Got my quarterly #myTBR recs! There is a theme, all orange like covers! I had Best Hex Ever on my TBR before, but haven‘t heard of the other ones!
Got my quarterly #myTBR recs! There is a theme, all orange like covers! I had Best Hex Ever on my TBR before, but haven‘t heard of the other ones!
Why don‘t more people talk about Joy Fielding? Cul-de-sac is another gem—tension-filled, character-driven, and packed with secrets, lies, and a deadly twist. Desperate Housewives meets Big Little Lies.
“We all wear masks. We all have something to hide at one point or another.”
Ch 34: #ludo #akaparcheesi #anyway #neighbors #whatafungroup #outwiththeoldinwiththenew #wouldnotwanttobenamedwillie #badluckforthosemen #mrsmaceyandtommy #wheresthathubbyofhers #tommyisadorablethough #repingtonandhisciphers #pearlandruby #callyourselfwhateveryouwant #justkeepaneyeonpops #thegrocersareverymuchNOTtheolsons 🤣 #hashtagbrigade
My #jolabokaflodswap2024 gifts! Extra special thanks to @Julsmarshall for spoiling me with a birthday gift too!!! And Texas chocolates- how fun!!! Thanks to @MaleficentBookDragon too!