#NewlyObsessed check it out on YouTube. #MentalHealth #LearnSomethingNew
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
#NewlyObsessed check it out on YouTube. #MentalHealth #LearnSomethingNew
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
The Patricia Briggs Fans page on Facebook is a fan club I have recently joined. Everyone on it is so nice, and there is some amazing discussions about the books and how they brought people together ☺️
#JoiningAFanClub #JuneTunz #NewlyObsessed #SplashIntoSummerReads
#splashintosummerreads Day 14 I guess this is not a new obsession, because I have read these before, but I'm going to use The Hunger Games anyway. I'm rereading Mockingjay right now. When I'm done, I'm going to marathon the movies. #newlyobsessed #catchinguponphotochallenges
#SplashIntoSummerReads #day14 #NewlyObsessed I'm newly obsessed with Book Sleeves! Why did I not know about these years ago? So many of my books could've been saved from damage if these were a thing a decade ago. This Supernatural one is awesome, next up is a corgi themed one from @Michelle_mck Mums Etsy store (fingers crossed I haven't missed out!)
I'm behind the times I know, but #newlyobsessed with #PenguinClassicsDeluxeEditionSeries! #splashintosummerreads
I'm #newlyobsessed or rather re-obsessed with #goodreads giveaways. I have only won 2 in about the last 5 years but I'm entering as many as possible. This is only about a little more than half a page of entries with several more pages. #splashintosummerreads
#currentread is A Gathering of Shadows (slow so far, but good) and I'm #newlyobsessed with this series! Also, so ready to get to Obelisk Gate, another new obsession :)
#cookbookfoodthemedbook »» Fast Food Nation is SO good & terrifying - definitely recommend!
#splashintosummerreads @Tiffy_Reads
#riotgrams #bookriot #food
I have also been obsessed with Maurice Sendak lately. #newlyobsessed @Tiffy_Reads #splashintosummerreads
I may have discovered all the bookish bookmarks on Etsy... and I may have bought way too many... #NewlyObsessed #SplashIntoSummerReads
I dunno about #newlyobsessed as my obsessions are all of long-standing. I will say Folio editions. #foliofreaks #splashintosummerreads @Tiffy_Reads