Finished this tome! I thought I would never make it through because generally aliens are my biggest book turn off... but the characters are 👌
Finished this tome! I thought I would never make it through because generally aliens are my biggest book turn off... but the characters are 👌
New book. Massive coffee. 🥰 let‘s try this latest charity shop find!!
Reorganised this whole room because I needed another #bookshelf 🤭 on the upside. Now I have a series/work wall! #shelfie
I have been a very bad litten! But this was my last book (and every other book) of 2018! It was my worst year yet in terms of life events and reading levels - but I also had some amazing moments and books that I am SO appreciative of 🥰 #lifeupdate
On book 5 of 2019, already loving this year compared to last!
Both me and a colleague finished our books on the same shift so decided to do a swap! Finished Jodi picoults, perfect match - onto where they found her!
You may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships ❤️
Something about this book just makes me want pastries for #breakfast 🤤
Absolutely geeked out with a fellow #hufflepuff about #harrypotter and got a little smiley. Puff pride!!
Rare case of reading the book AFTER I saw the film. I wasn‘t thrilled with the film, and might not have bothered, but after so many requests then a used copy for Q9.60 how could I resist ?
How do you feel about reading in the car?! I‘m normally okay for about 30 minutes then have to take a little break or I get car sick 🤢
I live in the most beautiful place. Sat reading here for an hour and only saw 4 people and 2 dogs 🌳
Any form of waiting room = perfect excuse for reading.
When I first got this mini book haul I didn‘t think I‘d ever finish them the hectic way life was going but they are DONE! And I enjoyed all of them - my #YA #contemporary needs are fully satiated 🤤 #bujo #tracking
So I finished holding up the universe 👍 and panned iluminae 😓
Chin up. Onto the next - history is all you left me #readingstreak
Cute book! There was a twist that was a little predictable? But that didn‘t detract from the over all adorableness!
Also featuring my #bujo (#bulletjournal) which I use to track my reading. This year has been a slow start, fingers crossed now spring is approaching!
I am 100% the kind of person who would be touching all of the time if it were socially acceptable
Holy smokes this book was adorable! I remember feeling every ounce of Molly‘s emotions when I was a teenager... and more often than I‘d like to admit as a apparent ‘adult‘
Great start to the bank holiday weekend!
I so enjoyed this book! Definitely not the lightest of reads, but the characters made a really heavy topic relatable and processable in a really enjoyable way. Top notch! 👍
Finished the power and completely forgot to review before leaping into this 🙄 My mental health has not been tip top recently so decided to get out of the house and practice a bit of #selfcare with a coffee and a book.
I made a bit of a mistake and read the 6th book before the 5th... still loved it! Two books into two days! Back in the swing of it (until Monday when work starts)
The power by Naomi alderman up next 🤓
(Also my shelves are overflowing, and my this is only half of the Charlaine Harris books - that woman is a writing machine!)
Snow days have been just the time I needed to choose reading over work 😊 nothing like a Harris mystery for a happy, mindless reading escape!
The illustrations in this book 😍
Half way. No one warned me how adorable these stories are ❤️ #newyears
Finished 24 hours late!
I loved this book! I‘d heard mixed reviews and almost didn‘t read it - but then I read the blurb and it said magic. What‘s more appropriate than #magic this time of year?!
But to leave it on such a cliffhanger AND we have to wait for a sequel?! Not fair
I set myself the #challenge of reading this by Christmas.
I‘m on page 119/405 with 24 hours on the clock (most of which I plan to spend in a food coma)
Bring it on 💪
My reading chair has moved to make space for the Christmas tree. Got to get this finished by #Christmas because I‘ve got after midnight by Rainbow Rowell to get me psyched for New Years! #target
This was adorable. Just the book I needed to dip in and out of over a hectic term! Links in gorgeously to the trilogy but the stories are definitely enough to stand on their own too.
Reading playlist. I love listening to film soundtracks when I‘m reading. Headphones in, no distractions, other than the odd sing along.
Does anyone else have a reading playlist?
#music #playlist #harrypotter #soundtrack
Finished! I really got into this in the last 50 pages or so. They flew by! Got to love a bit of Charlaine Harris drama on a miserable, cold night. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Instead of finishing the books I have lined up in my #tbr I visited my absolute favourite second hand book shop ❤️ #recycle #sharethelove
Half way through. Sweet and deadly finished. A secret rage to come.
These definitely feel very different to the Charlaine Harris books I pick up every summer holidays! But it perked up towards the end and Catherine became the more badass-female lead Harris is so great at writing! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Emergency mid-term get me out of this reading slump book haul. Thinking of saving Rowell until that Christmas/new year gap.
So question is - which one next?!
#bookhaul #minihaul #YA #YAfiction
Work don. Got my snacks. Got my book and ready to snuggle in.
123 pages into this one and I don‘t love it as much as her others! I read on Litsy it was one of Harris‘ earlier works - and although I definitely wouldn‘t say it seems ‘dated‘ in any way it‘s just missing the tone of her other books!
Hot drinks and books in a Friday night - must be getting cold out there ❄️ #wildnightin
I can believe it took me well over a month to finish such a short book. Work has been manic #teaching #lessonplanning
Now rewarding myself with a bit of book shopping to motivate myself to make time for reading
Admission: since starting my new job 5 weeks ago I haven't actually read an entire book 😰 getting back into it with a quick read before lesson planning resumes tomorrow! #jamesbond #teacher