everything better!! 🥰🥰🥰
Just wanted to interrupt your scrolling feed with this adorable posing piggy!! We hope you all have a beautiful Monday!! #litsypigs
We've had this book ages but today my daughter removed the dust cover to find this glorious stack of guinea pigs that had been hiding there!
This middle grade book was a completely charming read. Gizmo is a self-styled “Evil Genius“ on the model of Pinky and the Brain, and Wedgie is an absolutely loveable Corgi. Shenanigans ensue. Five out of five corgi moms agree that you'll love this book!
#middlegrade #childrens #corgi #funny #charming #2020read