End of the year I was trying to cram to make it to 100 books for the year. I had a bunch of short ones that I had forever on my Nook so I knocked them out.
End of the year I was trying to cram to make it to 100 books for the year. I had a bunch of short ones that I had forever on my Nook so I knocked them out.
Started my next book on my May TBR! #thehatinggame #romance #romanticcomedy #lightreads #tbr
Just a selection of the places that I have been lucky enough to call #home over the last 36 years. The two in the left have been with my husband and kids (top L is our current home), on the right are some of the houses I grew up in. Wonderful memories attached to each of them.
My next two library reads. I really enjoyed the first book of The Hot Flash Club and I‘m excited to get started on this one.
It‘s in the very high 50‘s today so I thought I‘d take the pups for a walk and needless to say we are all pooped.
I read this book a long time ago....but I had to use it because........
Some light reading to start off February, because the January books were dense and tough and they made me cry and want to pull my hair out. 👍🏼 #detectivestoriesarethebest #iwishiwereapi #lightreads #februaryreads