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Translation State | Ann Leckie
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I‘ve been meaning to read this author for a while so it felt serendipitous that her most recent book made the #hugoaward 2024 shortlist.

There were many unexpected turns including some mind bending space breaking. It was a more intense read than I expected. The opening chapter made me double-check what type of book I‘d picked up.

Binti | Nnedi Okorafor
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I have to say I wouldn‘t have chosen to read this had it not been for #pop22 #ownvoicesSFF, and I chose it because it was so short.

However, I did enjoy it (loved the narrator on audio) but don‘t think I‘ll read further on in the trilogy; it‘s just not my genre.

Would also work for #hugoawardwinner too.

BarbaraBB You‘ll be finishing #pop22 ahead of us all, while you joined months later 🤣🙌🏽 2y
squirrelbrain Another 4 (or maybe 5?) to go I think @BarbaraBB 2y
BarbaraBB That means I‘m still in the race 😉 2y
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squirrelbrain Ooh, don‘t tell me it‘s a race @BarbaraBB, or I‘ll speed up! 🤣 2y
BarbaraBB No! no! no! 😂😂 2y
Cinfhen Ohhh, I read this for a different prompt but maybe I can shift things around because my LAST prompt is #HugoAward and im having difficulty completing a book 2y
squirrelbrain This one works for #hugoaward @cinfhen - I‘m starting it this week. It‘s the one that @rockpools is loving, and also works for #hopepunk. (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Ohhhh. Ok!! I‘m gonna try that one too!!! Thanks xxxx 2y
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She Who Became the Sun | Shelley Parker-Chan
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Zhu is one of the most determined and creative heroes I‘ve read. At an early age, her future was to be nothing while her brother‘s was to be great. Zhu takes on her brother‘s name, and hopefully his fate, after an attack kills her family. From an orphan to monk to warrior, Zhu keeps her eyes set on a goal of greatness no matter the cost.

March #bookspin is complete!
Halfway through the #HugoAward finalists list.

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#bookmail this week consists of only one book! This series came so highly recommended by a fellow reader who shares same interest as I do. All her recommendations have never gone wrong. I loved every single one of them, so I am absolutely looking forward to this! Have you read this yet?

#epicfantasy #fantasy #hugoaward #fantasyseries #ilovefantasy #toberead

LittleBug Loved this one! Very intense. And critical! Enjoy!☺️ 5y
Cindyelizavaz @LittleBug sounds like something I would absolutely enjoy!! Thanks! 5y
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Happiness is reading in bed in my unicorn onesie 😆

#fantasy #unicorn #hugoaward

Liatrek Looks very cozy 😍 5y
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Lord of Light | Roger Zelazny
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Lord of Light blew my teenage mind. In the mid-90s, I was a high schooler cashiering in a supermarket that shared a plaza with a used bookstore, which proved devastating to my paychecks. The bookstore and the supermarket are both long gone, but some things remain. (“This year's Hugo Award“ was 1968, by the way.) #scifi #hugoaward #nostalgia

Geeklet I‘ve been meaning to buy this one for ages! 5y
kadath @Geeklet I highly recommend it! Zelazny was one of the genre's best prose stylists, so even in the places where the story is showing its age, it's still a gorgeous read.

Plus, there's an entire chapter that's just a setup for a godawful pun, and you have to respect that.
Geeklet @kadath I approve of any such dedication to the art of pun-crafting. 😆 5y
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The Hallowed Hunt | Lois McMaster Bujold
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If you want a fast-moving easy read, do not read the book. If you are in the mood to finish a brilliant political/spirit animal/theological heavy/royal court fantasy murder mystery with the most hilarious scene that includes an Ice Bear, you should read this book. #hugoaward

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Part of a series or no? 6y
AiBBot Yup. @TobeyTheScavengerMonk She won Best Series at the Hugo 2018 with World of Five Gods Series. It was a great. This was the last one of the Series. 6y
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Binti | Nnedi Okorafor
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If you want to read a novelette about a girl who is too scared to leave home and who ignores her dreams, do not read this book. If you want to read a story about a brave young woman who uses math, logic and kindness to conquer her own fears and therefore transforms into a peacemaker/harmonizer, you should read this book. #hugoaward

Paladin of Souls | Lois McMaster Bujold
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If you want to read a book about how a middle aged woman who ends up enslaved by her families‘ expectations and her own perceived uselessness, do not read this book. If you want to a story about how a middle aged woman finally get to reach her epic potential when finally released from her duties of wife/widow, mother, and daughter, read this inspiring book! May our lives continue to adapt, grow, and be full of love! #hugoaward